
Overview: Communications Strategy

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Let’s call time on ‘Park & Bark’ conference sessions
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How do you extract maximum value from a conference presentation or workshop, both for you, and your audience?

Have you lost your collective minds?
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political polarisation creates groupthink creates more polarisation, which prevents ideas from circulating and developing.... Pumping resources into ensuring one side of US politics is overrepresented on Medium is bad for US politics, and bad for Medium - In response to Influencer Outreach: Progressive Politics (job ad on Medium)

How six publishers digest the news for readers

Here’s how BuzzFeed, The Economist, The New York Times, Quartz, Vox, and Yahoo News slim down a day’s worth of news into manageable forms. Every day, readers are faced with a firehose of news online. News organizations realize this, and they’re trying a bunch of different ways to make the news more manageable — creating chatty summaries of thei…

Community, comments, the open web & Facebook (Top3ics, 24 Sept)

Get with the community; The death and rebirth of comments: The death of the open web?

Why a Facebook “Dislike” Button Could Transform Online Media
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It’s easy to underestimate how much of the media you’ve consumed was shaped by the “like” button... whispers suggest that the company is not, in fact, launching a simple “dislike” button, but something that conveys empathy.... it’s safe to say there will be consequences... When Facebook broadens the scope of the emotional-response buttons, t…

why every news organization should have a river

News isn’t just a product, it’s a community... How do you start a river, from a content point of view? It’s just a list of feeds. You can add to the list, or remove from the list. You’re the curator, though you’re not just curating stories, you’re curating flows. - Dave Winer: Here’s why every news organization should have a river » Nieman …

Welcome to River4

Every news organization, or company with a community should be running a river.

Join me for a Hangout on Air with three online community experts
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Apart from the Online Hangout(24 September, 16h30 CET), a new online community just opened for public sector communicators across Europe.

Blogging is Alive and Well for Leaders, Learners & Lead Generators
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In 2009 some folks said Twitter would kill blogging. Six years later, longform is flourishing.... What caused this resurgence of writing?... Getting Smart frames and manages thought leadership campaigns. These transmedia initiatives start as a blog series across three or four platforms... amplified by podcasts, infographics and social media; su…

What happened after 7 news sites got rid of reader comments

I spoke to seven news organizations - Recode, The Verge, Reuters, Mic, Popular Science, The Week, and USA Today's FTW - about their decision to suspend comments, the results of that change, and how they manage reader engagement now... Here's how they're all using social media to encourage reader discussion. - What happened after 7 news site…

How audience engagement editors are guiding online discussions
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“Audience engagement editor” is a job that didn’t exist until a few years ago. But now those with the title wield heavy influence in the industry, shaping both how journalists cover events and how readers consume news... this new breed of editor crafts online tone and relationships with readers... elevate a publication’s online persona by crea…

Readers will finish long stories - especially from a trusted source
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readers finished 94% of the longform pieces they started... with much faster download speeds and the advent of the tablet’s “lean back” reading experience, journalism has seen a rise in “longform” ventures... analytics offer an incomplete picture of reader behavior, and little real insight into how readers engage. Page views, entrances, ti…

Crowd-sourced storytelling
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Storytelling at its finest... should evoke a visceral reaction in its audience. There's something to be said about inviting that audience to participate in a story ...the options for how to do so are infinite... Here, we explore some great examples of interactive and crowd-sourced storytelling at its finest. - Crowd-sourced storytelling: How…

Designing for Communities of Interest
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The nuances of building and maintaining communities can really only be learned through extensive practice, both as a participant of other groups and as an active designer of your own. There is no better way to learn this art than by taking a critical look inside as many communities, both successful and crumbling, as possible. For those getting …

A Cynic’s Guide to Writing the Perfect Medium Post
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it’s been recommended over 6,500 times... the problem is this: the article is… crushingly insubstantial... there are dozens of similar pieces churning around Medium at any time: how to listicles, life-hack guides, autodidactic treatises on ‘personal growth’ etc etc... in the spirit of “if you can’t beat them join them”, here is my hastily co…

How to Test and Validate Startup Idea

Thinking of pursuing your next idea? Read this definitive guide first... a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is all about verifying the fact that there is a market where your potential company can call home and bring in paying customers. It’s about finding your early adopters and seeing exactly they are willing to pay for.... [but] an entreprene…

The Rise of the Engagement Editor
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nothing about Federman’s job responsibilities at Fortune are traditional for a Time Inc. employee. He works closely with colleagues in editorial, public relations and marketing. He mines analytics for data about the best times to post stories and what’s connecting with readers. He identifies trending stories and occasionally writes one ... helps d…

Samsung's own curated news app for Galaxy devices
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Apple isn't the only one developing an exclusive news service for its mobile customers. Samsung has announced a partnership with Axel Springer... to develop a news platform exclusive to Samsung Galaxy... UPDAY is being pitched as an "aggregated news content platform," with stories selected both algorithmically and by a local team of news editor…

How to Send a Ton of Personal-Looking Emails

Here’s the trick I figured out to send a ton of personal emails automatically. - How to Send a Ton of Personal-Looking Emails Automatically — STARTUPS + WANDERLUST + LIFE HACKING — Medium

Launching new framework: The Future of Work
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The framework probably needs some explanation, and I intend to both refine and provide more detailed explanations of the framework in the near future. In the meantime, here is our Beta v1 of The Future of Work framework. - Launching new framework: The Future of Work - Trends in the Living NetworksTrends in the Living Networks

Automatismes et aspects sémantiques - SeenThis
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Seenthis dispose de fonctionnalités lui permettant de déterminer la langue des messages... - le message global est analysé, - les paragraphes de citation à l’intérieur du billet sont analysés à part. De cette façon, je peux écrire un billet en français, contenant des extraits en anglais et en espagnol. Seenthis est capable de déterminer la…

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Du short-blogging sans limite de caractères. De la recommandation de liens. Des automatismes pour rédiger facilement vos messages. Des forums sous chaque billet. De la veille d'actualité. Une thématisation avancée. ... Seenthis propose le concept de « short-blogging » : du blogging de référencement au travers de billets dont la taille n'est pas…

Rise of the Social Influencer and Sponsored Posts

only when people are tempted to write gushing praise about a product they secretly despise that I think you have thrown away everything that you supposedly stand for... quite depressing to think that after all these years, we are still trying to put a price tag on everything that moves.,, However, there is something quite refreshing and excitin…

There Are Only Two Things People Want from Your Brand’s Social Presence
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If you stop to think about it, you might get appalled at how much time, money, and effort are meaningless for brand social marketing.... Get back to basics... It comes down to two simple mentalities. They want compelling content and they want a connection that makes sense for them, not you. - There Are Only Two Things People Want from Your B…

This is how Digg curates
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"Here's what should you should read and listen to in order to make sense of it all." - What To Read (And Listen To) On The 'Officially Unstoppable' Iran Nuclear Deal - Digg

Masterclass time. From the Google Blog:  we’ve taken the Google logo and branding, which were originally built for a single...

Masterclass time. From the Google Blog:  we’ve taken the Google logo and branding, which were originally built for a single desktop browser page, and updated them for a world of seamless computing across an endless number of devices and different kinds of inputs (such as tap, type and talk).

The Stories of the #ILookLikeAnEngineer Community Gathering
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"More than anything else, though, I think this event was about powerful stories — sharing stories, relating to stories, showing support after stories, and encouraging things to happen as a result of stories..." Rich picking here - e.g.,  “For every man that thought I was a secretary, there was a woman that called me a b****.” - The Stories o…

The Politics of the Curation Craze
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Oh my, how patronising. Nothing here about the genuine benefits that curation brings. Everything is painted with the same sneering brush in a world where everything is wrong is driven by narcissm and neoliberal capitalism. Still, definitely worth a read: "how did curating, a highly specialized line of museum work involving the care, accessio…

Convergence of Content Marketing and Social Media Is Here
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I have been under the impression for quite a while that eventually one of the large content marketing platforms...  will develop social media capabilities ... that content marketing would be the parent, and social marketing would fit underneath it. What Sprinklr is trying to do is flip the script on that, where social media becomes the parent a…

The End of the Internet Dream?
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What does it mean for companies to know everything about us, and for computer algorithms to make life and death decisions? Should we worry more about another terrorist attack in New York, or the ability of journalists and human rights workers around the world to keep working? How much free speech does a free society really need? - The End of th…

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