How To Architect A Complex Web Table
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Tables frequently appear on the web but aren’t easy to design and code. People will expect tables. Not those fancy ones from design inspiration sites but Excel-looking monsters with hundreds of cells and complex interaction. In this case, a designer faces many challenges. With this illustrated guide, Slava Shestopalov explains the table anatomy and

AI Challenges and How You Can Overcome Them: How to Design for Trust
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As a designer, designing for trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) products is paramount. AI presents unique challenges that require transparent interfaces, clear feedback, and ethical considerations to build user confidence.

AI UX-Design Tools Are Not Ready for Primetime: Status Update
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Our research and evaluation show that there are currently few design-specific AI tools that meaningfully enhance UX design workflows. As of Spring 2024, AI isn’t ready for designers to take advantage of them. AI tools won’t be replacing UX designers any time soon. Currently available LLM-based tools are not shortcutting steps in the design process

Design Systems vs. Style Guides
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Design systems are a set of standards (like Google’s Material Design or IBM’s Carbon Design System) needed to manage design at scale. Style guides (like content or visual style guides) are just one piece in a design system.

Why Designers Aren’t Understood (3 mins)
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As designers, especially in large enterprises, we often might feel misunderstood and underappreciated. It might feel like every single day you have to fight for your users, explain yourself and defend your work. It’s unfair, exhausting, painful and frustrating.

What is Whitespace? (3 min video)
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Whitespace is an effective principle to achieve a balanced design, making it easier for your users to scan and read. Consider using a consistent spacing system and the proximity principle to achieve a balanced use of whitespace.

How will patterns and experiences evolve in a world shaped by Artificial Intelligence?
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AI is accelerating change. Companies are reacting by “doing AI”without prioritizing the experience of the people on the receiving end–Design is more important than ever. To respond, we must get smart, fast. This starts with understanding the emerging patterns of interaction, affordances, and heuristics in an AI world. The pages below are summaries

F-Shape Pattern And How Users Read
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Scrolling, scanning, skipping: How do users consume content online? Here’s what you need to know about reading behavior and design strategies to prevent harmful scanning patterns.

Designing For Edge Cases and Exceptions (4 mins)
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To prevent failure and make our designs more resilient, we need to explore edge cases and exceptions already during the design process. Let’s take a closer look at what to watch out for.

Designer’s Guide To Redesign, Step-By-Step
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Good redesigns are evolutions, not revolutions. Useful guidelines on when and how to redesign, how to avoid pitfalls and how to help users embrace the new design.

UX Strategy: What is it and How to Create One
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UX strategy is a plan of action that allows the organization to reach a higher state of user experience over a certain period of time. It lies at the intersection of product design and business strategy and serves as a guide for prioritizing and executing UX work over time.

Design System In 90 Days Canvas (FigJam template)

Design System In 90 Days Canvas (FigJam template), with useful prompts to get a design system up and running — and adopted! — in 90 days, for small and large organizations that are building a design system or plan to set up one. Kindly shared by Dan Mall as a part of the Design System University. (shared by Vitaly Friedman, LinkedIn)

Homepage Design: 5 Fundamental Principles
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Effective homepages are simple and easy to access, communicate the organization’s and site’s purpose, show engaging content, and prompt users to take action.


html.to.design converts any website into fully editable Figma designs.

An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that can have anywhere from three to seven phases, depending on whom you talk to. The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (the d.school) proposes the five-stage design thinking model: Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test.

UX Prototyping: 5 Factors for Selecting the Right Tool (3min video)
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Choosing the right prototyping tool can be difficult among the many options available. There are 5 key factors to consider when selecting the best fit for your project or team: project type and goals, cost, tool capabilities, learnability and ease of use, and stakeholder buy-in.

The One Thumb, One Eyeball Test for Good Mobile Design
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In a distracted environment, the best form of smartphone interaction is a high-speed, easy-to-use one. Luke calls the typical mobile usage a "one thumb, one eyeball" experience, since the highly distracted environment causes most mobile users to engage in one-handed use with short spans of partial attention.

Visual Design in UX: Study Guide
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Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn about visual design in UX.

Design Thinking: Study Guide
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Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn about design thinking.

Cognitive Bias in UX: The User Side and The Designer Side
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We’re not as rational as we think. The human brain is designed to make quick and effective decisions rather than stick to facts at all times. Instead of acting rationally, we prefer to act fast. This may lead to better outcomes indeed, but it might also lead you astray. Cognitive biases can be both a blessing and a curse.

10 biases to be aware of when building products
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We can’t “fix” our minds and stop making errors in judgment, but we can become more aware of biases that influence our decision making.

The Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX
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Below is a list of cognitive biases and design principles (with examples and tips) for each category. Let’s dive right in.

Why Creatives Should Never Forget Dieter Rams’ 10 Commandments
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Tried and true principles for the past, present, and future of good design

100 Things I Know About Design
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100. When we design products and services, it’s not about what we want them to be — it’s what we want the people using them to be: generous, helpful, thoughtful, useful, beautiful, respectful, kind.

Should You Copy a Famous Site's Design?
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Although successful websites typically have high usability, average sites can hurt their business by copying design elements that don't work well in other contexts.

Design better by avoiding your cognitive biases
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ood UI design is all about guiding attention to what’s important. When making the right thing for the user the easy and obvious thing, you can’t ignore cognitive biases. After all, these biases are brain shortcuts that let us quickly and effortlessly make decisions and react to our environment.

Europa Web Guide

The Europa Web Guide is the official rulebook for the European Commission's web presence, covering editorial, legal, technical, visual and contractual aspects. All European Commission web sites must observe the rules and guidelines it contains. Web practitioners are invited to observe its contents and keep abreast of updates.

The Laws of Simplicity

Law 1 / Reduce - The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.Law 2 / Organize - Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.Law 3 / Time - Savings in time feel like simplicity.Law 4 / Learn - Knowledge makes everything simpler.Law 5 / Differences - Simplicity and complexity need each other.Law 6 / Context - What lie…

Why whitespace matters
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"Designers love it, website owners want to fill it. Whitespace seems to be one of the most controversial aspects of design. Why then is it so important and how can we ensure it is maintained?"

Similarity Principle in Visual Design
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Summary: Design elements that appear similar in some way — sharing the same color, shape, or size — are perceived as related, while elements that appear dissimilar are perceived as belonging to separate groups.

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