When A.I.’s Output Is a Threat to A.I. Itself

Starts with a basic outline of model collapse and the challenge it faces new AI development, providing several links: "Research has shown that when generative A.I. is trained on a lot of its own output, it can get a lot worse."It then uses scrollytelling to provide a simple example of how "Just as a copy of a copy can drift away fro…

How Model Collapse could revive authentic human communities

"As AI-generated content blurs the line between human and machine online, “model collapse” might help us find new value in well-managed human communities."

The best content I read over the summer (newsletter)
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I hope you had a good summer. I stayed and worked from home, and got a lot done thanks to the mercifully fewer meetings. I also read a lot of good stuff, and published one piece. Here's a selection.

AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data
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"What happens to GPT generations GPT-{n} as n increases?... the use of LLMs at scale to publish content on the Internet will pollute the collection of data to train their successors: data about human interactions with LLMs will be increasingly valuable."

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