
Overview: Communications Strategy

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Why Time Inc. is expanding its contributor networks
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two products, Springboard and Time Inc. Connect to help editors source content from contributors, some for traditional editorial content and some for native or branded content... a way for editors to create more content around specific topics or events rather than just getting content on the cheap... gathering ... people with some degree of social…

In the age of the algorithm, the human gatekeeper is back
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Far from disappearing, human curation and sensibilities have a new value in the age of algorithms... Facebook is mired in a series of controversies about the curation of its news feed... recently tried to smooth the process out by firing its human editors … only to find the news feed degenerated into a mass of fake and controversial news stories.…

How Slate tried to wean itself from fly-by Facebook visitors in favor of loyal regulars
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To try and focus on all our energy to bring new readers to site as opposed to serving loyal readers began to feel like the wrong way to look at it… identified a set of metrics that stand for loyalty ... created content people wanted to come back for on the regular. So far, it’s delivering: site traffic is up 31 percent... People who come 25 times…

A cross-disciplinary approach to science is helping Nautilus carve a unique niche in science publishing » Nieman Journalism Lab

Each issue is conceived around a single topic ... with a new cluster of pieces, grouped together as chapters, published each Thursday.... To supplement ... Facts So Romantic, a blog updated closer to daily Another against-the-grain move: Its print magazine collects the best of the magazine’s web content... printed on high-quality paper and desi…

Two years in, Vox.com reconsiders its 'card stacks'
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they’re not the game-changer he thought they’d be... We have to stop trying to find a single problem. It needs to be solved in a million different ways, every single day.

Meet Guy Sims Fitch, a Fake Writer Invented by the US Government
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The CIA wants to make sure that the privacy rights of this fictional character aren’t violated.

How Morality Changes in a Foreign Language - Scientific American
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when people are confronted with moral dilemmas, they do indeed respond differently when considering them in a foreign language than when using their native tongue.

The Information isn't ditching comments -- it's using them to attract subscribers
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at The Information, the subscription-based tech news publisher, comments and community aren’t just intact — they’re a selling point... The Information puts its members front and center. Subscribers get their own bio pages... its subscription call to action entreats visitors not to get access to great information or level up their tech and media k…

Product Doc: Ask – The Coral Project

‘Ask’ enables editors to create embeddable forms to invite contributions from readers. These could come in several formats, including text, photo, video, audio. The contributions can be (optionally) linked to existing user profiles. Editors can filter, sort, share, and manage the contributions, and then display the best ones in a gallery.

Is Facebook’s Targeting Completely Bogus?
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This new tool shows users what Facebook determines are their interests... has provided a glance into the deep flaws of Facebook’s interest targeting. Advertisers should be concerned about where their dollars are going... Here are the main flaws I came across:... I would just recommend approaching targeting differently:

New Ways to Control Your Experience on Twitter
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quality filter setting ... can improve the quality of Tweets you see by using a variety of signals, such as account origin and behavior... filters lower-quality content, like duplicate Tweets or content that appears to be automated, from your notifications and other parts of your Twitter experience. It does not filter content from people you follo…

The Guardian starts selling time-based ad campaigns
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The Guardian joins the Financial Times and the Economist in billing ads by time.... have found, unsurprisingly, that ads perform better when people spend more engaged time with them.... click-through rate as an industry benchmark for performance;. However a metric of 0.0 something percent should not be seen as a succes

What Does the Future of Content Marketing Look Like?
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Content creators everywhere ... are all suffering from the results of peak content... the information age is arriving at its natural conclusion and we’re all drowning in it... most content under-performing, it’s also getting harder for people who produce really good content to get attention. Engagement... is steadily dropping ... what happens to e…

How The Boston Globe is covering the Boston Marathon bombing trial – Poynter

covering trials can be tricky... trials don’t always unfold in orderly narratives. Instead, they develop in fits and starts, depending on which witnesses are called and which exhibits the prosecution and defense choose to enter.... attorneys don't actually build narrative... The challenge... to create a way to track those arguments as they're made…

Gimlet Media’s latest membership perk? A Slack channel for die-hards
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the company's newest tweak to its membership program is one that puts listeners in direct conversation with the company's staffers. The idea: Give Gimlet's members access to the company's Slack team

Content Marketing: 14 Types Of Media You Need To Master
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So for the sake of simplicity we can break up content marketing into 3 types.A: Traffic Generation Content — Tempt people to click through to your website, blog or landing page and share.B: Engagement Content- The strategic use of educational, informative, entertaining and inspiring content that builds credibility, trust and linkingC: Conversion C…

Translating and Promoting Medium Stories
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The feature enables Medium users to volunteer to translate Medium stories into the language of their choice. Approved translators see a “Translate” button on Medium stories and clicking that button clones the post and seeds the clone with a Google translate version of the story in the language that they select. They then go in and make the Google …

Integrating IT, internal and external communications for META Ventures
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META Ventures provides venture capital fund management, entrepreneurial training and innovation consultancy to cities, regions and national governments in several countries, as well as EU Institutions.

European publishers are teaming together to translate the news

From large national newspapers to small independent websites, outlets are working together to cover news across the continent in many languages.

5 tips for using analytics in the newsroom
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some advice on how to best approach analytics in the newsroom, helping journalists improve the quality of their content, and a build larger, more engaged readership. Here are five key takeaways

The Washington Post is using Slack to create a reader community focused on the gender pay gap » Nieman Journalism Lab

Slack, already an indispensable tool within newsrooms, is becoming a surprisingly effective community tool for publishers as well... quickly become a source of stories, with members providing inspiration or even direct contributions.

Losing my religion
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Brexit, as experienced by a British-Australian comms guy in Brussels.

How online communities are faring in 2016
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Executive leaders are involved more than ever before in using online communities to solve important business issues ... But budgets are not keeping up with demand, and measuring value isn't getting much help from platform vendors... The majority of organizations have now deployed some form of community platform to help workers, typically in the f…

Give the audience what they want or what they need?
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Should we give the audience what they want?ORShould we give the audience what they need?...two flawed assumptions: 1. that newsrooms already know what audiences want and 2. that newsrooms can and should determine what their audience needs. The framing of these questions doesn’t leave room for members of the audience to actually speak for themselve…

‘The Voice’ for Conferences
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thank you for raising the awareness of my half of the population on the extra challenges women face in business presentation contexts... co-created conferences may offer a partial solution... I may suggest ensuring Personal Profiles do not include photos or any gender information

Can Politico replace Mike Allen at ‘Playbook’?

Allen tucked favorable mentions of prominent “Playbook” sponsors into his editorial offerings... a State Department official essentially ghost-wrote an item for “Playbook.”The skinny: Mike Allen ran a press-release mill for vested interests in Washington... a weekly sponsorship for the newsletter falls somewhere between $50,000 and $60,000... Ev…

Helpful Resources for Creating Personas and Researching Keywords — Marketing and Growth Hacking

If you handle the marketing for your company, you will find that the below resources are either excellent starting points or perfect as-is solutions

The Washington Post is dabbling in translations to reach a growing non-English speaking audience » Nieman Journalism Lab

includes translating political explainers as "part of our attempt to reach new readers who are interested in American politics — but perhaps don't speak English... "We were convinced that there is a need for translated articles, but we hadn't hit on the right formulation in terms of how to get a professionalized translation that's turned around qu…

Building relationships with your audience is more important than ever. Here’s how you can do it. – Poynter
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the Post is employing a concept called “laddering,” converting unique visitors into paying customers by getting them to increase social engagement with its website.

Jobs to be Done
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Conventional marketing techniques teach us to frame customers by attributes... ultimately create products and entire categories too focused on what companies want to sell, rather than on what customers actually need... Customers rarely make buying decisions around what the “average” customer in their category may do—but they often buy things becau…

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