The UX of AI - Library - Google Design
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it’s leaps-and-bounds more useful to prototype your UX with a user’s real content than it is to test with real ML models... By re-orienting the conventional AI paradigm from finding ways to make the machine smarter, to exploring ways to augment human capability, we can unlock far greater potential in machine learning... we have a tremendous opp…

How Georgia State University Used an Algorithm to Help Students Navigate the Road to College
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a test case where AI assisted high school students in their transition to college, helping them to navigate the many twists and turns along the way... students ... who received Pounce outreach completed their required pre-matriculation tasks and enrolled on-time at significantly higher rates ... Pounce reduced GSU’s summer melt by 21%... the wor…

Design for Interconnectedness – Stories of Platform Design
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time to deliberately focus on design for interconnectedness and relationships ... customer (user) centric design created a narrative of isolation: the customer is ... someone that is provided with a solution ... to get the job done... [but] research ... explained that customers (users) may often look to engage more deeply with products... relat…

10 reasons why Americans don’t trust the media – Trust, Media and Democracy – Medium
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Americans believe that the media have an important role to play in our democracy — yet they don’t see that role being fulfilled... Here are 10 findings that stood out to us:

We’ve found the future of media
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If using a beautiful content management system doesn’t miraculously solve a media company’s cash flow problems, what will? If short videos, or elaborate commenting systems, or mobile storytelling, or interactive graphics, or Snapchat Stories, or Instagram hashtags, or Instant Articles, or Google AMP, or programmatic advertising, or native advertis…

The Limits of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning | WIRED
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Deep learning’s advances are the product of pattern recognition: neural networks memorize classes of things ... But almost all the interesting problems in cognition aren’t classification problems at all... The systems are greedy because they demand huge sets of training data. Brittle because when... confronted with scenarios that differ from the …

Stop Calling It Fake News. – Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast
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it just felt like the conversations that we were having subsequently were actually pretty shallow and actually pretty useless, because we were talking over each other because everybody meant different things... we can only really start talking about interventions if we understand what we’re talking about... I say, “Please don’t use the term.” “Yea…

Google suspends fact-checking feature over quality concerns | Poynter
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Google is suspending a search feature that displayed fact checks associated to publishers after receiving criticism from conservative news outlets.... Reviewed Claims column that matched outlets’ disputed claims with fact checks contributed by independent fact-checking organizations to the Schema.org ClaimReview markup... The Daily Caller publishe…

I trained fake news detection AI with >95% accuracy, and almost went crazy
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We made a fake news detector with above a 95% accuracy (on a validation set) that uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing that you can download here. In the real world, the accuracy might be lower... we decided to just try and scrape domains that were known fake, real, satire, etc. and see if we could build a data set quickly... Th…

NQS Project

The News Quality Scoring (NQS) will combine quality journalism content with new machine learning algorithms... as batch of stories enter the platform, they are scored on a 1-5 scale ... quality ... automatically and in real time.... Quantifiable Signals ... look at structure and patterns of the HTML page, advertising density, use of visual eleme…

Facebook enables 'fake news' by reliance on digital advertising – report | Technology | The Guardian
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attempts to put a lid on the practice with tweaks to the platform are doomed to failure while the basic business model of a social network is advertising-driven, algorithmically-run and attention-focused.... the entire industry is built to leverage sophisticated technology to aggregate user attention and sell advertising... an alignment of interes…

How Facebook could really fix itself
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Facebook will rely on users to rate how trustworthy groups, organizations and media outlets are... Leaving trustworthiness ratings to users without addressing online political polarization risks making civic discourse even more divided and extreme... Facebook needs to take responsibility for the content it publishes and republishes. It can combine…

Augmented Reality: How We'll Bring the News Into Your Home
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a new pathway that can lead away from the abstract depiction of objects and toward a more visceral sense of real-life scale and physicality

Why publishers should consider the “Smart Curation” market
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One of the applications of The News Quality Scoring platform I’m currently working at the John S. Knight Fellowship at Stanford is to foster curation processes, using a feature I call “Smart Curation.”... relies on current machine learning techniques... like Word2vec or, GloVe ... used in the development of the News Quality Scoring Project

Facebook will now ask users to rank news organizations they trust
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it will rank news organizations by credibility based on user feedback... trust rankings will emerge from surveys ... Google announced it would cancel a two-month-old experiment, called Knowledge Panel, that informed its users that a news article had been disputed by independent fact-checking organizations... Facebook learned the wrong lesson fro…

Is “Murder by Machine Learning” the New “Death by PowerPoint”?
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“death by PowerPoint,”... sucks the life and energy out of ... meetings... spreadsheets rife with errors and macro miscalculations. Email and chat facilitate ... inbox overload ... So what makes artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) champions confident that their technologies will be immune to comparably counterproductive outcomes? ... …

The insight-industrial complex
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I read much faster than people talk, so they’re not a good way for me to learn things... the actual goal... is to reify the importance and social status of the conference organizers and speakers... There seems to be a widespread mindset that all you really need to succeed is insight... what separates success from failure is a sufficiency of sage a…

Building Credibility Indexes from Fact-Checking to #TackleFakeNews
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Fake News is suddenly on the boil in the Brussels Bubble. Here are some ideas I brainstormed earlier this week. Comments welcome.

Can Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales fix the news?
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Wales wants to bring the power of the Wiki community and the wisdom of crowds to bear on the media business by creating a hybrid model... local community members can help direct the work of WikiTribune journalists when such events occur, suggesting avenues to explore and co-creating a more permanent news resource that will serve a longer-term comm…

Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic Solutionism
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algorithmic systems don’t simply cost money to implement. They cost money to maintain. They cost money to audit. They cost money to evolve ... divert taxpayer money from direct services, to lining the pockets of for-profit entities under the illusion of helping people....a diversion of liability ... those in powerful positions blame the algorithms…

WEIRD psychology: Social science researchers rely too much on Western college students.
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a lot of psychology and other social science studies... participants are overwhelming Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries... not only are they WEIRD, they are overwhelmingly college students in the United States participating in studies for class credit.... from countries that represent only about 12 percent …

Folk Theories of Social Feeds

discovering a filtering algorithm's existence in a curated feed influences user experience, but it remains unclear how users reason about the operation of these algorithms.... Interviews revealed 10 "folk theories' of automated curation... Users who were given a probe into the algorithm's operation via an interface ... visible …

Is Your Company’s Data Actually Valuable in the AI Era?
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“data is the new oil” ... your company can consider itself lucky. You collected all this data, and then it turned out you were sitting on an oil reserve ... when you have that sort of luck, it is probably a good idea to ask “Are we really that lucky?”... the data you are sitting on now... accumulated over time, is the type of data used to build t…

Regulation as a Platform - Data61
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regulation needn’t be such a compliance burden... an opportunity - how can we sustain a sophisticated and modern regulatory system, and at the same time manage complexity for end users?... re-imagining regulation as an open platform, based on digital logic... supports a future ecosystem of digital regulation tools and services... working with gov…

Fake News: Defining and Defeating
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it is more important than ever to define what “fake news” actually is, and what it is not... BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan has identified three sorts ... Huffington Post blogger ... five sorts... First Draft and ... Shorenstein Center... seven sorts... @DFRLab... fake news is “deliberately presenting false information as news.”... disinformation...…

What we talk about when we talk about fair AI – BBC News Labs – Medium
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Over the coming years, we’ll see the BBC develop and roll-out more and more machine learning algorithms for storing, retrieving, tagging and possibly even creating content.... What if we lock our audiences in to what they just want to hear, never challenging them? ... Should the algorithms we use be open to public scrutiny?... inform our own thin…

How we used gamification to conduct audience research.
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How do we convert users playing the game into users who would complete the survey?... take our readers on a visual journey around the world so they could explore where a news story happened. As a payoff, for every correct answer, the user would collect a stamp in their virtual passport... opted to follow an interesting take on the minimal viable p…

Our experiment into how voters think shows that they go with their guts
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my team and I studied how people use different information when it comes to voting... presented voters with ... “Public information” was seen by everyone and referred to as “expert”. “Private information” was given to individuals and referred to “personal opinion”... with a probability of it being correct,... They followed their personal informa…

News Feed FYI: Helping Ensure News on Facebook Is From Trusted Sources | Facebook Newsroom
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In 2018, we will prioritize News from publications that the community rates as trustworthy... that people find informative... relevant to people’s local community... We surveyed ... people using Facebook across the US to gauge their familiarity with, and trust in, various different sources ...

Creative thought has a pattern of its own, brain activity scans reveal | Science | The Guardian
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The scientists asked the volunteers to perform a creative thinking task as they lay inside a brain scanner... strong connectivity between three networks of the brain... default mode network, is linked to spontaneous thinking and mind wandering... executive control network, is engaged when people focus in on their thoughts... salience network, help…

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