
Overview: Innovation Strategy

While innovation can’t be turned on like a tap, it is something you can make more likely to happen.

Creating a favourable environment for innovation starts with getting the basics right:

  • integrating your internal and external communications strategies,
  • combining them with knowledge management tools and processes,
  • and integrating training and employee engagement programmes.

In other words, what I mean by digital transformation.

Integrating these strategies, processes and tools provides a strong foundation onto which you can build dedicated innovation processes.

However, building and integrating them is itself a major innovation challenge!

Sidestep this chicken-and-egg problem by framing each strategy and programme as key components of the final, integrated goal: to build an Internal Innovation Community, which:

  • supports knowledge management, information flows, (in)formal training, ideation, employee engagement and more
  • helps your external communications team discover useful internal content, and transfer it outwards
  • ensures useful external information reaches the right people inside
  • spreads an innovation & communications culture throughout the organisation.

But don’t try and build it all at once. Instead, build and roll out one part of the Programme, and then use it to build and roll out the next.

Like to figure out how? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

Relevant resources

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A negative view on o1

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Framework Finder: GPT Agent

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AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data
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