How Understanding Mirror Neurons Can Make Us Better Writers
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Create engaging stories by synchronizing with the readers’ brains.

Designing Voice and Tone In UX Writing

How to communicate effectively when users fail and succeed (shared on LinkedIn by Vitaly Friedman)

What to read to become a better writer
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Five texts that explain how to write simply and well: 1 Politics and the English Language - 2 Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace - 3 On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction - 4 The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century - 5 Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage.

ProPublica experiments with ultra-accessible plain language in stories about people with disabilities
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ProPublica’s plain language experiment is a first for a mainstream news organization. Disability experts say it shouldn’t be the last.

What makes writing more readable?
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An examination of translating text to make it as accessible as possible. Looking at how to make writing easier to read

The traditional story structure gets deconstructed
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After all, we’ve changed dramatically as a news consuming public over the decades; think about how Twitter threads, TikTok videos, and interactive graphics have all burrowed their way into our news habits. Why shouldn’t our most basic story form change as well?

Subheads ... are ‘the most important thing you can do’ online
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“If you are not calling out sections of your web pages or prose on those pages with subheads, you are making a big mistake!” write Pernice et al. “If you take nothing else [away], please take this: Use subheads and subsubheads.”

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