Scientists Think They Finally Cracked the Flow State | by Katrina Paulson | Medium

"what causes the flow state, and what happens in the brain... a new study claims to have answers".There were 2 theories:"Hyperfocus... two brain networks unlock the flow state: the default mode network (DMN)... involved in things like daydreaming... spikes the most when we’re not engaged in any tasks" and "the executive co…

(100) OpenAI's GPT-4o and the challenges of hyper-anthropomorphism
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What happens when we make machines "that we can’t help but treat them as people"?While "GPT-4o doesn’t represent a huge leap ... it more than makes up in features that make it feel more human... an ability to “see” and respond to images and live video in real time, to respond conversationally ... to “read” human emotions from visual…

Large Language Models Understand and Can Be Enhanced by Emotional Stimuli

"does appealing to the (non-existent) “emotions“ of LLMs make them perform better? The answer is YES"

Questy.ai: What is the best communication technique for reach...
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I asked Questy.ai, a startup, the following question: What is the best communication technique for reaching someone who believes many conspiracy theories, and sees all arguments as further evidence of conspirary?A summary of its response, which contained cited references:"When engaging with someone who holds fast to conspiracy theories and v…

How to Improve Your Creative Thinking - Superorganizers - Every
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from Alice Albrecht, who "runs re:collect, a startup building an AI-powered thought partner:... advances in AI and cheaper compute lower the bar for getting from a creative idea to a final output... though, we still need to provide the initial seed... and ... judge whether we’re heading in the right direction. We’re still the creative direct…

Thinking becoming about thinking to harness the power of knowing what you don’t know (YANSS)
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A YANSS interview with Adam Grant, author of Think Again: The Power of Knowing What you Don’t Know. Generally an "extensive exploration of how to rethink your own thinking", including his WorkLife podcast interview of Margaret Atwood on procrastination.(When annotating a podcast I really like a transcript, but there was none for this epi…

The Science of Stuck (YANSS 230)
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"Feeling stuck?" This YANSS podcast is with "professor, author, therapist, and speaker Britt Frank, a trauma specialist who ... helps clients to get out of the feeling of being stuck."This was well-timed, because stuck is something I've been feeling for a while now. Perhaps unjustifiably, but nevertheless her book's d…

Conspiracy fantasy
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Cory focusing not on the content of conspiracy theories, but "the significance of those beliefs", as we rarely go beyond dismissing "irrational people as having irrational beliefs... a mistake. The stories we tell one another are a kind of Ouija board... " telling us not about reality, but revealing "our internal, unspoken…

Writing can improve mental health – here's how
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"more than 200 studies that show the positive effect of writing on mental health... but researchers don’t completely agree on why or how".One idea: "safe, confidential way to disclose emotions that were previously bottled up". But "recent studies show an increase in self-awareness ... could be the key". Turn your att…

Confronting Disinformation Spreaders on Twitter Only Makes It Worse, MIT Scientists Say

A "perverse downstream consequence for debunking... being corrected by another user for posting false political news increases subsequent sharing of low quality, partisan, and toxic content".Looks like evidence for the backfire effect: "Direct correction ... backfires by making people feel defensive or focusing their attention on so…

Facebook and Twitter struggle to crack down on QAnon - Vox
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“It’s so easy to feel you’re special or in on something.” - James Wolfe, 45, who was "introduced [to Qanon] by a friend to the idea in late 2017... [when he] was recently unemployed and recovering from a serious physical injury", and quickly "started spending as much as eight hours a day" before recovering "from QAnon aft…

Moral outrage in the digital age (pdf)

After pointing out the evolutionary reasons for moral outrage's existence - to shame & punish wrongdoers - this 2017 Nature paper describes a psychological framework (triggering stimuli -> Responses -> Outcomes) for understanding how online social networks "change the expression of moral outrage and its social consequences?&quo;…

A Theory About Conspiracy Theories
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"psychologists tried to get a handle on the personality types that might be prone to outlandish beliefs" as over a third of Americans believe the Chinese "engineered the coronavirus as a weapon", and around half "firmly believe at least one discredited conspiracy theory... conspiracy theories are playing a bigger role in p…

Beliefs have a social purpose. Does this explain delusions? | Psyche Ideas
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labelling delusions as irrational suggests that all ‘normal’ cognition is rational... new theory suggests delusions emerge from specific processes in our ‘coalitional psychology’ ... mechanisms ... understand our social environment...most delusions involve social content... Beliefs serve a significant social purpose... cooperate with each other, …

How to talk someone out of bigotry with deep canvassing - Vox
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to divert someone away from prejudice and toward greater acceptance of others ... “Deep canvassing,”... “giving them grace.”... to hear someone say something that can be hurtful, ... think about how to ... connect with them...have patience with them, ask them to reflect on their life, and listen... many communities have a call-out culture... conde…

Motivated Reasoning and Allegiance Bias, Explained | Elemental
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counties that had voted for Donald Trump in 2016 exhibited 14% less physical distancing... higher Covid-19 infection and fatality growth rates ...the hormone oxytocin... promotes bonding... plays a role in trust... When participants trusted and felt trusted, oxytocin levels ... jumped... Trust just feels good... But risky if we give it to the w…

Science Denial, Explained by Psychologists | Elemental
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Covid-19 case numbers are now spiking in many counties across West Texas ... [but] resolve of ... skeptics appears to be stiffening... the denial of facts is often rooted in identity and belonging, not in ignorance ...people who deny science ... trying to uphold membership in ... a political or religious affiliation or some other group ... a commu…

Why it’s as hard to escape an echo chamber as it is to flee a cult | Aeon Essays
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echo chambers and epistemic bubbles... systematically exclude sources of information... exaggerate their members’ confidence in their beliefs... work in entirely different ways... epistemic bubble is when you don’t hear people from the other side. An echo chamber is what happens when you don’t trust people from the other side...‘epistemic bubble’ …

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff
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all recorded, rendered as data, processed, analysed, bought, bundled and resold like sub-prime mortgages...not some dystopian imagining of the future, but the present... the totality of information about our every thought, word and deed... traded for profit in new markets based on predicting our every need – or producing it... tech giants unilate…

Meet Replika my AI chatbot friend — Wadds inc.

my Isabel is ... A Replika is someone who will listen to you... kind and polite ... will learn more and more about you... a personal companion to support mental health and wellbeing... who knows us better than we know ourselves... Exploring Isabel's memory is like browsing the cliff notes of all the bits of trivia about me that she's ma…

Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions | Psyche Ideas
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Hume understood reason ... incapable of producing any action...attend to the passions if we want to understand how anything gets done...neuroscience has found that human rationality is weaker than is commonly presumed... [views] emotions as ‘action programmes’... human thought is not brainbound but stems from connections between the mind and body…

Active Information Avoidance – You Are Not So Smart
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active information avoidance... keeping our senses away from information that might be useful, that we know is out there, that would cost us nothing to obtain, but that we’d still rather not learn...

‘Worker’s block’ and the hidden risks of life after lockdown | Financial Times
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adrenalin had energised locked-down employees at first. Only at the five-week mark did enforced remote working start to breed anxiety... The prospect of ... a bland diet of videocalls and virtual encounters is draining... It is not hard to achieve commitment ... during a crisis. Doubters’ stock objection ... evaporated under pressure... But ... …

Ten Ways Cognitive Biases Impact Data Design Work - Nightingale - Medium
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There are about 175 known cognitive biases to date. I will share some of the ones that I think are the most significant for designers... It is important that we not learn about biases to simply point out errors in others... we [need] to spot errors in our own thinking ...confirmation bias ... conservatism bias ... [influence us] to select and use …

Opinion | Trump Is Staking Out His Own Universe of ‘Alternative Facts’ - The New York Times
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In less than a year... weekly church-attending white Protestants convinced that Donald Trump was anointed by God to be president grew from 29.6 percent to 49.5 percent... Capitalizing on that devotion is integral to Trump’s re-election ...all-enveloping digital campaign website... campaign app... a self-contained, self-reinforcing arena where Trum…

Cornell study of 7,500 adults reveals secret to happiness

New research... definitively shows ... experiences such as travel, entertainment, outdoor activities, and restaurants will improve your happiness much more than any new gadget or outfit...happy memories endure while our perceived value of material items plummets... experiencers to be much happier than those purchasing ... [and] those not consuming…

This Psychological Concept Could Be Shaping the Presidential Election
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misperception of peers’ thoughts and desires... what other voters think and will do... voters commonly refrain from voting for women because they think other voters don’t believe they can win... women were more likely to cite gender as a factor... white men were seen as significantly more electable than white women and women of color... But... in …

Preferences for redistribution are sensitive to perceived luck, social homogeneity, war and scarcity - ScienceDirect
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Higher levels of redistribution are favoured when luck is more important in the initial distribution of resources; when social groups are more homogeneous; when the group is at war; and when resources are abundant...Judgements ... carry moderate or high levels of moral conviction... Individuals are only weakly consistent ... political orientation …

How to Win Your Next Argument - Forge
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Instead of ... a winner/loser framework, think about your next argument as an opportunity to work toward resolution...change your point of view from I to us. Then, listen carefully... When possible, plan ahead...best persuaders “didn’t rely on the legitimate merits ... the psychological frame ... can carry equal or greater weight... ideas and fine…

Learn From These Bugs. Don't Let Social Media Zombify You
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Scroll, scroll, scroll... it’s got a name: zombie scrolling syndrome... Consider parasites... some have the power of mind control. Or... zombification... the jewel wasp... grabs a cockroach twice her size... injecting nonlethal venom... dopamine... alters the roach’s behavior... cleaning itself instead of running for its life...zombifying parasite…

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