One-Touch to Inbox Zero: How I Spend 17 Minutes Per Day on Email | Praxis
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The key to Inbox Zero... “touch each email only once.”... only a well-designed underlying system can make such elegant action possible.... your annotated checklist for One-Touch Inbox Zero, in 5 EASY STEPS!...The main problem with how people use email is that they use it for everything.... Every other function is much more effectively handled by o…

A Legal Challenge to BBC bias against Brexit - Briefings For Brexit
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taking on the BBC in the complaints framework is not for the faint-hearted... set-piece responses ... ‘we get complaints from both sides, so we must be getting it right’, or, ... you are not taking into account that seven weeks previously we broadcast a balancing item’... summarises the basic BBC stonewall approach...‘due’ impartialit... that not …

The disconnect between Parliament and the people is exacerbated by BBC pro-Remain bias | BrexitCentral
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42% of the country see the BBC as ... pro-Remain ... just 25% who disagree... When was the last time that the BBC sought to explore the opportunities available to a post-Brexit Britain?... fits in with a general sense that the people are up against the establishment... Just 19% feel that the Commons is doing a good job of honouring the vote... two…

Ofcom Ruling: BBC1 Question Time’s alleged pro-Remain bias | News-Watch

Gavin Hunt... Question Time... tracked the 25 editions of the programme in the series running from January 2017, and found that 22 had panels which contained a majority of EU Remainers... Ofcom... turned the complaint down... Damian Green expressed the Hard Brexit perspective, and ... in Ofcom’s judgment, host David Dimbleby ensured that debate wa…

BBC Flagship Shows Still Have Remain Panel Bias - Media Guido
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Question Time, Politics Live and Any Questions… Since ... September, 72% of the official panel guests across the three shows have been Remainers, while a mere 28% have been Leavers...87% of the panels had a Remainer majority – only 13% of shows had a panel equally balanced between Leavers and Remainers. Not once have Leavers outnumbered Remainers.

The BBC and pro-Brexit bias: The subtle consequences of liberal guilt.
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Brexit coverage during, before and since the Referendum has been skewed in favour of Brexit... isn’t ... flagrantly biased or unbalanced: it is more subtle... because of the polarisation of views over Brexit, the BBC would attract criticism from both sides almost whatever it did...Nigel Farage stated ... BBC’s coverage had been “fair and balanced”…

Study proves BBC is 'overwhelmingly' biased against Brexit

monitored thousands of hours of radio and TV shows dating back to 1999... Of 4,275 guests on Today between 2005 and 2015 who talked about the EU, only 132 were Brexiteers... think-tank Civitas ... with the group News-watch, also found that Left-wing Brexiteers have been consistently excluded ... Clarke and Heseltine were given nine times as much a…

Boris Johnson made politics awful, then asked people to vote it away | openDemocracy
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recent UK election was a quarrel about the character of politics...Labour Party argued that it can be used for good... Conservative Party claimed that politics is bad... promised to... ‘get Brexit done’, so that we can all forget about it ...wage war on the political process, on trust, and on truth. Ensure the whole experience is miserable, bewild…

Quantum Computing Is a Bigger Deal Than the Internet
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Google’s quantum computer “Sycamore” ... solve a problem in just 200 seconds... one so difficult it would have taken the world’s most powerful traditional supercomputer over 10,000 years ...Moore’s Law is reaching its limit... a transistor can be about 40 nanometers... nearly an atom’s scale... electrons ... move using “quantum tunneling.”...qubit…

The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America - The Verge
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a workplace that is perpetually teetering on the brink of chaos... people develop severe anxiety in training... struggle with trauma long after they leave... conspiracy videos ... gradually lead them to embrace fringe views... By the end of 2018... more than 30,000 employees working on safety and security — about half of whom were content modera…

Hundreds of ‘pink slime’ local news outlets are distributing algorithmic stories and conservative talking points - Columbia Journalism Review
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the creation of partisan outlets masquerading as local news organizations... distributing thousands of algorithmically generated articles and a smaller number of reported stories... focusing attention on issues such as voter fraud and energy pricing, providing the appearance of neutrality for partisan issues, or to gather data from users that can …

The Brexit Blog: Decision time
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despite this being an election defined by Brexit, there is no substantive discussion of Brexit...Labour have failed to fill out what their ‘sensible Brexit’ would look like... the Conservatives have said little beyond their ‘get Brexit done’ slogan...the real and difficult choices ... Johnson would immediately face over Brexit... from one of the c…

Taking Virtual Reality for a Test Drive | The New Yorker
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Although V.R. has not been as lucrative as entertainment companies had hoped, the medium is used a lot in the military (flight and battlefield simulations), business training... health care (preoperative mapping, virtual cadavers... treat P.T.S.D. and phobias... transformed pornography... Independent creators and developers aren’t making their mon…

Opinion | Books May Be Dead in 2039, but Stories Live On
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An op-ed from the future... In the age of cheap and accessible virtual reality, most consumers prefer to experience their narratives rather than read them... Virtual reality has given us a post-literacy landscape more grimly banal than Bradbury could ever have imagined... Books may be dead, but the stories ... the narratives that delight and disma…

Refocusing a Community Platform

Some sites are a victim of their own initial success. A decade after launching, an EC community platform was struggling to remain relevant. Over the intervening years it had offered a flexible, powerful publishing solution to many different parts of the EC...

Research exploitation platform, META Group
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IPBooster is the ‘launch project’ for META’s research exploitation platform, which is one of the three externally-facing platforms we’re building for META Group (context).

A Phone Setup That Will Make You More Mindful - Better Humans - Medium
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for iPhone users, but all optimizations are transferable...Your phone is... trying to suck as much energy out of you as it can. Today... we’ll turn your phone into a mindfulness enhancer... designed based on how I aspire to behave... Great tools share three characteristics...:only trigger you when it actually benefits you to use them.require as li…

Lessons for Social Change Communications Strategy From the US Marriage Equality and Antismoking Campaigns
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Organizations must connect their causes to the personal aspirations of their audiences to transform public attitudes... having a majority is not enough... You need a majority that can’t be eroded or peeled away... in 1996... 27 percent of the US public supported legal recognition of same-sex marriages... 60 percent in 2015 ... the new normal... ac…

Building a More Honest Internet - Columbia Journalism Review
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In the US, radio began as a free-market free-for-all. More than five hundred radio stations sprang up in less than a decade to explore the possibilities... 40 percent were noncommercial... network of interlinked stations playing local and national content supported by local and national advertising, became dominant players...Soviet Union... ideolo…

That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It - Rolling Stone
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Professional trolls don’t go on social media to antagonize liberals or belittle conservatives. They are not narrow minded, drunk or angry... We’ve spent the past two years studying online disinformation and building a deep understanding of Russia’s strategy, tactics, and impact...to develop procedures to identify disinformation campaigns... Profes…

Your Mission Statement Is Not Your Company Culture - Marker
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CEOs and industry leaders all told me, “...Culture is the most important thing.” But when I asked “What exactly is culture, and how can I affect mine?” they became extremely vague.... I focused all my energy on “leading by example.”... did not scale as the company grew... became a hodgepodge of different cultures fostered under different managers.…

To See the Future of Disinformation, You Build Robo-Trolls

AI-powered software ... could soon be weaponized for online disinformation... Although the output can be nonsensical... has also shown moments of unnerving clarity... far better-written than right-wing text we have analyzed as scholars... reliably generate tweets on political topics favored by the disinformation group, complete with hashtags... Mu…

Perpetual Beta Coffee Club

I started the ‘coffee club’ as a professional community of practice focused on work and learning. We have a private community space for the members, who pay $10 per month... private discussion forum ... live web video chats monthly... recorded and available for 30 days... a trusted space. As the club grows, I will offer more services.... main focu…

Twitter can help with scientific dissemination but its influence on citation impact is less clear | Impact of Social Sciences
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does researchers’ presence on Twitter influence citations to their papers?... although the relationship between tweets and citations is poor, actively participating on Twitter is a powerful way of promoting and disseminating academic outputs... an author needs three times more followers to gain only one mention more... to be or not to be on Twitte…

Implement the Marc Andreessen Productivity System in Trello
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a productivity system where he keeps no schedule and only three lists... he uses index cards to keep track of his tasks... I’ve transformed ... it into a modern digital version using Trello... three core to-do lists: To-do list... commitments that need to be prioritized; Watch list... has a blocker stopping you ... you need to keep tabs on; Later …

Calls to action are important, but know when to shut up!
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Speak to any salesman about the art of selling and he will tell you timing is everything. Push a customer to buy too early and you will drive them away, wait too long and the moment will have past. We face a similar dilemma as web professionals.... Take for example those annoying popups... Do you like this app? Then rate it... Asking a user to sub…

Design competition for SocialChallenges.eu
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Running a design competition to transform a research result into a commercial platform product.

Building six departments for four companies

A brief summary of my experience in building company structures and supporting processes, role definitions, etc.

Informing Knowledge4Policy with an Understanding of our Political Nature
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Informing Knowledge4Policy with an Understanding of our Political Nature - exploring on Medium what “Understanding our Political Nature”, a recent EU study into knowledge, reason and policymaking, has to say about how the Knowledge4Policy platform could (should?) evolve.

Advice for better moderated usability testing - User research in government
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some practical tips on how to carry out moderated think-aloud usability testing. It’s based on what I’ve learnt from academic research and from practical experience, both inside and outside government.

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