
Overview: Content Strategy

Are you creating the content your audience actually wants to consume, or are you just talking about yourself?

What sort of content will your audience read, out of the endless supply at their fingertips? Formal news articles or blog posts from your staff and readers? An event calendar updated daily, or a longread every month? Static web pages, or a deeply granular database with faceted search?

And have you figured out how to get it to them, develop engagement around it, and translate that success into something concrete, fulfilling your mission? How many of the friends and organisations in your network amplify your message regularly?

Need answers? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

Relevant resources

30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails
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Why not take some inspiration from the best headlines of the best headline writers? The blueprints exist to get your tweets, emails, updates, and articles clicked.

The New York Times is trying to make VR films that aren’t one-offs, and that keep readers coming back » Nieman Journalism Lab

Pluto-focused project, upcoming episodic series, and experiments with “meditative VR,” The Times is experimenting with different applications for the new technology... The idea is to do proper VR shows that have a through-line and episodic structure... We’re looking at an experience that we jokingly call “meditative VR.” These are single-shot, no…

Digital equivalents to dog-earing pages and underlining passages when reading on a PC or phone

In response to The Power of Writing About the Things You Read, by Srinivas Rao: "Fortunately, there are loads of digital equivalents to dog-earing pages and underlining passages for when you’re reading on a PC or phone. My favourite tools and processess: ..."

How to build audiences by engaging your community
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journalists can engage their audiences as contributors, advisors, advocates, collaborators and partners. This study describes in detail how newsrooms and independent journalists can grow their readership, boost their relevance and find new sources of revenue by listening to and learning from their audiences.... This is about how journalists can ge…

How social media curation can help improve audience engagement
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by using social media curation, news organisations can remove the need for readers to look elsewhere, by automatically pulling in relevant social content from around the internet onto their websites... produce a quick breaking-news social stream related to a subject, or social content specifically focused to highlight the ideas and arguments withi…

How one year of daily blogging changed my life

I was taking work as it came in. Hustling, squabbling over rates, and trying to collect on long past-due invoices. I can feel the knots in my stomach to this day.I had no platform. My personal blog had 30 email subscribers, mostly composed of family and friends. I was burned out. My muchness was gone. I needed to get it back.

Prototypes - The Trust Project - Journalism Ethics
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As we learn about the ways people use the news, what features might invite their trust and loyalty?... 32 senior strategists, designers, and developers... created prototype tools to surface the Trust Project indicators of quality, a set of fundamental journalistic principles that align with today’s news users wants and needs.

The Untold Story of Magic Leap, the World's Most Secretive Startup
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But what we are building with artificial reality is an internet of experiences... although every one of these environments was fake, the experiences I had in them were genuine... you gain authentic experiences, as authentic as in real life. People remember VR experiences not as a memory of something they saw but as something that happened to them.…

'What Now' for News?

the next big thing in news - constructive journalism...not only analysing problems but also exploring potential solutions. It's about trying to examine what's going right in the world - and why - rather than focusing purely on what's going wrong... People don't want more news, they want better news. Constructive journalism provides an alternative.…

Introducing Constructive Voices
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Charities have such a huge range of positive stories to tell and practical solutions to offer on so many of the big issues we face today, but too often they’re taking place under the radar.Constructive Voices will link up journalists and charities and equip both to approach news in a more constructive way, directing journalists to charities which …

UN to urge media to take more 'constructive' approach to news | Media | The Guardian
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The United Nations is to call for the world's media to take a more "constructive" and "solutions-focused" approach to news to combat "apathy and indifference"... the Constructive Voices programme run by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations... an online resource designed to help journalists find case studies that provide practical solut…

Your Media Business Will Not Be Saved
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Video will not save your media business. Nor will bots, newsletters, a “morning briefing” app, a “lean back” iPad experience, Slack integration, a Snapchat channel, or a great partnership with Twitter. All of these things together might help, but even then, you will not be saved by the magical New Thing that everyone else in the media community is…

As Social Shifts To Video, Content Creators Win Power And Dollars - BuzzFeed News
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Very few ... are capable of regularly creating compelling videos ... as social platforms look to saturate their feeds with video... they’re essentially competing for the same limited set of good videos. So those who create the ​quality​ stuff can demand payment. In recent weeks, those payments have begun flowing. For Facebook... people are simpl…

Bots for discovering related content | Vox Product Blog
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When a Vox Media Slack user sends a direct message to simbot specifying a seed article URL and a number of desired results, then the bot would return a ranked list of articles that are most similar in content to the article found in the provided URL. two main applications for the bot ... enable editors ... on social media... to discover related…

The Backlash edition: Slack, Bots & Content Marketing (Top3ics , 27 April)
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bandwagons are bad for your health, as illustrated by the impending death of content marketing and the gathering backlash against Slack (Slacklash? BackSlacksh?) and (already!?) chatbots.

Inspired by “independent YouTubers,” wary of cable, Vox.com takes its explainer mission to video

thinking of videos as pieces that can stand on their own, not “the way to slightly better monetize an article page"... There’s usually no reason to watch an interview. It’s better in text or as a podcast.... the Vox team works like independent YouTubers.” For any given video, a single person is responsible for the entire production process, from …

The Verge launches Circuit Breaker, a gadget blog-as-Facebook page » Nieman Journalism Lab

gadget “blog,” Circuit Breaker, that will live primarily as a Facebook page, with posts appearing in the Instant Articles format... the best of old-school blogging together with a sophisticated, aggressive modern platform distribution strategy... It’s not (yet) possible to be an Instant Articles publisher if you don’t have a web source from which…

Post-paywall, The Sun eyes distributed video on platforms
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“In five years time, I want News U.K. — The Sun and The Times — to be as well known for its video content as for its newspapers” ... 70 percent of The Sun’s articles have some video component... a main driver for the video verticals is to appeal to advertisers and brands who want to sponsor videos... It will continue posting several Live videos a…

Escaping the Digital Media ‘Crap Trap’ — The Information
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Digital media companies are caught in the "crap trap," mass-producing trashy clickbait so they can claim huge audiences and often higher valuations... This era is getting flushed away... A content revolution is picking up speed, promising a profitable future for companies that can lock down loyal audiences, especially those built around higher-qua…

Why Your Brilliant Content Strategy Doesn't Stand A Chance
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Any strategy that doesn't take the ability to execute is a lousy strategy to begin with. Strategy is not a game of chess, but depends on operational capacity... simply tacking on publishing functions to their existing operations without implementing any new processes or practices ... is a grave mistake.... The ongoing conversation with the audie…

Shorter isn’t better, photos aren’t always alluring and deep digging pays off
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After two years work analyzing more than 400,000 stories, the American Press Institute is beginning to find general patterns in what works to attract and hold the attention of digital readers... stories longer than 1,200 words, got 23 percent more engagement, 45 percent more social referrals and 11 percent more pageviews... photos (or audio or vid…

Words in the Interface

An introduction to the Content Strategy Glossary project, collaborative challenges, and a case example using one term that touches everybody in User Experience.

How sponsored content drives more than 60 percent of The Atlantic’s ad revenue - Digiday
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For The Atlantic, sponsored content has proved better ROI than other ad formats. Native advertising is estimated to reach around 75 percent of The Atlantic’s ad revenue this year, up 15 percent from 2015... a spectrum of native ads, from video to infographics to text-based editorial pieces

An interview with the realest social media managers in public transportation
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BART started talking back. The tweets weren't bland or automatically generated. They were super real, and sometimes super dark... a tactical move to both acknowledge the deplorable state of San Francisco's underfunded subway system and prove to residents that their government was aware of the issue and doing everything in its power to fix it.... T…

Opening up EurActiv’s media innovation programme
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EurActiv.com is opening one of its media innovations to other media interested in increasing competitiveness through translated syndication. (Update, 31/3/16: this project was covered, among many other things, in an interview with professional EU interpreter Alexander Drechsel in his podcast Demos ex machina? Multilingual communication with Mathew…

The Rest Is Advertising
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Also called native advertising, sponsored content borrows the look, the name recognition, and even the staff of its host publication to push brand messages on unsuspecting viewers... the line between what’s sponsored and what isn’t—between advertising and journalism—has already been rubbed away. who would bother pitching a story to The Atlantic …

The tool we built to keep everyone in the loop at Basecamp — Signal v. Noise — Medium
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The hard part is striking the right balance. The just-right spot where everyone knows enough, no one feels like they know too little, and no one feels like they’re being over-informed to the point of it being annoying or distracting. And doing it all at a variety of resolutions — big picture, medium-picture, and small picture — without overdoing i…

New York Times still searching for the best mix of stories to curate on its homepage

The module formerly known as Watching is linking out less than it used to, but the Times says it still believes in curating... we are just trying to figure out the right balance between New York Times stories and outside sources; how to offer smart, meaningful curation to our readers.

The most important things to read to understand how Brussels became a terrorism hub - Vox
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But how did Belgium find itself at the center of a burgeoning terrorist network? Here are a few sources of reading to help you get a clearer picture.

What Every Journalist Should Know About Science - Nieman Reports
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It's not just science reporters who need to evaluate research and learn to tell good studies from bad... perhaps the biggest challenge facing today’s science journalists: Evaluating and interpreting complex and sometimes contradictory results at a time when so many news stories... rely on a fairly sophisticated understanding of science. That make…

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