The Work And Inequality Challenge Of The Digital Revolution
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A significant proportion of tasks embedded in white-collar jobs can and will be automated in the years ahead. ... as much as 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk, while the equivalent figures for European countries ...from about 47 per cent in Sweden and the UK to 62 per cent in Romania... For now, however, what all too often passes as…

The Servitude Bubble
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I’m going to call it a Servitude Bubble... makes a small number of people something like neofeudal masters, lords with a corncucopia of on-demand just-in-time luxury services at their fingertips... by making a very large number of people glorified neo-servants…butlers, maids, chauffeurs, waiters, etcetera....“jobs”, sure — but only of the lowes…

Authenticity has disappeared from my online life

In response to In Search of Authentic People in The Age of Automation: "Authenticity was supposed to be what social media was about — it was social, it was supposed to be about us. And... your authenticity was the best coin you had."

We make our paths, and our paths make us

In response to Am I on the Right Path? Are you? …"perhaps the best path is not the high-speed one leading most efficiently to the destination we thought we wanted, but the path that will take us to the most interesting encounters… "

What I Learned From Conference Bingo — Medium
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How a networking game can get conference attendees out of their seats

In Search of Authentic People in The Age of Automation
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People are worried they will lose their jobs to robots but if you ask me, most of us have already lost our minds to the machines. Our personalities. Our authenticity. Who are you as a human? - In Search of Authentic People in The Age of Automation — Medium

May I Have Your Attention, Please?
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Social and mobile have fundamentally altered attention. Platforms for self-expression and communication are the largest and most important media companies of the millennial age, dominating share of attention and engagement for young people. And the behavior of the young is predictive of the future. - May I Have Your Attention, Please? — Medium

The social science of sharing
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We seem to be suckers for a happy ending ... Upworthy and Viral Nova, have become skilled in coming up with headlines that turn a sad tale on its head. Shifting the focus away from sadness changes a story’s emotional footprint, helping it travel further on social networks... While bad news is a mainstay of the media, people tend to avoid passin…

The Changing Future of Work

"the C-Suite have optimized the supply chain, digitized marketing and communications, socialized customer care and service. Where else can they get a competitive advantage? Fundamentally changing the way they work, implementing change -- especially culture change -- faster and better, will be the source of competitive advantage going forward.... …

11 Strategic Tips to Cultivate Relationships Online
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"sometimes organizations get so caught up in showing off their use of social media tools that they forget that those tools have a purpose – strengthening the relationship between an individual and your organization. A healthy social strategy includes both content created to get new folks in the engagement funnel AND to strengthen the “passion-c…

Don’t Hit Send: Angry Emails Just Make You Angrier
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In studies, people report that they feel better after venting. But researchers find they actually become angrier and more aggressive. People who vent anonymously may become the angriest and most aggressive.... We typically sound angrier in print. And when we write down something, we can reread it, over and over, and stew. With e-venting you don…

Say hello to Primal: semantics-driven content discovery.
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This morning I read How Europe turned its back on humanity, a damning opinion piece in Aljazeera on Europe’s hypocritical response to the refugee crisis:Of the 10 links chosen by Primal, all bar one (the last) are directly related to the original article. Pretty good performance.The same technology is also available for your browser’s toolbar: if …

Science journalism, longform & authenticity (Top3ics, 12 August)
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In this week’s newsletter I return to the “3 Topics, 12+ links” template of week 1, but present things a little differently…

Being able to capture, without being forced to stare at your phone, is liberating

Let’s hope [Beme] catches on ... and make social media about real people again -  not their carefully edited versions, and certainly not companies, Institutions and all the others choking up my feed with their marketing as they desperately try to appear human.

The Optimal Post is 7 Minutes
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A decent long read: on @medium, The Optimal Post is 7 Minutes: "Don’t feel constrained by presumed short attention spans. If you put in the effort, so will your audience." - The Optimal Post is 7 Minutes — Data Lab — Medium

How to write long-form articles that go absolutely viral
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"Thoughtful, longform content is king... A young, bare-bones website called Wait But Why is disproving the notion that thoughtful, long-form content and virality are mutually exclusive... monthly averages of 1.6 million uniques and 4.6 million page views... Its newsletter has over 106,000 subscribers... Its most viral article... has well ove…

The Death of Snackable Content
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"at some point, you start to crave something with more substance. Today’s readers want more than listicles and clickbait, and this is driving meaningful change across the digital publishing industry... In the maelstrom of Internet content, we are drawn to articles that make clear promises for what we will get out of them, as well as those that …

Living Wisely in the Digital Age
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social media platforms are ... the main avenue through which we make comparisons with our peers, acquaintances, celebrities ... those comparisons are often what we base our life-expectations on, these platforms can lead to anxiety about our place in the world... Most of the content on social media wasn’t improving my life — in fact, by taking u…

Mutually Assured Content

One of the best longreads re: the future of news media I've read in a while: "Websites... have been able to accumulate enormous audiences with incredible speed by harvesting referrals from social networks... Websites plausibly marketed these people as members of their audiences, rather than temporarily diverted members of a platform’s audience.…

Self-Driving Cars Get a Code of Ethics
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When cars come with an 'ethics module', will it be optional? Will there be choices? Will you have to get an upgrade if you change your religious beliefs? Fun cans of worms: "a professor of philosophy at Cal Poly is exploring the ethical dilemmas that may arise when vehicle self-driving is deployed in the real world." - Self-Driving Cars Get …

2015 is the year the old internet finally died
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"the internet of five or 10 or 20 years ago, is going away as surely as print media, replaced by a new internet that reimagines personal identity as something easily commodified, that plays less on the desire for information or thoughtfulness than it does the desire for a quick jolt of emotion... longform could be the steak, but it couldn't be …

Ending a 31-Year Run at The Denver Post | Jason Salzman
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What would you say to a young person considering a career in Journalism? I would advise learning programs like Final Cut Express, and thinking about following the example of the Center for Digital Storytelling's model of 2-4 minute videos that tell a tightly-focused story. - Ending a 31-Year Run at The Denver Post | Jason Salzman

Why you can't trust journalism | Fusion
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"If a scientific paper's findings are surprising, there's a very, very good chance that it's wrong: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence... the solution is to check, to revisit, to reanalyze. And then there's journalism, where reporters come out with shocking and surprising stories every day, and no one ever gets to reanalyze the…

The Science of Storytelling Through Facebook Images
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Every brand, every company, and every person has a story to tell, and visual storytelling is a very effective way of sharing your brand’s message and engaging with your customers. - The Science of Storytelling Through Facebook Images

The future of GDS
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"This is not just about great user interface design but real end-to-end digital [services]... Some things have not been smooth, not all the exemplars have been a resounding success, however Mike took the challenge, dared to be measured and held accountable and the results have certainly been positive and to the betterment of the public purse." …

Why I Don’t Write For Medium
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"I — and all other Medium users — are... generating content so that someone can make money... in return ... Medium does what? Medium’s sole value is giving me an easy way to write and driving traffic to my writing. Admittedly, it does a good job with that... Medium owns your content. It owns it to the extent that it can copyright it and use…

Medium improves Responses
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 "...responses aren’t visible from the stream, it’s not immediately clear why some show up below a post and others don’t…Today we’re rolling out some changes to make things more clear..." - obvious responses — The Story — Medium

The moral imperative for bioethics - The Boston Globe

"Just imagine how much happier you would be if a prematurely deceased loved one were alive, or a debilitated one were vigorous — and multiply that good by several billion, in perpetuity. Given this potential bonanza, the primary moral goal for today’s bioethics can be summarized in a single sentence.Get out of the way. A truly ethical bioethics…

How to Become Popular on Medium
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An odd mix of sarcasm and good advice: "Just show up early, write an interesting bio, post a flattering picture. Then continue to show up. Contribute. Better, contribute something original, something entertaining. Don’t worry if no one reads it at first, just keep doing it.... Try and meet the founder. Keep talking to them about the platform…

The Problem for Small Authors identified? — Medium
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Most are aware that Small Authors complain about the lack of views/reads. I have yet to see a credible explication as to why this really is, though quite a bit of advice as to what to do about it, which usually boils down to keep plugging away and it will come. That’s not exactly encouraging to newbies. So what is the culprit?

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