Adactio: Journal—Filters

After so many years of spam, splog, slop, phishing and above all trolling, "Our guard is up. Our filters are activated. Our default mode is suspicion", something that's only going to get worse with AI: are those photos too good to be true? Can that video actually be real? Is that a spambot, or just "someone who isn’t neurotypic…

(100) OpenAI's GPT-4o and the challenges of hyper-anthropomorphism
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What happens when we make machines "that we can’t help but treat them as people"?While "GPT-4o doesn’t represent a huge leap ... it more than makes up in features that make it feel more human... an ability to “see” and respond to images and live video in real time, to respond conversationally ... to “read” human emotions from visual…

Intimacy Gradient and Other Lessons from Architecture

"to provide for Progressive Trust, you need to establish what is known as an "Intimacy Gradient"". From architect Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction:Pattern #127 - Intimacy Gradient:Conflict: Unless the spaces in a building are arranged in a sequence which corresponds to their…

Why You Love Design from Trust. You just don’t know it yet | by Jerry Michalski | Medium
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Systems with Design from Trust: assume most (not all) people have good intent."initially feel counterintuitive, even risky...social: they rely on human relationships. appealing: once you wrap your head around them, you want more."The discomfort is a symptom of how today's default setting is mistrust: "we’ve internalized the ass…

The Future of Search Is Boutique | Future
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Basically this piece starts to unpack for me my ideas of what millions of Hubs networked together and processed by AI would offer the world in terms of content discovery:With "tools like Notion, Airtable, and Readwise ... people are aggregating content ... reviving the curated web. But at the moment these are mostly solo affairs... fragmented…

5 more things to know about trust — TigTech
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"5 interesting things ... distilled from a helicopter view of trust from various branches of psychology, sociology, behavioural science and Responsible Research and Innovation."focus on others: "perhaps similar to love and happiness, the more doggedly trust is pursued for its own sake, the more elusive it may become", so turn y…

Dunbar-scale social - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious

Excellent piece on the Dunbar number, and its implications for social media and society: "For hundreds of thousands of years, we lived together in small hunter-gatherer bands... with the same few dozen people... Our wetware reflects this fact. We can keep track of about 150 friends... 22,350 relationships ... number grows exponentially with t…

Why is the EU running into so many difficulties with its Covid vaccine campaign? | Vaccines and immunisation | The Guardian
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"Almost unbelievably, scepticism is highest among healthcare workers."Examines both the specific mistakes and the general antivaxxer European setting undermining the vaccination campaign.Specific mistakes: "by publicly trashing [AstraZeneca], the commission undermined trust in the vaccines... compounded by confusion over the vaccine…

Evan Henshaw-Plath, Planetary.Social | The Institute for Digital Public Infrastructure
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One of a great series of Reimagining the Internet podcasts. Guest: the Planetary.Social founder, discussing:the early days of Twitter: "Twitter's innovation ... happened all at the edges... users created everything... inline images and short links and retweets and the app, actual at and hashtags... the company... cultivated this garden w…

Motivated Reasoning and Allegiance Bias, Explained | Elemental
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counties that had voted for Donald Trump in 2016 exhibited 14% less physical distancing... higher Covid-19 infection and fatality growth rates ...the hormone oxytocin... promotes bonding... plays a role in trust... When participants trusted and felt trusted, oxytocin levels ... jumped... Trust just feels good... But risky if we give it to the w…

AI-Generated Text Is the Scariest Deepfake of All | WIRED
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GPT-3... AI that can produce shockingly human-sounding (if at times surreal) sentences... imagine a future in which the vast majority of the written content ... is produced by machines... adjust, and adapt, to a new level of unreality ...video may turn out to be the easiest to detect ... Politicians will now be able to dismiss real, scandalous vid…

Why it’s as hard to escape an echo chamber as it is to flee a cult | Aeon Essays
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echo chambers and epistemic bubbles... systematically exclude sources of information... exaggerate their members’ confidence in their beliefs... work in entirely different ways... epistemic bubble is when you don’t hear people from the other side. An echo chamber is what happens when you don’t trust people from the other side...‘epistemic bubble’ …

These disinformation researchers saw the coronavirus 'infodemic' coming
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For a handful of disinformation researchers, the information crisis that has unfolded around the coronavirus pandemic seemed inevitable... get a sense of what we should be watching for and what the internet might look like after the virus has passed...Joan Donovan... coined "strategic silence," editorial discretion ... notion that users…

Vanquish the Virus? Australia and New Zealand Aim to Show the Way - The New York Times
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a conservative leader in Australia and a progressive prime minister in New Zealand are ... converging toward an extraordinary goal: completely eliminating the virus from their island nations... succeeding with throwback democracy... partisanship recedes, experts lead, and quiet coordination matters more than firing up the base...the public initial…

Navigating the ‘infodemic’: how people in six countries access and rate news and information about coronavirus
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people with low levels of formal education are much less likely to ... rely on news organisations ... more likely to rely on social media and messaging ... Argentina, South Korea, Spain, and the US, young people are much more likely to rely on social media... Germany, the UK, and the US, to rely on messaging applications groups...very high numbers…

Influencer Fatigue: Paid Influencers Are Out and Brand Communities Are In
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After years of influencers buying fake followers, hiring click farms and promoting products that they don’t even use, consumers feel that they can’t trust much of what influencers say... today’s consumers... gravitating toward more grassroots communities, where people share information and original content about the brands and products they love w…

The Geographical Journal - Wiley Online Library
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geoengineering technologies are hypothetical... to be used ‘in case of emergency’ ... should radical emissions cuts fail... Running concurrently... ‘chemtrails’ ... interchangeably with the term geoengineering... belief that the persistent contrails left by aeroplanes provide evidence that a secret programme of large‐scale weather and climate modi…

Fighting misinformation requires journalism, not secret algorithms

Watching Silicon Valley exercise news judgment has been like watching Walter Cronkite try to write code in Python... Four companies have created trustworthiness indicators for news websites: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and NewsGuard. Publishers have no way of learning their secret trust score from the Silicon Valley companies. NewsGuard’s journalis…

Maybe greater transparency can increase trust in news — but readers have to find your transparency first » Nieman Journalism Lab
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A “Behind the Story” explanation box attached to a news story ... most people skip right over it...it didn’t impact their trust ... Banner blindness isn’t just for ads... can be confused with advertising... whether people saw a BtS card or not didn’t significantly change their ratings.

The European Union’s Double Crisis of Legitimacy - The Atlantic
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The union faces a double crisis of legitimacy... it is hard to sustain the fiction that ordinary citizens have a meaningful say over what happens in Brussels... If many voters don’t believe that they have much sway over what happens in their national capitals, the feeling of impotence is even more profound when it comes to Brussels.... the EU ... …

Welcome to the Bullshit Economy - The American Prospect
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Uber gets an $82 billion valuation for a low-margin taxi business it has never made a dime on... WeWork implodes after the slightest scrutiny ... that’s the bullshit economy... fraudulent advertising metrics and fake numbers ... to siphon cash through Facebook and Google’s ... counterfeit goods pass through Amazon... a financial crisis based on bu…

Policy Brief: Future of Democracy (pdf)
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to make participatory democracy a reality, it is essential to avoid only paying lip-service to the idea of participation — and give citizens a real say...European federalists are hoping to gain momentum for treaty change. Many member states are afraid of that very outcome...Citizens’ participation is being tested out far more commonly across Europ…

2020 Edelman Trust Barometer | Edelman
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despite a strong global economy and near full employment, none of the four societal institutions that the study measures—government, business, NGOs and media—is trusted...Since Edelman began measuring trust 20 years ago, it has been spurred by economic growth. ..[no longer] in developed markets, where income inequality is now the more important fa…

Boris Johnson made politics awful, then asked people to vote it away | openDemocracy
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recent UK election was a quarrel about the character of politics...Labour Party argued that it can be used for good... Conservative Party claimed that politics is bad... promised to... ‘get Brexit done’, so that we can all forget about it ...wage war on the political process, on trust, and on truth. Ensure the whole experience is miserable, bewild…

Trust and Mistrust in Americans’ Views of Scientific Experts
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More Americans have confidence in scientists, but there are political divides over the role of scientific experts in policy issues... six-in-ten Americans say scientists should play an active role in policy debates about scientific issues... but Americans are divided along party lines in terms of how they view the value and objectivity of scientis…

Is it Hot Enough Yet? – Albert Bates – Medium
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Comey had told the nuclear industry’s spokesmen to become credible they must tell the truth... gave the same advice to the anti-nuke stalwarts ... He warned us that we didn’t need to embellish the truth. It was our strongest ally... our ally alone... he was perfectly confident that the nuclear industry would never follow his advice, would never te…

How Mark Zuckerberg Can Save Facebook — and Us
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The same amazing tech that enables people to forge deeper relationships, foster closer communities and give everyone a voice can also breed isolation, embolden racists, and empower digital bullies and nefarious actors.... used with great accuracy and potency “to assault... truth and trust... our personal foundations — our privacy and sense of ide…

How we’re measuring the success of Trusting News strategies
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Let’s take a look at the Trusting News approach to measurement.... partner newsrooms selected two to five strategies ... a good fit for their mission, goals and audience. They also selected which platforms, mediums or methods of communication ... Anywhere journalists communicate with their audience, we want to inject trust-building messages... …

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He's Worried About An Information Apocalypse.
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“We are so screwed it's beyond what most of us can imagine... And depending how far you look into the future it just gets worse.”... a slew of slick, easy-to-use, and eventually seamless technological tools for manipulating perception and falsifying reality... They’re running war game–style disaster scenarios based on technologies that have begun …

Crowdsourcing trusted news sources can work — but not the way Facebook says it’ll do it » Nieman Journalism Lab
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crowdsourced trustworthiness ratings are actually much less effective if they exclude the ratings from people who are unfamiliar with a given site. Which is what Facebook plans to do.. “a lack of familiarity is an important cue for untrustworthiness... Excluding ratings from participants who aren’t familiar with a given news source ... “dramatical…

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