BloggingPortal + PressEurop = ?

Last Thursday I finally caught up with Eric Maurice of PressEurop, which recently had its plug pulled by the EC following their decision to cancel its renewal tender some weeks after publishing it.

Getting into gear or false dawn?

For BloggingPortal's 5th birthday, a short report from those of us who want to see its 6th.

EU public sphere blogtour: half full, or half empty?

You can go for months without a good post on the EU public sphere, and then a whole bunch come along at once.

All hail the Pirates

How nice to see a positive answer to the perennial question: Where are the MEPs?

Network anatomy of the EU online public sphere

The above image is from Drake Baer's FastCompany article "Why Successful People Have So Many Groups Of Friends", which is all about networking for career success, something I've never done and am very unlikely to start.

Proof: why longform content rocks

One of the reasons I created this Tumblr was to use it as a 'first draft’ of a Content Hub (see post), an idea which crystallised after reading Sloan’s original content strategy piece on Stock and Flow.The Hub is basically my way of saying that there’s more to life than the Stream. Unsurprisingly, Alexis Madrigal’s piece in the Atlantic caugh…

Hashtag Europe: the Developers' Cut (Updated)

This video is aimed at developers interested in combining machine translation, automatic semantic analysis, human curation, faceted and federated search, and social media to create a machine-assisted multilingual longform content curation engine.

A brief history - and future - of the tag in Europe (updated)

Gratifyingly, the preview of the Hashtag Europe wireframes seemed to do the job, and allow people to understand just what this tool could do...

Hashtag Europe dans one minute de video en franglais, wireframes compris!

Pour le Journée Européenne du blogging multilingue, a video of one minute (waltz) length sur the bloggingportal.eu reboot, avec une "first look" à les wireframes et pas un mot dans mon accent francais de vache espagnol.

Competition: rebrand bloggingportal (updated)

It's not strictly necessary to rebrand bloggingportal, but everyone I've spoken to thinks it's a good idea, so why not have a little competition?

EU blogging by the numbers: 317k+ posts, 21 languages

Data from bloggingportal.eu, extracted by BrusselsBlogger, gives some idea of the dominance of English as a blogging language on EU policy.

How faceted search will help build the EU Online Public Space

Some of the comments to my initial post showed me that I have to show, not tell, what I mean when I refer to technologies like semantic analysis and faceted search. So, a quick video about faceted search and the role it could play in helping people find opinions and ideas on EU policy via a rebooted BloggingPortal.

Juxtapositions: on nurturing and mainstreaming innovation
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Two posts addressing innovation in large organisations in my stream this morning:Innovations from the edgeRisk and reward: Joi Ito on what news orgs could learn from tech companies about innovationThe director of the MIT Media Lab compares the worlds of media and tech, and says “When you’re sinking, you have two ways to go: You can bet the house o…

FAQAOs on BloggingPortal Rebooted

I received a couple of interesting reactions to the post about rebooting BloggingPortal, but as some of them were by email I decided to reply in FAQAO (Frequently Asked Questions And Objections) format, which I just invented, in case others have the same questions.

Where to find me

With BlogActiv feeling a bit creaky, I spent the summer taking a hard look at Google+ and Tumblr, and integrated my GTD (Getting Things Done) system with my online presence.

Sketches on the Metro: rebooting Bloggingportal?

As I've mentioned now and then (e.g., BloggingPortal's 3rd birthday, 2012), a desultory conversation amongst Bloggingportal editors dragged on for several years, before dying after it became clear that the lack of decision-making process made it impossible to move forward.

Ad experts slam 2014 election campaign
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Andy Carling brought in George Parker “one of the original Madison Avenue advertising legends, immortalised in … Mad Men … and some other ad and brand experts from the commercial world” to take a look at the  ‘Act. React. Impact.’ video, and assorted publicity material.The results are it’s pretty damning. Some choice cuts:”this travesty is suppose…

So what’s a Hub?

An update to a post first published in 2013, as I created a first version of MyHub on Tumblr.

Prezicast: Taming the Firehose
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2019 update: a short Prezicast video from 2013 on my personal productivity system, since covered on Medium: https://medium.com/better-humans/manage-the-firehose-or-it-will-manage-you-791097bc53e2

Introducing the Brussels Bubble to some of its denizens (RTFB!, part 2; updated)

A while back I was invited to make a 10minute presentation to "Civil Society Day", held at the EESC. Kwinten Lambrecht asked me to upload the ppt, and others asked for followup links, hence this post.

10 things the EU should probably know about social media

The ever-excellent For Immediate Release (episode 638) put me onto 10 things you still need to know about social media / social business, by Olivier Blanchard (aka the Brand Builder), which sounds like every other post you've ever hear of. But it's worth a read...

Happy Birthday, BloggingPortal(?)

Apparently tomorrow - apart from being Australia Day - is BloggingPortal's 3rd birthday. What does it's state tell us about the EU Online Public Space? How many more friends can I lose anyway?

Of technocrats, journalistic balance and telling EU stories

A recent edition of The Infinite Monkey Cage, BBC Radio4's brilliant chat show combining science and comedy, got me thinking again about the parallels between science communications and EU communications.

An alternative overarching EU communication strategy?

At last, an opportunity to blog about gardening and EU comms in the same post.

Do we need more EU platforms, or sustainable EU media? (Updated)

On November 8, MEPs will discuss '10 concrete political proposals' for creating the European public sphere via digital media, developed by IHECS (Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales) and their partners via Socialeuropeanjournalism.com.

Simon Anholt on EU propaganda

Last year, in the runup to the first EuropCom conference, I gave it a bit of a hard time. My cynicism was confirmed by many I knew who went, describing it as a conference about Web2 and social media which allowed little or no participation. Oops.

What is influence? or, Why I don't care about my Klout score (updated)

The subject of Klout has come up a few times on Twitter, so I'm posting this so I can point people toward a few articles I've found useful. Something I can't do in 140 characters. Which proves my eventual point.

What "The Filter Bubble" means for the Brussels Bubble

"The Filter Bubble", by MoveOn.org foreign policy director Eli Pariser, shows that the forces creating the Brussels Bubble are about to be reinforced by technology, operated invisibly - and with impunity - by a handful of companies.

Being Useful beats Being Tuneful

This is the sort of post which could get me into trouble for a number of reasons. Particularly as I'm going to comment on the celebrations to be enjoyed next month at the Festival of Europe, where one can do everything from "seeing the political groups at work inside the European Parliament" to "experiencing a fest…

QMS Audit today

Yep, the auditor is in to check whether we still deserve our ISO certification.

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