
Overview: Communications Strategy

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The Future of News Is Not An Article

Facebook and Apple... have chosen to focus on a future that takes the shape of an article... largely developed in response to the constraints of print ... a great opportunity for news organizations themselves to rethink those assumptions... considering the time scales of our reporting in much more innovative ways. Information should accumulate …

Litmus Newsletter
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nice enewsletter design from litmus

44 Powerful Marketing Tools for Facebook Ads, Websites, CRM...
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Whether it be for managing Facebook ads, CRM, podcasting, webinars or my website, people are curious about the software behind this business. - 44 Powerful Marketing Tools for Facebook Ads, Websites, CRM and More - Jon Loomer Digital

11 Medium Publications You Should Be Following — Thoughts on Media — Medium
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publications, where people are carefully curating great content around particular topics, themes, and ideas Here are eleven great publications that you might want to follow today:

8 Steps for Preventing Abuse in a Web Community

Here’s what we’re doing so far on Makerbase to discourage abuse before it starts and address it right away when it does happen. - 8 Steps for Preventing Abuse in a Web Community — Making Makerbase — Medium

Content Marketers Alert: The New List Of Must-Haves
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there are a few things that a content hacker needs to be equipped with for maximum productivity.... here’s your new list of must-haves: - Content Marketers Alert: The New List Of Must-Haves — Marketing & Growth Hacking — Medium

A Click-Bait Experiment
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Garnish your post with a photo of a cute little kitten and animal-lovers will flock to your button like zombies to a brain smorgasbord... good writing ... does not presently guarantee an audience on Medium... risks becoming a click-bait factory, a lame production line pumping out articles around the same limited themes...it needs to radically i…

Online Communities: Slides & Key Take-Aways from EuroPCom15
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ontent from my EuroPCom session on online communities, plus some takeaways and extra links.

A Facebook Page IS NOT a Social Media Strategy
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So, how did this local come by his expertise? Years of work in developing, implementing and managing integrated offline/online marketing strategies... Far-ranging, diverse experience in marketing? Extensive education in social media technologies and how/when/why to use them? Nope. He’s an expert because he has a popular Facebook page, which is …

The Complete Guide to New Twitter Polls
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With the release of its new Polls feature... you can now create super-simple polls directly on Twitter with just the click or a button or a tap on your phone... the ins and outs of Twitter polls, how to set them up, and nine engaging ways you can use polls today. - The Complete Guide to New Twitter Polls: What They Are, How They Work and 9 …

Imaginary Islands and Neo-Tribalists
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We form imaginary islands as safe spaces for our freak flags to fly free. Imaginary islands are unbounded by physical distance, as we unite with others of mutual interest and shared spirit across geographies. We form archipelagos of fellowship across expanses. Our imaginary islands can be open to everyone or hidden to all but insiders. - Imagin…

Buffer Lost HALF Its Social Media Traffic This Year
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Social media marketing software team admits they’re failing at social media marketing...The bottom seems to be falling out across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+... The Buffer team is running some experiments to try to determine the cause of this huge loss in social referral traffic, but I have a few ideas of my own ... - OMG. Buffer…

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants — Thoughts on Media — Medium
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Where I think Circa took a step forward ... the idea that we could ... take ANY story and add a structured element to it — even if the only structure was “this item read, this item unread.”.. I do think there are a few concepts that Circa created and executed upon that were truly “inventions”... The concept of atomizing news ... allowing a r…

The Social Network is Yesterday, The Interest Feed is Tomorrow
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the value of curation combined with a second, algorithmic step: personalization. Fill a barrel with the best of the best. Now when I walk in, based on insights about my taste and what I’ve selected in the past, choose *for me* from the barrel. Wow! Thanks! - Why I Unfollowed You on Instagram — Medium

Slaves Of The Feed
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There is no shortage of content aggregators and aggregators of aggregators... give us a better overview of all the sources of information we have subscribed to and found ourselves now depending on... Constantly checking our feeds for new information, we seem to be hoping to discover something of interest, something that we can share with our ne…

Discovering K-Hub's Import Blog feature
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I’ve been experimenting with online communities since 2002, and thought I’d seen every useful idea already implemented. Knowledge Hub (“K-Hub”) has a lot of features common to Community of Practice platforms, and have an interesting take on Blogs, which I’ve not seen anywhere else. And it’s almost excellent...

Five ways to calm down and not be overwhelmed by social media change
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you don’t have to be overwhelmed by social media change, espcially if you can get your head around some fundamental truths about how the web works... if you’re spending all your time learning the shiny new thing, are you taking energy and resources away from the stuff that is really impacting your business? - Five ways to calm down and not …

Fast, visual communications: a chat with Ezri and Charlelie (updated)
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I recently had a great live Hangout with Ezri Carlebach and Charlelie Jourdan to discuss visual communications, taking risks and creating energy in conferences.

50 Days of Spin to COP21
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This COP21 soonfeed lets you discover and get alerts to live streams, live blogs, hangouts and other online happenings related to the Paris climate talks. - 50 Days of Spin to COP21 - Happeningo

Brand exchange & the new citizen conversation
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Do people really want to have a conversation with brands, or their government?

Twitter's Moment
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... it’s fantastic... there is a lot to nitpick, but it is fantastic from a strategic perspective.... Twitter just reinvented the newspaper. It’s not just any newspaper though — it has the potential to be the best newspaper in the world... imagine a tweet-based newspaper drawn not only from the best sources in a mobile-friendly format, but one …

Twitter unveils its own news digests, and some news orgs are participating

“moments” are mini news digests of tweets across a range of topics... with splashy full-screen photos and videos. Each individual moment is made up of about 10 tweets... allows users to follow stories they’re interested in for a limited period of time... clearly targeted at curious or casual users... a “catch-me-up” type of news digest, using t…

Twitter Moments: Content Guidelines
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Moments surface the best of what’s happening on Twitter... What you see on Twitter is what’s happening in the world. What follows are the standards and guidelines for creating Moments that we as a Twitter curation team follow. - Twitter Moments: Content Guidelines | About

Moments, the best of Twitter in an instant
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Moments helps you find the best of Twitter as easily as tapping an icon – regardless of who you follow. Just visit the new tab called Moments, where you will discover stories unfolding on Twitter. - Moments, the best of Twitter in an instant | Twitter Blogs

Porous government: build it yourself, social or dedicated platforms?
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"Why don't we just build our community on Facebook?" Some thoughts after a month playing with Knowledge Hub

32 Fast and Cheap Marketing Tests Y
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Below are some basic marketing test ideas across all nineteen traction channels. These tests are designed for businesses trying to get to product/market fit, either preparing for a successful launch or post-launch, but may be useful for any business... middle ring tests and should cost less than a thousand dollars and take less than one month o…

Yes, There IS EU Propaganda In Schools, And It’s Worse Than You Think
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Yes. The Cult committee. That’s what the European Parliament calls their Committee on Culture and Education. - Yes, There IS EU Propaganda In Schools, And It’s Worse Than You Think

Curation, Conferences and more Good Reading (Top3ics, 2 Oct)

Yes, I’m now curating news about news curation

Nuzzel wants to bring social curation to publishers

an app that combs through your Twitter or Facebook feeds, identifying the links being shared the most by your friends... a very efficient way to use the curation you’ve already done of your Twitter followers to curate news... what we’re not doing is semantic analysis, and scanning keywords in articles. Nor are we using human editors ... If …

The Financial Times readies paid posts for advertisers
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The publisher is uniting its existing content marketing packages and launching a sponsored content offering “paid posts,” under a newly branded unit, FT Squared, dedicated to these kinds of advertiser partnerships. - The Financial Times readies paid posts for advertisers - Digiday

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