Survive the Hard Things with Habits
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By generating enough internal force with our habits, we can push back against the external pressures that threaten to crush us. Here are a few to get started with ... - Survive the Hard Things with Habits — Better Humans — Medium

30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, and Emails
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We collected a trove of interesting and actionable headline formulas from some of the best sources for headline writing, and we’ve tossed in a few of our favorite Buffer headline formulas, too. - 30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, and Emails — Social Media Tips — Medium

The Uber Endgame

The subtext of Uber’s new products having the look and feel of a slightly shinier version of mass transit is, of course, that Uber wants to be privatized mass transit. In Uber’s grand vision, no one owns cars because nearly everyone is taken everywhere in a driverless, electric, omnisciently networked Uber conveyance that arrives precisely when it…

Replacing The User Story With The Job Story
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Job Stories are great because it makes you think about motivation and context and de-emphasizes adding any particular implementation. Often, because people are so focused on the who and how, they totally miss the why. When you start to understand the why, your mind is then open to think of creative and original ways to solve the problem. - Repl…

How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election
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... or any election, opinion poll ... "Google has amassed far more power to control elections and ... a wide variety of opinions and beliefs... easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more—up to 80 percent in some demographic groups—with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated.. In the United …

Ways to think about cars
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Cars are going to change a lot in the next few decades ... there are actually a number of separate things happening, which feed into each other and accelerate the pace of change.... it's now pretty easy to look at a car and say 'this should be a smartphone' ... To the extent that you add smart to a car, it should really be from the smartphone, …

Time to integrate Innovation into your Comms strategy
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Any decent Communication Strategy will integrate offline, online, internal and external communications. But what about your organisation's Innovation Strategy?

Virtual and Augmented Reality in PR and Communications
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Interesting approach to using Pinterest to curate interesting content: "Virtual Reality (and its cousin, Augmented Reality) are going to be big deals in PR and organizational communication. I'm curating articles here about the trend and the uses to which communicators can put these fast-growing technologies." - (1) Virtual and Augmented Real…

Burn It Down, Start From Scratch And Build a Social Media Strategy That Works

"There are times you simply need to destroy what exists in order to replace it with something better. Such is the case for social media... brand organic opportunities have disappeared and social media marketing has become entirely a paid game... Evidence of social media's remarkably poor reach is all around, and many social media marketers ar…

Better compare equally qualified candidates
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Gallup discovered 82% of hiring processes didn't pick the person with the right talent ... Add the wrong person into your employee mix ... and you could be looking at the cause of 80% of your turnovers. - 4 questions managers ask to better compare equally qualified candidates

Why the World Needs Better Science Journalism
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"Newsrooms are under pressure. Revenues are down, budgets are being cut, and journalists are losing their jobs. Sadly, it’s often the specialists whose jobs get axed ... Yet, never more than today has the need for sound science journalism been so great." - Why the World Needs Better Science Journalism | MediaShift

3 Content Marketing Myths and Tips for Keeping It Real
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a few sacred cows have emerged about the nature and promise of content marketing – these are the white lies marketers tell themselves. Here are a few myths marketers need to dispel if they want to really reach prospects with their content... The goal of content marketing isn’t to create content, it’s to create educated buyers who are ready to h…

Creating Online Videos That Engage Viewers
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what are the characteristics of videos that engage consumers?... Depending on the expert, success is thought more likely if a video is humorous, shocking, dramatic, topical, warm, arousing, angry, scary, socially beneficial, cute, violent, sexy, uplifting, intriguing, quirky, interesting, authoritative, tear-jerking, educational, controversial…

Social media fundamentals, productivity & authenticity (Top3ics, 21 August)

In this edition I highlight only one post, and mention a few others. Topics: truth, authenticity & trust, but also productivity and digital transformation.

Facebook, Medium, and the Personal Press Release
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Facebook seems to be giving Notes a reboot... looks like nothing else on the website: It has a clean, white-space-filled design with extravagantly readable type. It looks, in other words, like Medium. - Facebook, Medium, and the Personal Press Release - The Atlantic

The Future of Firms. Is There an App for That?
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"A large part of corporate economic activity today is still designed to accomplish what high market transaction costs prevented earlier. But the world has changed... coordination can be performed without intermediaries with the help of new technologies. Digital transparency makes responsive coordination possible... Apps can now do what manag…

The difference between time and attention

It wasn’t that I couldn’t find the time. I couldn’t find the attention. My mind fills up with a few key projects and that’s it. I’m absorbed by those. That’s where my attention is. - The difference between time and attention – Signal v. Noise

CEOs are often the last to know
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"nobody tells you anything when it comes to bubbling-up abuse from the trenches. It’s completely unrealistic to expect someone five levels deep in the bowels of the organization to reach out to the fifth-richest man in the world and trouble him ... It doesn’t matter how many invitations to open doors... you extend, it’s just not going to happen. …

Did LinkedIn go Klout on us?

Daily I now see posts published authors on LinkedIn that praise the value of finding out your "SSI". . .. while at the same time gently but not so quietly promoting what their score is... I believe the "one percenters" tag is entirely relative since each of have a completely different network from anyone else in the world. - Did LinkedIn go …

Networks and the Nature of the Firm
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networks trump traditional forms of corporate organization, and ... changing traditional ways of managing that organization... If the (transaction) costs of exchanging value in the society at large go down drastically ... The core firm should now be small and agile, with a large network. The mainstream firm... becomes the more expensive alterna…

Our Distracted Age

Long periods of uninterrupted time is needed to properly process new information... Our devices, always being online, constantly interrupt these sessions... Our devices are a collection of multinational companies competing for our attention... They purposefully design their applications to distract you for their goal of selling more ads. - O…

TL;DR: “From One Spokesperson To Millions”
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A tl;dr version of “From One Spokesperson To Millions” the brilliant 45-minute longread by @jessedee on taking one of the most successful campaigns of all time - Paul Hogan’s 1980s Tourism Australia campaign - and updating it for the age of user-generated content. Some key quotes:

How to get a journalist's attention
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my colleagues and I have created a site entitled, “How To Pitch Me” that aims to help those who strive to pitch reporters in today’s tech landscape.... While reading these various submissions, I have noticed that there are certain tips that repeatedly come up... Here are the top ten pointers... [and finally] ... many writers we asked, includin…

Why the insight & creativity sweetspot delivers better customer experiences
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"what people really want is to be treated like individuals and given the tools to help themselves.... Rigour is the cold, hard fact of insight. Magic is the creative talent ... Without great insight, creative may be ill-informed or poorly targeted.... Meanwhile, a data-based body of evidence that isn’t supported by creativity fails to creat…

If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault
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"by simply learning from disciplines like urban planning, zoning regulations, crowd control, effective and humane policing, and the simple practices it takes to stage an effective public event, we can come up with a set of principles to prevent the overwhelming majority of the worst behaviors on the Internet... Businesses that run cruise ships …

Digg is building a new commenting platform

"... that encourages conversation around stories and can help create community on Digg, instead of farming out that chatter to Twitter or Facebook... This year could be a tipping point in how media companies employ reader comments and conversation...expected to debut this fall. You can sign up to follow the project — and be a beta tester ..." …

Attention is a Currency: It's Time to Re-Think Storytelling and Content Marketing | Brian Solis | LinkedIn

"Humans are emotional creatures and they want experiences that engage them as humans. They're not eyeballs, impressions, views, likes, shares, clickthroughs, or conversions.... connect people through sharing and conversation to form communities that we can then cultivate. That takes understanding, purpose, intent and genuineness.

How Not to Be a Leader
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We must be dreamers, rebels, renegades, heretics, outlaws. Everything, in short, that the demagogues do not want us to be... the very leaders that are a broken, hunted, anxious world is so desperately missing. - How Not to Be a Leader — Bad Words — Medium

Bad comments are a system failure
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If you don’t want comments on your website, that’s fine, don’t have them. But don’t act like comments are some sort of intractable problem that can’t be realistically addressed by mortals. They’re not... you could fix this, but your priorities are elsewhere.... Having threads that close, having moderators that redirect entrenched disagreements,…

How the driverless car could transform cities

By combining ride sharing with car sharing—particularly in a city such as New York—MIT research has shown that it would be possible to take every passenger to his or her destination at the time they need to be there, with 80 percent fewer cars. Clearing the roads of four out of five cars has momentous consequences for cities... - Full speed …

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