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Complexity and speaking truth (Luuvi Ajayi Jones)

Complexity and speaking truth (Luuvi Ajayi Jones)

my notes ( ? )

“I’m a professional troublemaker…

…my job is to critique the world, the shoddy systems and the people who refuse to do better..

People and systems count on our silence to keep us exactly where we are.

We’re not unafraid of the consequences or the sacrifices that we have to make by speaking truth to power. What happens is, we feel like we have to, because there are too few people willing to take the fall.

I realise comfort is overrated. Because being quiet is comfortable. Keeping things the way they’ve been is comfortable. And all comfort has done is to maintain the status quo. So, we’ve got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable by speaking these hard truths when they're necessary.

When it's time to say these hard things, I ask myself three things.

  • One: Did you mean it?
  • Two: Can you defend it?
  • Three: Did you say it with love?

If the answer is yes to all three, I say it and let the chips fall. (Luuvi Ajayi Jones)

Knowledge is power

Those who control the flow of information control society. Those who seek such societal control have thrived on complexity because complexity is meant to reinforce the ignorance and impotence of those who do not have access to information. (Gerry McGovern)

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The above notes were curated from the full post

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