How to engage readers with digital longform journalism
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Major enterprise stories — stories that take deep dives and attempt to inform readers in substantive ways or to elicit impact... require considerable resources... the potential audience is limited... how can journalists get readers to complete these long pieces?use multiple elements and platforms to tell the story... the parts that pull your reade…

Blogging is Alive and Well for Leaders, Learners & Lead Generators
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In 2009 some folks said Twitter would kill blogging. Six years later, longform is flourishing.... What caused this resurgence of writing?... Getting Smart frames and manages thought leadership campaigns. These transmedia initiatives start as a blog series across three or four platforms... amplified by podcasts, infographics and social media; su…

Transmedia in 5 (French) points
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"L'explosion du numérique et du transmédia a permis aux créateurs de développer leur univers et leur storytelling sur un grand nombre de supports. " - Comprendre le transmédia en 5 points | InaGlobal

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