Department of one; navigating work as a lone content designer
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Being a lone content designer (also known as UX writer) can be tricky — no one to help with those quick questions, feedback from non-content designers, and lots of work from every direction. But we have a great opportunity in front of us. Here are my tips for navigating being a lone content designer based on my experience at Gett.

So you’re a content designer… what next?
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Whether you identify as a content designer, strategist or UX writer, it’s likely you’ve thought about where you go from here.

AI Impostor Syndrome
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Do you feel that you don’t know enough about AI and what it will do to your industry? You are not alone. The Wall Street Journal reports that a survey of 10,000 workers and executives cited AI as a reason 71% of CEOs said they had “impostor syndrome.”

Oops! We Automated Bullshit.
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ChatGPT is a bullshit generator. AI systems ... are trained with text from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and other huge archives of bullshit, alongside plenty of actual facts (including ... text ripped off from professional writers). But there is no algorithm in [AI] to check which parts are true.

The paradox of choice, multitaksing and decision making in the age of information overload.

I came across those two talks.In view of work load, deliverables, priorities, dissemination and channels and activities to communicate on...I thought watching those might have some good inspiration, food-for-thought, something for everyone.In my case, I can take a lot to think about and apply the web; user behaviour, accessibility, web writing a…

5 myths that fuel rejection of science

Scientists need to have some understanding of audiences to improve the chance of a true dialogue. Science communication requires well-trained science communicators with a high-level of skill and expertise to help people to understand research.

The danger of impostor syndrome

Never be afraid to speak up, simply because you feel there are more valuable voices in the room.

The paradox of choice, multitaksing and decision making in the age of information overload.

I came across those two talks.In view of work load, deliverables, priorities, dissemination and channels and activities to communicate on...I thought watching those might have some good inspiration, food-for-thought, something for everyone.In my case, I can take a lot to think about and apply the web; user behaviour, accessibility, web writing a…

Creating Engaging Reports & Asynchronous Presentations
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To keep your stakeholders and team members engaged, incorporate storytelling techniques such as writing for your audience, adding anecdotes, and using analogies in your asynchronous research deliverables.

The Very Last Scream Of Light
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Social science: Instead of calling it science though, we should call it what it is: pattern recognition. That's a far better description of what sociologists, historians, geographers, economists and anthropologists actually do.

7 Effective Ways Leaders Can Make Their Team Feel Important
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"Team members are the biggest reasons for our success ... Over 79% of employees who leave jobs, leave their managers. ... Leaders can find great power, influence, and success in making their team members feel important. "

How to best support remote employees
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8 ways to help ease stress, improve morale, and make working remotely easier for your team.

7 Science-Based Habits That Will Bring You Greater Happiness In Minutes
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"behavioral science provides several insights into habits we might adopt to increase our joy and happiness—almost instantaneously."

The 3-Click Rule for Navigation Is False
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"While it is important to keep key information easily accessible, the 3-click rule is an arbitrary rule of thumb that is not backed by data."

Optimizing for Context in the Omnichannel User Experience
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"Design for each channel’s unique strengths and role in the customer journey to create usable context-specific experiences."

The Idiocy of Users and Recovering From Mistakes
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Help users to avoid making mistakes on your website and enable them to recover from a mistake made.

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