Women Journalists Are the Most Credible Voices on Covid-19
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data on the U.S. media ecosystem suggests that women journalists make up a disproportionately high number of the most credible journalists... about Covid-19... dominate ... top 100 most credible journalists ... 19 of the top 25 journalists and 58 of the top 100algorithm analyzes individual articles for credibility based on the author’s topical exp…

Attention Paid vs. Paying Attention in Pervasive Computing — MIT Media Lab
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in this Special Issue ... explore the twin demons relating to attention... unwanted attention paid to us ... versus our own attention being unwittingly diverted ... living in a Panopticon versus the specter of our personal cognitive resources being fragmented and deleteriously diverted by too many competing digital factions that exploit intimate k…

Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer - Our World in Data
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Raw data on confirmed cases and deaths for all countries is sourced from ... ECDC. Our complete COVID-19 dataset is ... maintained by Our World in Data... updated daily and includes data on confirmed cases, deaths, and testing... you can download all of our data.

Active Information Avoidance – You Are Not So Smart
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active information avoidance... keeping our senses away from information that might be useful, that we know is out there, that would cost us nothing to obtain, but that we’d still rather not learn...

‘Worker’s block’ and the hidden risks of life after lockdown | Financial Times
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adrenalin had energised locked-down employees at first. Only at the five-week mark did enforced remote working start to breed anxiety... The prospect of ... a bland diet of videocalls and virtual encounters is draining... It is not hard to achieve commitment ... during a crisis. Doubters’ stock objection ... evaporated under pressure... But ... …

Bundle Magic - Divinations
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It’s not obvious why bundling is good... Sometimes you should unbundle. It entirely depends on the circumstances...unbundler says, “Right now your only option is to buy ABCD, but you really just want B" ... Substack exemplifies this ... bundler says, “Hey, right now you have to buy A, B, C, and D separately, but you’d like them all... Spotif…

Nat Eliason is Living in The Matrix - Superorganizers
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how Roam’s first prophet organizes his life... I think of Roam as a low friction database oriented around tying ideas together over time... other note-taking app... work kind of like a filing cabinet... each project I do gets its own page in Roam... at least two tags to it: #Projects... #Active ... I’m actively working on it... automatically …

Praxis is Joining the Everything Bundle - Forte Labs

make every minute you spend consuming information much, much more valuable... much ... online content ... awful. Driven by clickbait, optimized for maximum distraction... lowest common denominator, it only added to people’s confusion ... in ... productivity, performance, and personal effectiveness... lots of gems ... buried beneath an avalanche of…

How We Reopen Safely - covidexitstrategy.org
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Tracking states as they make progress towards a new normal

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a woman & a man in science... catalog those replies, to save us all the trouble of writing new responses every time. Presenting THE NINE TYPES OF REPLY GUYS

Coronavirus: fake news less of a problem than confusing government messages – new study

the vast majority of our panel of 200 participants could easily spot fake news... many instead referenced ... government or media misinformation ... less aware ... how the pandemic is being handled ... underestimated the UK’s death toll...many believed a greater emphasis on fact-checking would enhance rather than undermine public trust in journali…

The narrative power of “abolish the police” - Vox
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don’t think about “abolish the police” as merely a policy proposal... Think about it as a narrative ... to change how people think... an objective to rally behind... a lesson in how... the broader left ... needs to work on its storytelling skills as much as its policy proposals...“storytelling” [is] ... a three-act structure ... a character with a…

A tech exec says history will frown on Zuckerberg and co.

I put together my own cheat sheet to keep in my back pocket for heated conversations to come

Where the science went wrong

scientific caution, rather than a strategy of “herd immunity”, drove the UK’s slow response...Sage agreeing “to publish a chronological set ... documents which have informed the questions it has considered and its advice to date... to demonstrate the uncertainties scientists have faced, how understanding of Covid-19 has developed over time, and th…

Zuckerberg, Trump and the protests: Facebook’s muddled makeover | Financial Times
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Facebook is wary of being drawn further into a political argument ahead ... divisive presidential election ... ... steer clear of fact-checking political advertisements... keen not to antagonise Mr Trump ... claiming that social media platforms are biased against Republican ... purely a business decision ... ubiquitous... it must always align with…

FAQ: My Hub's been created. How do I get started?
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In 7 minutes you'll learn how to get your password, edit your about page and use the bookmarklet to start curating content to your Hub.

Ten Ways Cognitive Biases Impact Data Design Work - Nightingale - Medium
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There are about 175 known cognitive biases to date. I will share some of the ones that I think are the most significant for designers... It is important that we not learn about biases to simply point out errors in others... we [need] to spot errors in our own thinking ...confirmation bias ... conservatism bias ... [influence us] to select and use …

COVID-19 ushers in the era of 'data simulation'
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Rather than being limited to policy wonks and first responders, simulations ... a critical way for individuals to understand complex concepts and examine the impact of their decisions... more than just inform ... help users build empathy for others..."Why Outbreaks like Coronavirus Spread Exponentially.” ... helped Americans understand how im…

bellingcat - Guide To Using Reverse Image Search For Investigations - bellingcat
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for most any sophisticated research project, you need additional sites at your disposal — along with a lot of creativity... This guide will walk through detailed strategies to use reverse image search ... Google reverse image search isn’t very good ... the undisputed leader ... Yandex... runners-up Bing and Google ... Yandex's strengths l…

Dear Facebook employees, - Barry Schnitt
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"We believe in Facebook’s mission that giving people tools to make the world more open is a better way to combat ignorance or deception than censorship.” It turns out that I was wrong... There are more options than just being “open” and “censorship”... The more successful Facebook is ... the more ignorance, deception ...in the world...Facebo…

White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter
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Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa... hashtags that trended worldwide ... to insinuate that protesters have been silenced ... "coordinated attempts to disrupt the public conversation"…

Imagining new MyHub.ai features as the pilot Hubs launch
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This month sees the first generation of Hubs (other than mine) go live, so it’s time to imagine what comes next: AI integration? Filter-bubble Piercers? HubBots? Factcheck-driven credibility scores?

Defying Trump, Twitter Doubles Down on Labeling Tweets - The New York Times
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Trump signed an executive order ... easier for federal regulators to argue that companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter were suppressing free speech when they suspended users or deleted posts... Twitter has doubled down... added fact-checking labels to ... spokesman for China’s foreign ministry ... tweets that falsely claimed a photo... was …

Nearly half 'reopen America' Twitter accounts are bots: report - Business Insider
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the level of bot involvement in discussions about things like US elections or natural disasters is typically 10% to 20%... among tweets about "reopening America," 66% came from accounts that were possibly humans using bot assistants... 34% came from bots...

Evidence & Policy insights during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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COVID-19 pandemic is shining a light on the roles that evidence and expertise can play in policy ... Epidemiological data ... reviews of evidence ... assessments of social ... impacts, and more... all competing for policy attention ... can lead to competing narratives... a sense of confusion...policy is necessarily political and evidence does not…

Twitter Labels Trump's Tweets for First Time - The New York Times

Twitter added information to refute the inaccuracies in President Trump’s tweets for the first time... urged people to “get the facts”... a CNN story ... and ... bullet points that Twitter had compiled rebutting the inaccuracies... Twitter determined that those unsubstantiated assertions could lead to voter confusion and that they merited a correc…

The One-Touch Guide to Doing a Weekly Review: How I Go From Chaos to Clarity in 30 Minutes - Forte Labs
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most people... [think] a Weekly Review ... a comprehensive “life review,” requiring hours ... In this guide, I’ll reframe ... to a short, quick, and easy habit that you’ll look forward to completing...productivity is just like your finances: it doesn’t work if it changes too often... should be a quick check-in to give you clarity...: Clear your …

People who believe COVID-19 conspiracies have these 7 traits
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seven distinctive traits of conspiratorial thinking. “Plandemic” offers textbook examples of them all...belief system is internally contradictory ... overwhelmingly suspicious toward the official account ... no limit to the nefarious intent ....may occasionally abandon specific ideas when they become untenable. But ... not overall conclusion that …

Why We Keep Digging When We're Stuck In A Hole : NPR
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when something important is missing in your life, your brain can only seem to focus on that missing thing... scarcity... leads you to take certain behaviors that in the short term help... in the long term only make matters worse... robs people of insight... in a hole, we sometimes dig ourselves even deeper...human brain is wired to respond to scar…

Exercising, Eating Right Won’t Prevent Burnout - Bloomberg
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Juggling full-time responsibilities, family life, and the stress of confinement makes the risk of burnout greater than ever... time to deconstruct the underlying cultural sources of burnout and ... Work less...our relationship to work ... tied to our ... self-worth ... But ... research says ... for knowledge workers to do their best work, they ne…

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