Open Semantic Search: Your own search engine for documents, images, tables, files, intranet & news
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Free Software for your own Search Engine, Explorer of large document collections, Media Monitoring, Text Analytics, Document Analysis & Text Mining platform based on Apache Solr or Elasticsearch ... and Open Standards for Linked Data, Semantic Web & Linked Open Data integration

How Big Tech Is Struggling With the Ethics of AI
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companies have begun to self-regulate by trying to set up their own “AI ethics” initiatives ... led to a fragmented landscape of efforts ... not yet had demonstrable outcomes beyond igniting a debate ... these ethics boards and principles lacked teeth... Chinese companies are generally more concerned with solving real-world problems ... rather th…

26 incredibly useful Google Calendar tips
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If you rely on Google Calenda... you’ll get more out of it once you’ve discovered all of its advanced tricks and time-saving possibilities.

Meritocracy doesn't exist, and believing it does is bad for you
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Simply holding meritocracy as a value seems to promote discriminatory behavior.... Most people don’t just think the world should be run meritocratically, they think it is meritocratic... the belief that merit rather than luck determines success or failure is demonstrably false... Talent and ... “grit” depend a great deal on one’s genetic endowmen…

Let’s Not Put the Government in Charge of Moderating Facebook
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proposal ... for a U.S. government agency to regulate online speech... on all social media.... fails to make the case... the idea that a government agency would necessarily do better is naive... think about exactly who would appoint that agency’s leader, and to what political ends they might seek to put it...

Europeans used to ignore their parliament. Not any longer
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I’ll never forget my first visit to the European parliament, in 1986.... Last week’s EU election results prove that since my first brush with European democracy, we’ve come a long way... I moved to Brussels in 1999... I regularly give lectures about European issues.

Brussels Bubble triumphalism over #EUelections2019 turnout
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The Brussels Bubble triumphalism over the #EUelections2019 turnout rate is staggeringly self-absorbed.- thread

Our Love for Dogs May Be Coded in Our DNA
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approximately half of the psychological pressure that we feel to own or not to own a dog is influenced by our DNA with the other half influenced by environmental factors

I Let a Stranger Watch Me Work for a Day — And I’ve Never Been More Productive - MEL Magazine
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Focusmate — a free virtual co-working service that pairs you with a complete stranger for 50 minutes of silent, mutual labor over a webcam... harnesses pillars of psychology proven to boost productivity 200-300 percent... just telling someone I was going to do something made me get it done... because it layers various productivity hacks like soci…

Why Facebook’s approach to misinformation ultimately fails
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Facebook needs to engage its users in more substantive acts of participation. ... mistakenly assumes that locally respected fact-checking NGOs can supply the trust Facebook itself is lacking. But NGOs lack standing... In a liberal democracy, NGOs can legitimately elevate arguments and offer counterarguments to government positions... we assume arg…

The EU elections are next week. Fake news is not the problem | WIRED UK
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Information operations are rarely about changing the things people believe, but changing the way they feel. Anger and fear are not things we can correct with better facts... accounts run by ... Internet Research Agency, or IRA... shared [news from] some of the biggest, most reputable news organisations in the world... rhythmic, regular sharing o…

Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us?
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we’ve grown wary of the so-called attention econom... But we also benefit from social media and hesitate to disengage from it completely... a loose collective of developers and techno-utopians ... the IndieWeb ... developing their own social-media platforms... preserve what’s good about social media while jettisoning what’s bad... Facebook and I…

From #EP2009 to #EP2019: a lost decade?
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It’s taken me over ten years to move from enthusiasm, through frustration into a Zen-like state where I no longer blog about EU comms. But when the Eurobloggers called, I had to answer ;)- my link in the #EU09vs19 blog chain …

Publishers that closed their comments sections made a colossal mistake
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"Most criticisms lodged against the content creators that chose to work with the platforms are made with the benefit of hindsight... the decision many publishers made to close down their comment sections should be considered one of the industry’s worst blunders.... editors looked down into their article comments sections and did not like what…

How Europe’s biggest media company infiltrated the EU – POLITICO
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the Commission had joined forces with one of Europe’s most powerful foundations to keep the European debate on track "... developing new ways and instruments to reach and engage the public”... the Bertelsmann empire is stepping into the breach. With its staunchly pro-European ideals, deep pockets and broad reach ... could end up giving Europe’s a…

We Don’t Need Social Media – OneZero
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Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes laid out an argument for dismantling the social media behemoth... via antitrust legislation... a new age of innovation and competition... maybe not... competition  demands more data... engagement ... efforts to increase competition risk simply aggravating these problems.... We could simply choose not to have socia…

Opinion | It’s Time to Break Up Facebook - The New York Times
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It’s been 15 years since I co-founded Facebook at Harvard, and I haven’t worked at the company in a decade. But I feel a sense of anger and responsibility... Mark’s influence is staggering... his focus on growth led him to sacrifice security and civility for clicks... surrounded himself with a team that reinforces his beliefs instead of challengi…

A cognitive scientist explains why humans are so susceptible to fake news and misinformation » Nieman Journalism Lab
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How fake news gets into our minds, and what you can do to resist it... to understand why it gets into our mind... by examining how memory works and how memories become distorted.... Fake news often relies on misattribution ... we retrieve things from memory but can’t remember their source... one of the reasons advertising is so effective... Repe…

'A more sophisticated influencer strategy': Publishers are building teams to recruit 'expert networks' - Digiday
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with influencer marketing en vogue and publishers hunting for ways to drive engagement on their properties, the hunt for famous, influential contributors is back on... eg Axios has two people... recruiting, managing subject matter experts to participate in Expert Voices... invite-only contributor network... Find influential people, bring them into…

Cal Newport on finding focus in the age of distraction | Dropbox Blog
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a unique productivity philosophy called deep work. He carefully blocked out his day, and created space for long, uninterrupted hours to write ... tactics like travelling on foot to give himself more time in isolation and actively sought out isolated spaces to work... his latest book, Digital Minimalism... there's an implicit reward for the sha…

UX research fuels your design process
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This article is not a UX Research manual, it ... provides a general idea of how and when UX Research is conducted ... why designers should care about it...~ Understanding brings us closer to what we are already so familiar with. And that is the inception of UX Research... user research tackles the demographical data about a product’s existing and…

'Bias deep inside the code': the problem with AI 'ethics' in Silicon Valley | Technology | The Guardian
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Major tech corporations have launched AI “ethics” boards that not only lack diversity, but sometimes include powerful people with interests that don’t align with the ethics mission... Partnership on AI... by Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft, does not appear to have black board members or staff ... a board dominated by men.. empty PR sp…

Polarisation and the news media in Europe
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report reviews and summarises the recent available literature connecting polarisation and the news media...key findings...: little evidence that increased exposure to news featuring like-minded or opposing views leads to the widespread polarisation of attitudes... some studies found both can strengthen attitudes of minority who already hold stron…

The EU Copyright Directive: Winners, Losers, and What Happens Next…
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copyright organisations ... succeeded in their lobbying ... establish a narrative that those who criticised the Directive were reeled in by hysterical propaganda or puppets of Google... or against cultural creators... intensity of the lobbying stepped up ... Half of Strasbourg was wearing yellow #yes2copyright sashes ... two years of implementat…

The long, complicated, and extremely frustrating history of Medium, 2012–present » Nieman Journalism Lab

Medium was never something that we would get to define. Instead, it’s turned out to be an endless thought experiment into what publishing on the internet could look like.

Want to Start a Collaborative Journalism Project? We’re Building Tools to Help. — ProPublica
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open-sourcing the tools we created to do Documenting Hate... writing a guide that will let any newsroom do crowd-powered data investigations... Documenting Hate came shortly after Election Day 2016, in response to a widely reported uptick in hate incidents... we decided to ask people across the country to tell us their stories ... organized a col…

The Psychology of Belief
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The systems in the brain that light up when we access our beliefs are the same systems that help us understand stories... the same brain systems involved when people think about who they are and about the beliefs that are most important to them... the default mode network, a set of interconnected areas of the brain associated with identity and sel…

Principles - For The Web
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The web was designed to bring people together and make knowledge freely available. Everyone has a role to play to ensure the web serves humanity. By committing to the following principles, governments, companies and citizens around the world can help protect the open web as a public good and a basic right for everyone.

Facebook labelled 'digital gangsters' by report on fake news | Technology | The Guardian
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Facebook deliberately broke privacy and competition law and should urgently be subject to statutory regulation, according to a devastating parliamentary report...The Cambridge Analytica scandal was facilitated by Facebook’s policies

The Information Age Is “Weaponized”
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many activists working to create positive change ... seem to think that if they just get their ideas to “go viral” they will ... dominate the discourse. The great lie of this approach is that no singular discourse exists! Each community is now capable of building consensus with itself, where the like-minded talk to others like themselves while fo…

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