WaPo's Storyline: storytelling from Bezos' new baby
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"The Post's new online vertical, Storyline, will cover policy topics through articles, videos and charts -- or "chapters" -- that follow a particular storyline.... avoid "hypothetical policy debates" ... We are going to tell stories with people, with characters, with human drama, in a way that other policy sites don't do very often... depar…

There's explainers, and then there's clickbait

"Could “all you need to know” be the most insidious, reductive, and lame story formula currently conquering our reading life? Everywhere you turn there’s another purported ne plus ultra explainer purporting to tell us “absolutely everything we could possibly need to know” about some current event, some curiosity of history, some deep mystery of li…

The Harsh Realities of SEO That No One Tells You
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"Any time something as complex as SEO is painted in such broad strokes – which many blogs do in order to appeal to a larger audience – there are going to be things left out. And unfortunately for many marketers trying to improve their search rankings, they’re often very important things." Good guide. Particularly like: "Your first priority shoul…

NYT native advertising performance
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"the Orange is the New Black-inspired content series on women inmates in America cracked the top 10 most read articles on the site, with fifty percent of its traffic coming from social media and 60 percent from mobile. ... time spent ... rivaled time spent with the top New York Times editorial. “ - New York Times adman gushes over native advertis…

The 4 Layers of Big Data Everyone Must Know | SmartData Collective
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" the 4 key layers of a big data system - i.e. the different stages the data itself has to pass through on its journey from raw statistic or snippet of unstructured data (for example, social media post) to actionable insight. The whole point of a big data strategy is to develop a system which moves data along this path. In this post, I will attem…

3 TED Talks on Storytelling
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Apart from 3 good videos to watch, a good example of content curation... "We have all heard (ad nauseam) about the “power of brand storytelling,” and I know that I have read more than one blog that spits off a numeric list of tips that I just “can’t live without” as a content marketer..." - 3 TED Talks That Uncover the Secrets of Storytelling | …

Quantum Computing & Storytelling
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"those that know how to tell the stories of their work are heard (and subsequently funded) while those who are poor at storytelling are often forgotten and neglected" - Quantum Computing And The Value Of Storytelling In Science - ReadWrite - Station Q, Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/stories/stationq/index.html

Basic Principles of Presentation Design
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"Creating a beautiful presentation requires a symphony of visual elements to work together for a “big picture.” Designers seek to make the entire vision work together in terms of how each part interacts. This includes layout, typography, and imagery, which all add up to a cohesive set of design elements. So, how can you orchestrate the chaos of de…

What does Wierd Al Yankovic have to teach the EU about communications? Watch the video and agree: "Everything, basically".

What does Wierd Al Yankovic have to teach the EU about communications? Watch the video and agree: “Everything, basically”.

How to Spot Liars at Work and How to Deal with Them 45 minutes of psychology, body language, etc. Really insightful into the...

How to Spot Liars at Work and How to Deal with Them 45 minutes of psychology, body language, etc. Really insightful into the blind spots we all have, the biases we suffer from which make us distrust honest people with the ‘wrong’ eyebrows or chin, and which make us trust people we shouldn’t on the basis of looks, group membership…

Study: Sponsored Content Has a Trust Problem
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Key "takeaways" (gag), of which the last is hilarious: "- Two-thirds of readers have felt deceived upon realizing that an article or video was sponsored by a brand. - 54 percent of readers don’t trust sponsored content. - 59 percent of readers believe a news site loses credibility if it runs articles sponsored by a brand. - As education level …

Crisis of trust as sponsored content puts media credibility into question - The Globe and Mail
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"As media companies seek out new ways to make money, is a crisis of trust brewing?"

Getting Sponsored Content Right

IAB/Edelman study on in-feed sponsored content: "The potential success of sponsored content is directly linked to how consumers already feel about the brand advertiser and the publisher hosting the content.... [Brands must] Create value for audiences ... publishers should ... be willing to walk away from advertisers who aren’t relevant/trusted" …

How native advertising screws media brands
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"I’ve long said that if you have to put a link next to a label saying “what’s this?” then the label clearly isn’t clear enough. ... when I see a link to Forbes on Twitter, I don’t know whether it is going to take me to (1) the good work of a Forbes journalists, (2) the good work of a Forbes contributor, (3) the bad work of one of many Forbes cont…

What are you revealing online?
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"...there are computational techniques that will reveal all kinds of information about you that you're not aware that you're sharing... "Project Gaydar... were able to infer people's sexual orientation by completely ignoring anything that the person had actually said and instead looked at the person's friends ... even if you're a person who want…

FBLabRats: Can we take something positive?
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"The absolute worst thing that can happen as a result of this furore is that (a) Facebook keep any and all data they collect private, and run these sorts of studies behind closed doors, and (b) scientists wouldn’t want to touch their data anyway, for fear of public outrage. This would be disastrous, because social media hosts a wealth of informati…

Blogpocalypse: What's Gained and Lost

"When you’re very interested in a single topic, it’s great to have a place that constantly aggregates news and commentary, adds new information and, in general, speaks to your passion. And because the writers of blogs often are invested in the subject – “they tend to be labors of love,” Mr. Fisher said – their deep interest and knowledge paid off …

"Google is doing what it can to fight a bad law"
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"How do we know that a court will see the public’s right to know about a football referee’s misdemeanors, or even the chairman of Merrill Lynch’s transgressions, as being stronger than the right to be forgotten? We don’t... the right to be forgotten could allow powerful individuals to effectively censor search results even when the facts containe…

"Right to be forgotten": making remembering it easier
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"as these notices continue to flow out, it’s likely to become easier to know if someone did ask for a removal ... For anyone especially noteworthy, making a removal request from a major publication probably will get that publication to write an article about your request, which you’ll only get removed by filing a new request, which probably will …

Research, ethics & #FBLabRats
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Truly excellent, insightful piece. "if Facebook did make the content that users see more positive, should we simply be happy? ... If Alice is happier when she is oblivious to Bob’s pain because Facebook chooses to keep that from her, are we willing to sacrifice Bob’s need for support and validation? This is a hard ethical choice ... Facebook is…

European newsonomics

"When asked to pay for well-reported news content, there’s a growing swell of readers who understand the value and are willing to invest in it. ... We’re seeing a renewed, if still small, consumer commitment to funding journalism ... these models are developing outside the United States... there is relatively little European foundation support…

Facebook is learning the hard way that with great data comes great responsibility – Quartz
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“Do companies that create platforms that are broadly adopted (and which become almost obligatory to use) have ethical obligations in the conduct of research that go beyond what we would expect from, say, market research firms?"

How Quartz built a successful newsletter

"efficient, consistent approach ... with a focus on quality content... something that isn’t created by an algorithm or a bot, but by people who understand and know what their audience want." - How to build a successful newsletter: advice from Quartz

eNewsletters: Death Greatly Exaggerated
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Totally agree. enewsletters help subscribers manage the stream.Still get a lot from them, and they still drive a lot of traffic.. "Newsletters are clicking because readers have grown tired of the endless stream of information on the Internet, and having something finite and recognizable show up in your inbox can impose order on all that chaos....…

Three approaches to online video from News UK, Meredith, and Don't Panic

"Online video is very much here to stay... Even companies such as Vice admit they don't have everything cracked – Vice only launched a news vertical a few months ago after realising its current affairs content was the most popular on YouTube. With that in mind, the three approaches to online video from News UK, Meredith, and Don't Panic may prove…

The One Work Problem That Plagues Us All -- And Some Clever Ways To Fix It
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"While you may spend just a minute or two scrolling through cute cat photos, it'll take much more time for you to truly recover from that distraction ... workers are interrupted -- or self-interrupt -- about once every three minutes, and it takes them about 23 additional minutes to get back on track.... here are some ways to take charge of the ti…

'Slow Europe' Journalism Model moving to US
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" News cooperatives have long thrived in Europe ... and Mexico. Yet, with a few exceptions they never really took root in the U.S. That may be changing. " - Kickstarter Bets On Bringing The Slow Europe Model Of Journalism To The U.S. | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

LinkedIn: Amateurish tools for professional blogging

LinkedIn lost my last post, so I expect that this will be my last post there. Apart from announcing that, the post also sets out some of the other problems I’ve discovered with LinkedIn’s attempt to become a blogging platform.I’m not predicting their failure - as my first post pointed out, the concept has huge inbuilt advantages. But any system wh…

Everything We Know About Facebook's Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic
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"We’re tracking the ethical, legal, and philosophical response to this Facebook experiment here. "

Disruption Debate - What's Missing?

"incumbent players [must] expand the horizons of their leadership team beyond the next quarter or next year ... challenge key assumptions... resist the temptation to deny that [disruption] exists." - Edge Perspectives with John Hagel: The Disruption Debate - What's Missing?

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