(6) A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking | Facebook

our vision and principles around building a privacy-focused messaging and social networking platform... Privacy gives people the freedom to be themselves and connect more naturally... private messaging, ephemeral stories, and small groups are by far the fastest growing areas of online communication... an opportunity to build a simpler platform th…

Draft Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI | Digital Single Market

This working document constitutes a draft of the AI Ethics Guidelines presented by the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG)... The consultation ended on 1 February 2019 with over 500 comments received. These comments are currently being analysed

Europe Against the Net
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three documents from Europe about regulating the net:.... I see danger for the net and its freedoms posed by corporate protectionism and a rising moral panic about technology... Articles 11 & 13: Protectionism gone mad... Article 11 link tax... likely cover many of the snippets shown ... to give you an idea of what they lead to….No exceptions are …

The hipster effect: Why anti-conformists always end up looking the same - MIT Technology Review
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Complexity science explains why efforts to reject the mainstream merely result in a new conformity.... mathematician who studies the way the transmission of information through society influences the behavior of people ... in a vast range of scenarios, the hipster population always undergoes a kind of phase transition in which members become sync…

How Medium’s Curation, Distribution and Paywall Systems Work for Writers
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We don’t charge for hosting, we never put ads on your content or share your data, and we will only put your story behind the Medium paywall if you choose to take advantage of Medium distribution beyond your followers.... We recommend stories to millions of Medium readers every day on our personalized home page, in our email digests, and in our mob…

Selling the Green New Deal With Positivity
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We’ve been taking the wrong approach to communicating about climate change... even climate-denying, anti-scientific, messianic nations like the United States are quietly preparing ... not at how to mitigate climate change, but how to prepare for its inevitability. We’re building walls ... to block tomorrow’s climate refugees... alienation verging …

The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen – The Mission – Medium
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led prospects through the following five elements, in precisely this order: #1. Name a Big, Relevant Change in the World... the undeniable shift in the world that creates both (a) big stakes and (b) huge urgency for your prospect.... most pitch advice ... is to start with “the problem.” When you assert that your prospects have a problem, you put …

If You Want To Change The World, You Need To Start With Small Groups, Loosely Connected But United…
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a new idea has to replace an old one and the status quo has inertia on its side... to truly make an impact, you need small groups, loosely connected, but united by a shared purpose... start with groups small enough to convince a majority... We all have different thresholds for conformity ... threshold model of collective behavior... the exposu…

Signal v Noise exits Medium – Signal v. Noise – Medium
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Traditional blogs might have swung out of favor, as we all discovered the benefits of social media and aggregating platforms, but we think they’re about to swing back in style, as we all discover the real costs and problems brought by such centralization... With the new take, we’re also trying to bring more of a classic SvN style back to the site.…

Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning
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The challenge of creating humanlike intelligence in machines remains greatly underestimated. Today’s A.I. systems sorely lack the essence of human intelligence: understanding the situations we experience, being able to grasp their meaning... research studies have shown that deep-learning systems can be unreliable in decidedly unhumanlike ways... …

Liberals and Conservatives React in Wildly Different Ways to Repulsive Pictures
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a recent strand of experimental psychology suggests, our political beliefs may have something to do with ... our propensity to feel physical disgust.... The brains of liberals and conservatives reacted in wildly different ways to repulsive pictures... different brain networks were stimulated... the subjects’ neural responses... could predict with …

Anti-vaxx propaganda has gone viral on Facebook. Pinterest has a cure | Technology | The Guardian
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In the case of vaccines, the fact that scientists and doctors are not producing a steady stream of new digital content about settled science has left a void for conspiracy theorists and fraudsters to fill ... Data voids may be relatively easy to diagnose, but they are very difficult to fix... cannot be achieved by removing problematic content... W…

AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform—Call It Mirrorworld
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every place and thing in the real world—every street, lamppost, building, and room—will have its full-size digital twin in the mirrorworld... the next great digital platform...We will interact with it, manipulate it, and experience it like we do the real world... Eventually we’ll be able to search physical space as we might search a text... hyperl…

Newsrooms are finally focusing on loyalty over pageviews. Here’s how to actually measure it. – Poynter
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we need to lock on our analytics to the people who willfully return to our work... There’s no one single metric that tells you how loyal... your audience is.... The Center for Cooperative Media ... audience explorer dashboard... plugs into Google Analytics... splits audiences into “Brand Lovers,” “Prospective Loyalists” and “Casual,”... free and e…

Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report published - UK Parliament
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The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee... final report on Disinformation and ‘fake news’.... in its evidence to the Committee Facebook has often deliberately sought to frustrate our work, by giving incomplete, disingenuous and at times misleading answers to our questions.

Why Fears of Fake News Are Overhyped – Reasonable Doubt – Medium
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many of the initial conclusions ...about the scope of fake news consumption, and its effects on our politics, were exaggerated or incorrect. Relatively few people consumed this form of content directly during the 2016 campaign, and even fewer did so before the 2018 election. Fake news consumption is concentrated among a narrow subset of Americans …

We Are in a ‘Group Feel’ Epidemic
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“You’re over-feeling this” needs to be a thing ... Yet, we talk about “Groupthink” when “Groupfeel” is the new wave transforming our public sphere... public discourse increasingly eschews actual logic for a sort of culturally agreed upon standard of emotional logic... my feelings ... don’t matter as much as the facts. But since we have so few fa…

No thank you, Mr. Pecker – Jeff Bezos – Medium
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Rather than capitulate to extortion and blackmail, I’ve decided to publish exactly what they sent me, despite the personal cost and embarrassment they threaten.

Games and the Design of Optimal Human Experience
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Games are optimal forms of human experience... Raph Koster’s A Theory of Fun for Game Design.... is a fascinating exploration into human nature, evolutionary theory, and the design of optimal human experience... argues that fun is the experience of developing mastery... learning cannot be anything but fun... ... The best games are fun because the…

We have met the problem. Guess who?
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In all the urgent debate about regulating, investigating, and even breaking up internet companies, we have lost sight of the problem we are trying to confront: not technology but instead human behaviour on it... in their search for someone to blame, government outsource fault and responsibility, egged on by media (whose schadenfreude constitutes …

Designing Knowledge4Policy
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“It’s not that pretty” we hear every other day. Possibly. But what’s important: building something beautiful, or something usable?- published on the K4P Publication on Medium

The Common Genius of Lincoln and Einstein
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this ability to stand outside of one’s immediate context and take a longer historical view, like other forms of genius, may have physical correlates in the brain... they excel at “recognizing relationships, making associations and connections, and seeing things in an original way... much stronger activations (compared to a control group) in the …

How a Business Leader Can Think Like a Futurist
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I interviewed three prominent futurists---  about how business leaders can get themselves into a more future-oriented mindset.... they explain how companies and the people running them can learn to predict major shifts ...  in technology, workforce, social trends — and how to adapt accordingly... Read a ton, and consult experts... Futurists use t…

Understanding Public Policy: How to Maximise the Use of Evidence
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scholars’ assumptions about the value of academic research... has left us ill-equipped to navigate the stormy waters of evidence informed policy and practice. He proposes that instead we extract key insights from policy theories and use them to inform discussions about how to promote evidence use.

How to Use Facebook as a Productivity and Content Management Tool
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I have basically figured out for myself how to use Facebook as a workplace.

Australian Government Design System
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The Australian Government Design System provides a framework and a set of tools to help designers and developers build government products and services more easily.

The Drama of Rules: What Storytelling Can Teach Us About Human Nature
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Stories are a cultural universal — there isn’t a single country... that isn’t steeped in stories and storytelling. If something is universal, there’s a good chance it’s the product of evolution, not culture... stories, despite all their variety, contain some common essence ... Think of the structure as a bony skeleton that we rarely notice…stories…

Country-as-a-platform: Why Singapore’s future needs a platform strategy
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with digital technologies changing the nature of trade, Singapore’s locational and infrastructural advantages may no longer be as strong... Singapore must reinvent itself as a hub for the age of digital trade... think like a platform nation...

Change Management: The Key to Successful Digital Transformations
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Any digital transformation includes the following core ingredients:Strategy — aligning vision, customer experience, processes and technology.User-Centered Design — mobile first and personalized.Agility in Delivery — iterative and adaptable.Integration of Software, Platforms and Technology — choosing environments and products that harmonize.Data, A…

Take the Pro-Truth Pledge!
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Take the Pro-Truth Pledge to encourage politicians – and everyone else – to commit to truth-oriented behaviors and protect facts and civility. ... Pledge-takers are held accountable through crowd-sourcing the truth.. volunteers who evaluate whether public figures violate the pledge by sharing misinformation.... this peer-reviewed article... Publ…

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