The Baymard Institute: A glorious, evidence-based trove of UX best practices
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If you’re a User Researcher ... Baymard can probably provide you some value ... an “independent web usability research institute”... founded on the central thesis that design decisions are often made subjectively ... a more evidence-based approach is possible...Baymard sells research ... based on tens of thousands of hours of their own in-house us…

We can't cure COVID-19 by giving up our right to privacy - Protocol
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we sped from the mere suggestion of "sentinel surveillance" to ... a Patriot Act for health care... Having served as lead White House technology adviser on Sept. 11, 2001, I've been down this path..."A Roadmap to Reopening" ... "new national surveillance infrastructure"... widespread ... individual contact tracin…

The Geographical Journal - Wiley Online Library
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geoengineering technologies are hypothetical... to be used ‘in case of emergency’ ... should radical emissions cuts fail... Running concurrently... ‘chemtrails’ ... interchangeably with the term geoengineering... belief that the persistent contrails left by aeroplanes provide evidence that a secret programme of large‐scale weather and climate modi…

Collaborative note taking : a practice for distributed meetings | willowbl00
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The benefits of collaborative note taking are many-fold: People ... can catch themselves up ... collect audience participation, feedback, and questions ... guide the audience ... audience members [can] participate rather than being distracted ... You have notes at the end ... [so turn] it into a blog entry your participants can share and reflect o…

Rappler's Maria Ressa Recommends How to Tame the Corrosive Effects of Social Media - Nieman Reports
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we needed to take investigative journalism and combine it with technology to build communities of action... I went from managing 1,000 journalists to 12 people...Our information ecosystem has already been destroyed. We’ve been poisoned... We were the third [news outlet] attacked... we stood up because we have no other business interests...In the o…

Macron warns of EU unravelling unless it embraces financial solidarity | Financial Times
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Member states have ‘no choice’ but to set up joint virus recovery fund... warned of the collapse of the EU as a “political project” unless it supports stricken economies such as Italy... a fund that “could issue common debt with a common guarantee” to finance member states according to their needs rather than the size of their economies... If we c…

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Zenkit... online project management... a spreadbase... an underlying database and ... a variety of views, including Kanban, table, wiki, mindmap, and hierarchy... easy-to-use and intuitive tool, and makes collaborating on activities like project management, CRM, and other business operations simple and straightforward...I found some of Zenkit baff…

Why Mission Statements Fail - David Burkus
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I don’t know what got you out of bed ... probably wasn’t your company’s mission statement... purpose ... was noble... provide employees with that clear purpose... become a purpose-driven organization... [which] have more motivated employees... easier recruiting top talent... great performance... less turnover... greater profitability... customers …

Conference on the future of Europe: Let civil society have its say!
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We are a community of academics coming from different disciplines ... closely studied and contributed to previous (failed) institutional attempts ... to rethink the EU ... express our deepest concerns about the many unintended consequences stemming from ... the Conference on the future of Europe... raising expectations it can’t easily deliver on, …

Big Tech’s Big Defector | The New Yorker
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McNamee has mentored many of the people who have transformed Silicon Valley... advised Mark Zuckerberg to turn down Yahoo’s offer... a billion dollars... encouraged Zuckerberg to hire Sheryl Sandberg...Ten days before the Presidential election... “I am disappointed. I am embarrassed. I am ashamed,”... I was expecting them to take it seriously... t…

Tech Giants Prepared for 2016-Style Meddling. But the Threat Has Changed. - The New York Times
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big tech companies have spent the past three years working to avoid a repeat of 2016... struggling to handle the new challenges of 2020...foreign governments ... are now using ... bots that are nearly impossible to distinguish from hyperpartisan Americans... partisan groups in the United States have borrowed Russia’s 2016 playbook ... tough calls …

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Readwise lets you quickly liberate your highlights ... ensures that you'll actually see and use them... Spaced Repetition. We surface your best highlights back to you at the right times, and let you review them ...Use search to find a highlight instantly, tag it to cement its spot in your library, and then add your own annotation to it.

Stop Trying to Be Productive - The New York Times
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The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now... But in the midst of a global pandemic ... people are finding it harder and harder to get things done... urge to overachieve... natural endpoint of America’s hustle culture... every nanosecond ... commodified and pointed toward profit and self-impro…

‘Pushing’ research evidence gets us only so far – Transforming Evidence
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the history and limitations of linear approaches to evidence use in the first of three articles on what we know about building effective relationships between government and research...Evidence and Policy in 2010... argued there are three generations of thinking about how best to foster engagement... The first... is a linear perspective... focus o…

7 Harsh Truths about running online communities
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many organisations are not content to simply run a website, they want to run an online community too... I continually see the same mistakes...the harsh realities of running an online community [are] ... Community is about people and relationships, not technology. The technology is the easy part... it also takes commitment.... months to get off the…

This is why we can't have nice brands.

Every feature that adtech is bragging on, or working toward? Email spam had it in the 1990s... staying away from spam was the right answer... spam from a high-reputation brand doesn’t look any different from spam that any fly-by-night operation can send...The “new reality,”... is a place where you win based not on how much the audience trusts you,…

This Is Not the Apocalypse You Were Looking For | WIRED
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humans have been haunted by the idea of the end of everything for a very, very long time. Lately, it’s been our default popular entertainment... Covid-19 changed everything... I was expecting Half-Life... not ... facing this sort of thing in snuggly socks and a dressing gown... This apocalypse is less Danny Boyle and more Douglas Adams...late capi…

Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War: PowerPoint - The New York Times
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Like an insurgency, PowerPoint has crept into the daily lives of military commanders and reached the level of near obsession... “PowerPoint makes us stupid,”... create the illusion of understanding and ... control... Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable...rigid lists of bullet points... take no account of interconnected... forces... [a…

FT's Coronavirus trajectory tracker explained
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FT senior data-visualisation journalist ... explains the must-see daily graphs...See also Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads | Free to read

Cranky Uncle smartphone game – Cranky Uncle
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The Cranky Uncle smartphone game is currently being developed... teach you to throw the arguments of even your crankiest climate-misinformed uncle back at him... let’s learn the arguments of denial to defeat them...cartoons and gameplay to interactively explain the denial techniques used to cast doubt on climate science... ‘active inoculation’ — l…

Seven early lessons from the coronavirus | European Council on Foreign Relations
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there at least seven things that make this crisis very different... force the return of big government... one more demonstration of the mystique of borders, and will help reassert the role of the nation state within the European Union...The third lesson of the coronavirus relates to trust in expertise... Professionalism is back in fashion...Unfort…

How Will the Coronavirus End? - The Atlantic
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In 2018, I wrote ... that America was not ready for the pandemic that would eventually come... a new cohort who are born into a society profoundly altered by COVID-19... call them Generation C... shaped by the choices made in the coming weeks...More transmissible and fatal than seasonal influenza... stealthier... nations must ... identify infected…

No more user stories! There are jobs to be done - The Startup - Medium
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don’t sell products and services to customers, but rather try to help people address their jobs to be done... most of the masses of customer data companies create is structured to show correlations... is taking companies in the wrong direction...home in on ... what the customer hopes to accomplish... the job to be done... When we buy a product, we…

Experts pick the best charts for tracking coronavirus

not all graphics are created equal... well-intentioned designs can mislead the public ... we asked six experts to identify the graphics that do the best job of telling an important story about coronavirus... the simpler, the better...with data being so sparse, incomplete... traditional visualizations ... may give readers a delusional impression of…

Calculating the ROI of Customer Engagement
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Most current definitions of engagement are bimodal – someone is either engaged or they ‘re not...a limited view that hampers our ability to manage engagement in meaningful ways...Community management is the discipline of building technical and social environments in such a way that individuals can easily organize and collaborate to achieve an obje…

Partnering Health and Data Expertise for COVID-19

Data Visualization Society... pair our members with ... public health organizations, researchers, cultural navigators making sense of information for patients, local communities, and others through data visualization

10 Days That Changed Britain: "Heated" Debate Between Scientists Forced Boris Johnson To Act On Coronavirus
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Britain’s leading epidemiologists ... extremely tense ... private — discussions among themselves, with the UK’s chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance, and Boris Johnson’s government...no consensus... While the scientific debate was raging... Johnson’s government ... criticised other countries ... taken more dramatic steps, claiming Britain wa…

Launching MyHub.ai
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I officially launched the MyHub.ai alpha phase right smack in the middle of the 2020 coronavirus crisis.

Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators - Ana Andjelic - Medium
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indie bookstores are thriving. The keyword is curation: by default... local and community-oriented... know the taste ... mood of the neighborhood... a good model for the modern aspiration economy...having taste to know what to buy... human curation... differentiator in fashion, food, travel, wellness, design, and an important value-add for tech pl…

Some Republicans remain skeptical of the severity of the coronavirus pandemic - The Washington Post

Rep. Devin Nunes ... leading ally of President Trump, dismissed concerns about the coronavirus pandemic... Bernard B. Kerik, a Trump supporter ... tweeted that “this hysteria is being created to destabilize the country, and destroy” Trump....from Italy... Newt Gingrich offered a different perspective... Inside the Republican Party... a deep divide…

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