In less than a year... weekly church-attending white Protestants convinced that Donald Trump was anointed by God to be president grew from 29.6 percent to 49.5 percent... Capitalizing on that devotion is integral to Trump’s re-election ...all-enveloping digital campaign website... campaign app... a self-contained, self-reinforcing arena where Trum…
When the history is written of how America handled the global era’s first real pandemic ... Trump’s claim to global leadership leaps out. History will mark Covid-19 as the first time that ceased to be true. US airlifts have been missing in action. America cannot even supply itself...a president who ignored increasingly urgent intelligence warnings…
For a handful of disinformation researchers, the information crisis that has unfolded around the coronavirus pandemic seemed inevitable... get a sense of what we should be watching for and what the internet might look like after the virus has passed...Joan Donovan... coined "strategic silence," editorial discretion ... notion that users…
More than 1,000 social marketers were surveyed by Sprout Social for better understanding of goals, metrics and use of social media data in business... Sixty-nine percent ... increasing brand awareness is their number one priority ... top three uses... 1. Understanding their target audience, 2. develop creative content, and 3. Assess campaign pe…
coronavirus i... global rallying cry for ... white supremacists and anti-vaxxers in the U.S. to fascist and anti-refugee groups across Europe ... far-right populists on both continents ... using the outbreak to push their political agenda ...barrage of false messages [risk] ... feeding ... “infodemic” that makes it hard to separate fact from ficti…
the current crisis is drawing Europeans further apart and not closer together... divisions grow... between east and the west on democracy and the rule of law, or between the north and the south on economic solidarity... Europe dies when it just shrugs its shoulders at nation-first politics ... not a single event, but rather a process ... not wit…
social distancing ... led us to reconsider how we reach our audiences at scale ... through events... already conducted more than 15 large-scale virtual events... partner summit for over 4,000 attendees ... employee town hall with our CEO... Here’s what I’ve learned ...people show up to events to learn, network, and discover... to enable ... on a d…
to investigate ... notion that websites are starting to look the same ... data mining ... scrutinized nearly 200,000 images across 10,000 websites... of the Russell 1000, the top U.S. businesses by market capitalization ... Alexa’s 500 most trafficked sites... sites nominated for Webby Awards ... how many pixel-by-pixel edits ... to transform colo…
Begin unbiasing with education, accountability, measurement, and more
Why do companies so often fail to adapt? ... no shortage of ways ... But ... firms need to recognize the need for change ... organizations tend to operate ... blind momentum... why are they slow to change course? ...very difficult to study how companies adapt ... need both a large sample of firms and a reliable way of quantifying their choices....…
you could ... end up ... drowning in an ocean of data... your KPIs that hold the key to identifying and introducing improvements ... general principles ... when selecting the right KPIs....certain common KPIs ... pageviews per user, page bounce rate or average time users spend ... keep your list short and sweet... Web analytics works best when i…
each period,... had a distinct way of organizing basic human emotions into an overarching cultural system... of experiencing being alive... The virus is rewriting our imaginations. impossible has become thinkable... we’re entering a new world... learning ... a new structure of feeling... we’ve been overdue for such a shift... out of synch with …
The virus is compelling our leaders to alter their habits, even their beliefs, in real time... a global battering of ideology. Proudly liberal democracies are instituting police states and economically conservative governments are applying de facto socialism... Brexit... derived its entire force from privileging political ideals over economics.…
eight charts that demonstrate the ability to bias the data towards your narrative... Tweaking the y-axis zero base line and the scale is the equivalent of changing the data itself
We don't have intuition for pandemics... What if you could watch virtual epidemics unfold directly in your web browser to build that intuition ... Imagine if new pandemic plans and policies came with an interactive simulation...hands-on learning is the best way to build intuition about complex topics ... an Agent Based version of a traditiona…
why Wikipedia has been a more successful news source than Wikinews... Wikipedia’s formulaic style and continuous format are more conducive to collaborative writing projects ... writing a news story with a lead, a coherent narrative, and a deadline is very different than writing an encyclopedia article...tension between the Wikipedia community... …
without a vaccine... millions will die...concept of herd immunity... When enough people are vaccinated, a pathogen cannot spread easily... say each person infects an average of three others... nearly two-thirds ... would need to be immune to confer herd immunity...[but] prior infection has to confer immunity ... that means a lot of deaths... a rap…
For businesses, delivering good customer service is ... imperative... for government entities to enhance the “citizen experience”... may be just as important...Governments... empathy economy model ... put residents and citizens at the core ... empathy economy is based on ... value created by AI and other innovations detect and simulate human emoti…
The Syllabus collects the best articles, podcasts and videos about the political, economic and social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on a daily’s foremost technology critic... scans 100 pages per minute, 12 books in an hour, 100 in one day... can determine the relevance of every book in the world... all information and know…
when climate skeptics in government and media control the message and the channels, it becomes fact for people like councilor Allen that Australia’s fires... have “nothing” to do with climate change... Climate skepticism runs deep in Australia, origin of ... Murdoch’s media empire... long history of climate science denial and diversion... in the w…
The rage-engage cycle is a key part of how malign narratives gain traction on social media... into traditional media... disinformation content is designed to be polarizing... exploits the business models of social media... pointing out that something is false and dangerous ... giving more oxygen to the fire... [Trump] tests and revises purposefull…
Kendzior pulls no punches... detailed ... a true crime work, with the President ... benefactor of a criminal machine so powerful and immense ... every institution ... and media has, in some way, been compromised...every page brought fresh anguish...Other than Trump... the players? Russians... Israel, and Americans in business and government... all…
messages of intra-party harmony tend to be ignored by the news ... internal disputes, especially within the governing party, generally receive prominent coverage... We examine how messages of party conflict and cooperation affect public opinion regarding national security... how the reputations of media outlets matter...credible communication (i.e…
NewsGuard has been tracking the top hoaxes ... websites that are publishing those false stories... Today, we’re introducing a new data set focused ... on the Facebook Pages that repeat, share, and amplify...31 Facebook Pages that are “super-spreaders”... Combined... reach 21,352,918 followers... publish blatant misinformation about COVID-19 — seem…
Covid-19 pandemic ... leaders are scrambling to manage the immediate fallout... also necessary to prepare for what’s next. Visionary leaders ... didn’t simply react ... also looked beyond ... guided — and guided their people in turn — by their vision for a better future...fundamental assumptions underlying your current business model may have been…
thread summarizes ... reporting on the TRUMP-CHINA SCANDAL, a bribery scandal involving Trump's hunt for dirt on Joe Biden in China, his debts to the Chinese government, and his decision to ignore life-saving COVID-19 intel...the Trump-Russia scandal was at its heart a *bribery* scandal... Trump-Ukraine scandal was another bribery scandal... …
policy options ... to create a more enabling environment for independent professional journalism... demonstrate what democratic digital media policy could look like... protect ... from threats to their independence and to freedom of expression... level playing field and support... oriented towards the digital, mobile, and platformdominated future …
rejects accusations there has been ‘lack of transparency’ about Sage committee... key meetings have been attended by Dominic Cummings... risk of them being subject to ... undue influence... Ministers have repeatedly insisted ... “followed the science”
A special select committee has been created to consider the Government’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak... you can watch their meetings... chaired by the Leader of the Opposition... check the submitters list to find out more about who will be appearing
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