
Overview: Media

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Welcome to the Bullshit Economy - The American Prospect
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Uber gets an $82 billion valuation for a low-margin taxi business it has never made a dime on... WeWork implodes after the slightest scrutiny ... that’s the bullshit economy... fraudulent advertising metrics and fake numbers ... to siphon cash through Facebook and Google’s ... counterfeit goods pass through Amazon... a financial crisis based on bu…

Increasingly fractured, but little bit deliberative

Despite some evidence that many politically minded people live in partisan echo chambers... strong evidence that encountering information across lines of difference (a) happens and (b) is consequential. split-ticket votes mostly likely by folks who spend some time with news media that reports from a different ideological perspective than their own…

Control-F and Building Resilient Information Networks | Hapgood

is that true?... first thing ... is click the link... most students don’t ... second ... see whether the article actually supports that summary... How? ... zero people are going to [fully read the article] ... too long ... [so] ... the Yeats Effect (“The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity”). The reckless p…

The truth behind filter bubbles: Bursting some myths | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
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echo chambers and filter bubbles are slightly different... echo chambers could be a result of filtering or ... other processes, but filter bubbles have to be the result of algorithmic filtering...people main source of news roughly equal ... online and television... TV is more likely... people over 45. People under 45 are more likely to get their n…

'Audience canvas': create an audience-first strategy | Media news
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the lean canvas... single-page template designed to distil the fundamental goals and objectives of a business, and offer a clear route to achieving them... to design a product around perceived market and consumer variables... In about 45 minutes ... journalists learned how to apply this framework to their news organisation’s editorial and business…

A smarter conversation about how (and why) fact-checking matters » Nieman Journalism Lab

often our expectations for fact-checking reflect... the Scooby-Doo model of political accountability... the villain is unmasked ... off to jail... would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for “you meddling kids.” ... Once the facts come to light, the consequences follow ... idealized notion ... rooted at least partly in the “folk theory” of demo…

Slower, quieter, more measured and thoughtful » Nieman Journalism Lab

the high pitch of outrage, constant outrage, is exhausting and overwhelming... every story should ... tell you something new that you need to know about the world. Or ... move you and help shift the way you understand the world...How much of our best storytelling... helps us understand people, power, and the world...What could we learn from the wr…

Death to bothsidesism » Nieman Journalism Lab
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Saying both sides are equally responsible... mainstream journalism, leaves the average voter at sea... left with a deeper disdain for all politics ... voters become more receptive to demagogues and those ... [who] see everything in stark black-and-white terms... bothsidesism... We’ve already seen the disastrous results of the press’ dedication to …

A time to question core beliefs » Nieman Journalism Lab
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focusing exclusively on ad hoc solutions — suspending the harassing account, deplatforming the white supremacist group... won’t address the reasons the waste got there in the first place... if we don’t begin to shift our mindset to ... an ethics of responsibility... we cannot begin to act differently...challenging the assumptions ... enshrined wit…

Disinformation For Hire: How A New Breed Of PR Firms Is Selling Lies Online
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for manipulating public opinion... automation and artificial intelligence “can quickly generate traffic and publicity much faster than people.”...If disinformation in 2016 was characterized by Macedonian spammers... Russian trolls... 2020 is shaping up to be the year communications pros for hire provide sophisticated online propaganda operations .…

Let’s disrupt the logic that’s driving Americans apart
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our racial, cultural, and religious identities ... overlap with our political identities ... polarization operates on a social — and even primal — level... media executives can now create programming and content that really efficiently checks all the boxes...: political, psychological, racial, cultural, and even aesthetic...Path No. 1: We stay in …

The Secret Power of ‘Read It Later’ Apps | Praxis
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the same person who spends 127 hours per year on Instagram... has “no time” for reading... the ability to read is becoming a source of competitive advantage... the physical, emotional, attentional, and mental capability to sit quietly and direct focused attention for sustained periods of time...terms ADD and ADHD are falling out of use ... the ent…

Power to the people (on your audience team) » Nieman Journalism Lab
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The most successful audience team members have a complete understanding of how the organization works... interpret a treasure trove of data and analytics about what people are searching for, what stories they like, and what stories are missing that special something ...audience development was everyone’s job and no one’s job at the same time... Th…

Internet Deception Is Here to Stay—So What Do We Do Now? | WIRED
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It was 2010 and techno-optimism was surging... Pew Research Center ... asking 895 leading technologists, researchers, and critics for predictions of what the internet-connected world of 2020 would look like... 85 percent of respondents agreed that the “social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade,”...Flaws e…

Killer Slime, Dead Birds, an Expunged Map: The Dirty Secrets of European Farm Subsidies - The New York Times
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The map juxtaposed pollution in northern Italy with the European Union subsidies paid to farmers in the region. The overlap was undeniable... The map was expunged from the group’s final reports... an approximation confirms ... the most heavily subsidized areas had the worst pollution...the bloc’s $65-billion-a-year agricultural subsidy program ...…

BBC staff express fear of public distrust after election coverage | Media | The Guardian
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BBC’s director general ... exasperation with “conspiracy theories” ... followed criticism of the editing out laughter aimed at Boris Johnson in a news bulletin, reporters uncritically repeating Conservative sources... the prime minister escaping scrutiny after dodging a one-on-one interview with Andrew Neil...“In a frenetic campaign ... hundreds o…

BBC chief dismisses accusations of bias in politics coverage | Media | The Guardian
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defended the corporation’s election output ... claiming the fact that it received complaints from all sides demonstrated it was unbiased...BBC’s head of news and current affairs... said: “I don’t necessarily subscribe to the view that if we get complaints from both sides we are doing something right.”...

Emily Maitlis: ‘People see conspiracy at the BBC when it’s just a confluence of cock-ups’
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anything the BBC does is always in the spotlight... people read conspiracy into a thing when it’s really a confluence of cock-ups and the wrong button being pressed at the wrong time, or the guest you wanted gets into the wrong taxi and doesn’t show up

Memeing the future of news
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@Digidave has memed every single article in @NiemanLab's annual prediction collection, and it is awesome.

Opinion | The Media Is Broken - The New York Times
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journalism primarily do one thing: cover events... The internet has sped up the news cycle. Now we put more emphasis on covering the last event... But ... events in this era have ceased to drive politics...impeachment... Mueller investigation ... “Access Hollywood” tapes... barely leave a trace on the polls...Events don’t seem to be driving politi…

A Legal Challenge to BBC bias against Brexit - Briefings For Brexit
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taking on the BBC in the complaints framework is not for the faint-hearted... set-piece responses ... ‘we get complaints from both sides, so we must be getting it right’, or, ... you are not taking into account that seven weeks previously we broadcast a balancing item’... summarises the basic BBC stonewall approach...‘due’ impartialit... that not …

The disconnect between Parliament and the people is exacerbated by BBC pro-Remain bias | BrexitCentral
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42% of the country see the BBC as ... pro-Remain ... just 25% who disagree... When was the last time that the BBC sought to explore the opportunities available to a post-Brexit Britain?... fits in with a general sense that the people are up against the establishment... Just 19% feel that the Commons is doing a good job of honouring the vote... two…

Ofcom Ruling: BBC1 Question Time’s alleged pro-Remain bias | News-Watch

Gavin Hunt... Question Time... tracked the 25 editions of the programme in the series running from January 2017, and found that 22 had panels which contained a majority of EU Remainers... Ofcom... turned the complaint down... Damian Green expressed the Hard Brexit perspective, and ... in Ofcom’s judgment, host David Dimbleby ensured that debate wa…

BBC Flagship Shows Still Have Remain Panel Bias - Media Guido
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Question Time, Politics Live and Any Questions… Since ... September, 72% of the official panel guests across the three shows have been Remainers, while a mere 28% have been Leavers...87% of the panels had a Remainer majority – only 13% of shows had a panel equally balanced between Leavers and Remainers. Not once have Leavers outnumbered Remainers.

The BBC and pro-Brexit bias: The subtle consequences of liberal guilt.
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Brexit coverage during, before and since the Referendum has been skewed in favour of Brexit... isn’t ... flagrantly biased or unbalanced: it is more subtle... because of the polarisation of views over Brexit, the BBC would attract criticism from both sides almost whatever it did...Nigel Farage stated ... BBC’s coverage had been “fair and balanced”…

Study proves BBC is 'overwhelmingly' biased against Brexit

monitored thousands of hours of radio and TV shows dating back to 1999... Of 4,275 guests on Today between 2005 and 2015 who talked about the EU, only 132 were Brexiteers... think-tank Civitas ... with the group News-watch, also found that Left-wing Brexiteers have been consistently excluded ... Clarke and Heseltine were given nine times as much a…

Boris Johnson made politics awful, then asked people to vote it away | openDemocracy
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recent UK election was a quarrel about the character of politics...Labour Party argued that it can be used for good... Conservative Party claimed that politics is bad... promised to... ‘get Brexit done’, so that we can all forget about it ...wage war on the political process, on trust, and on truth. Ensure the whole experience is miserable, bewild…

Hundreds of ‘pink slime’ local news outlets are distributing algorithmic stories and conservative talking points - Columbia Journalism Review
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the creation of partisan outlets masquerading as local news organizations... distributing thousands of algorithmically generated articles and a smaller number of reported stories... focusing attention on issues such as voter fraud and energy pricing, providing the appearance of neutrality for partisan issues, or to gather data from users that can …

The Brexit Blog: Decision time
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despite this being an election defined by Brexit, there is no substantive discussion of Brexit...Labour have failed to fill out what their ‘sensible Brexit’ would look like... the Conservatives have said little beyond their ‘get Brexit done’ slogan...the real and difficult choices ... Johnson would immediately face over Brexit... from one of the c…

Taking Virtual Reality for a Test Drive | The New Yorker
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Although V.R. has not been as lucrative as entertainment companies had hoped, the medium is used a lot in the military (flight and battlefield simulations), business training... health care (preoperative mapping, virtual cadavers... treat P.T.S.D. and phobias... transformed pornography... Independent creators and developers aren’t making their mon…

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