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NN/g’s Free UX Templates and Guides

Use this curated set of free NN/g templates and guides for inspiration and to accelerate your product development activities and UX career.

The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design
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Designing for digital products requires a different mindset than traditional websites. It’s all about continuous adaptation, refining, and iterating as user behavior and needs evolve. Paul Boag reflects on the key differences, including how the frequency of usage impacts your design approach and what you can do about it.

Designing For Gen Z
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With frequent myths and actual behavior patterns that go beyond heavy use of social media

UX Deliverables: Glossary
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Use this glossary to quickly clarify key terms and concepts related to UX deliverables.

How Understanding Mirror Neurons Can Make Us Better Writers
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Create engaging stories by synchronizing with the readers’ brains.

Why AI Models Are Collapsing And What It Means For The Future Of Technology
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Artificial intelligence has revolutionized everything from customer service to content creation, giving us tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, which can generate human-like text or images with remarkable accuracy. But there’s a growing problem on the horizon that could undermine all of AI’s achievements—a phenomenon known as "model collapse."

Discovery: Definition
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Although many different instigators, roles, and activities are involved in a discovery, all discoveries strive to achieve consensus on a problem to be solved and its desired outcomes.

Hindsight Bias: When Stakeholders Claim that UX Work Is “Obvious”
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Stakeholders deem UX work to be “obvious” | Rubric for scoring insightful use of AI | Make it easy to see all user-contributed photos | New image-generation model from Black Forest Labs

Objection Handling: The Secret to Improving Your Website Conversion Rate
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Learn how to boost website conversion rates through effective objection handling. Identify concerns, address them proactively, and implement strategies to build trust and drive sales.

Navigating the cross-functional world of naming
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Naming is in our nature. It’s a way to express ourselves and signal an object’s significance. Naming products, features, and plans effectively is more about logic than imagination. Names signal a product’s purpose, benefit, or behavior and collectively align user expectations with functionality and value.

Complexity and speaking truth (Luuvi Ajayi Jones)
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“I’m a professional troublemaker…"

Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design
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The ten most egregious offenses against users. Web design disasters and HTML horrors are legion, though many usability atrocities are less common than they used to be.

Why you should never try to create content (and what to do instead) How to build a content assembly
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Content creation is more like building with Legos. You take different pieces and put them together to make something new. You start with a bunch of ideas, tools, and resources. Your job is to piece them together in a way that makes sense and connects with your audience. This means planning, organizing, and even redoing things.

When Should We Trust AI? Magic-8-Ball Thinking
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It’s easy to place too much trust in genAI tools. Use only information you can verify or recognize to be true.

Web UX: Study Guide
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Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn how users interact with the web and how to design effective web user experiences.

Handling Sensitive Questions in Surveys and Screeners
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Researchers often want to ask about sensitive topics in surveys and screeners. A sensitive question is one that respondents might find embarrassing or invasive. Handle them appropriately and delicately to avoid dropoffs and inaccurate data.

What is Success? How To Define Key Performance Indicators
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How do you know your site is succeeding? How do you know if that redesign was worth it? How can you justify your work to clients or management? You need a way of measuring success.

How To Write With ChatGPT (Without It Sounding Like ChatGPT)
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The prompt addition to make ChatGPT-written content not sound like ChatGPTHere’s the prompt addition, to use when giving ChatGPT a writing task. Add at the end of your prompt, after you’ve described the desired writing style of your generated content, and after you’ve set up the task and structure. Revisit your past conversations to see how much d…

Department of one; navigating work as a lone content designer
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Being a lone content designer (also known as UX writer) can be tricky — no one to help with those quick questions, feedback from non-content designers, and lots of work from every direction. But we have a great opportunity in front of us. Here are my tips for navigating being a lone content designer based on my experience at Gett.

So you’re a content designer… what next?
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Whether you identify as a content designer, strategist or UX writer, it’s likely you’ve thought about where you go from here.

Prompt Controls in GenAI Chatbots: 4 Main Uses and Best Practices
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When following good practices, prompt controls can increase the discoverability of genAI chatbots’ features, offer inspiration, and minimize manual user input.

plainenglishclub bookmarks
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A growing directory of free articles, tools and resources to help you write clear, accessible content.

Product and UX: Study Guide
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Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn how UX can build trust, influence, and partner with product managers to drive positive product outcomes.

AI Impostor Syndrome
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Do you feel that you don’t know enough about AI and what it will do to your industry? You are not alone. The Wall Street Journal reports that a survey of 10,000 workers and executives cited AI as a reason 71% of CEOs said they had “impostor syndrome.”

Different = Ignored
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There’s a classic proverb saying that “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” However, in a user interface, an item that looks out of place is more likely to be ignored than to be attended to. This is a tweak on the classic usability observation of banner blindness.

Perceived Response Time Speed Improves UX
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While Suno 3.5 is indeed faster than version 3, it took me a while to realize the trick they use to make users think that the service is much faster than it actually is.

Synthetic Users: If, When, and How to Use AI-Generated “Research”
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Synthetic users are fake users generated by AI. While there may be a few use cases for them, user research needs real users.

Artificial Intelligence: Glossary
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Use this glossary to quickly clarify key terms and concepts related to artificial intelligence.

Unlock the Power of Psychology: 6 Insights from Charity Web Design

Psychology plays such a huge role in user interface and user experience design. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the arena of charity web design.

What is Readability in UX Design?
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Readability in user experience (UX) design refers to how easily users can read and understand textual content. It is crucial for a positive user experience as it directly impacts how effectively users can consume information on a website or application. Designers aim to enhance readability via appropriate presentation and language to make sure user

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