The Cranky Uncle smartphone game is currently being developed... teach you to throw the arguments of even your crankiest climate-misinformed uncle back at him... let’s learn the arguments of denial to defeat them...cartoons and gameplay to interactively explain the denial techniques used to cast doubt on climate science... ‘active inoculation’ — l…
there at least seven things that make this crisis very different... force the return of big government... one more demonstration of the mystique of borders, and will help reassert the role of the nation state within the European Union...The third lesson of the coronavirus relates to trust in expertise... Professionalism is back in fashion...Unfort…
In 2018, I wrote ... that America was not ready for the pandemic that would eventually come... a new cohort who are born into a society profoundly altered by COVID-19... call them Generation C... shaped by the choices made in the coming weeks...More transmissible and fatal than seasonal influenza... stealthier... nations must ... identify infected…
don’t sell products and services to customers, but rather try to help people address their jobs to be done... most of the masses of customer data companies create is structured to show correlations... is taking companies in the wrong direction...home in on ... what the customer hopes to accomplish... the job to be done... When we buy a product, we…
not all graphics are created equal... well-intentioned designs can mislead the public ... we asked six experts to identify the graphics that do the best job of telling an important story about coronavirus... the simpler, the better...with data being so sparse, incomplete... traditional visualizations ... may give readers a delusional impression of…
Most current definitions of engagement are bimodal – someone is either engaged or they ‘re not...a limited view that hampers our ability to manage engagement in meaningful ways...Community management is the discipline of building technical and social environments in such a way that individuals can easily organize and collaborate to achieve an obje…
Data Visualization Society... pair our members with ... public health organizations, researchers, cultural navigators making sense of information for patients, local communities, and others through data visualization
Britain’s leading epidemiologists ... extremely tense ... private — discussions among themselves, with the UK’s chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance, and Boris Johnson’s consensus... While the scientific debate was raging... Johnson’s government ... criticised other countries ... taken more dramatic steps, claiming Britain wa…
I officially launched the alpha phase right smack in the middle of the 2020 coronavirus crisis.
indie bookstores are thriving. The keyword is curation: by default... local and community-oriented... know the taste ... mood of the neighborhood... a good model for the modern aspiration economy...having taste to know what to buy... human curation... differentiator in fashion, food, travel, wellness, design, and an important value-add for tech pl…
Rep. Devin Nunes ... leading ally of President Trump, dismissed concerns about the coronavirus pandemic... Bernard B. Kerik, a Trump supporter ... tweeted that “this hysteria is being created to destabilize the country, and destroy” Trump....from Italy... Newt Gingrich offered a different perspective... Inside the Republican Party... a deep divide…
under Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network... more than 100 fact-checkers in 45 countries publishing in 15 languages. In less than two months, they have published 1,000 fact checks, articles and nine weekly reports pointing out misinformation trends and ways to combat it...journalists not only can but should drop competing with each other…
68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern.... Nearly 80 percent of Democrats believe the worst is yet to come, but just 40 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents believe that...The partisan disconnect …
How to take smart notes explains the Zettelkasten system... explain how I apply rules 1-4 of Zettelkasten when using Roam
step-by-step guide to collect and analyse data from Twitter, about anything from coronavirus rumours to anti-vax claims... understanding how certain hashtags, links or claims are travelling on Twitter could prove crucial to limiting the spread of damaging misinformation... First Draft has prepared a sample script ...
New research... definitively shows ... experiences such as travel, entertainment, outdoor activities, and restaurants will improve your happiness much more than any new gadget or outfit...happy memories endure while our perceived value of material items plummets... experiencers to be much happier than those purchasing ... [and] those not consuming…
In this era... design was the product. Whatever else you might be buying, you were buying design, and all the design looked the same... Ever since modernism brought industry into design, tastes have cycled ... A forward-looking, high-tech style obsessed with mass commercial appeal ... to one that’s backward-looking, handmade, authenticity-obsessed…
When only some news is labeled as fact-checked and disputed, people believe stories that haven’t been marked as fact-checked more—even when they are completely false... the “implied truth effect.”... warning labels did work to flag fictitious content... when no true or false labels were used, people considered sharing 29.8% of all false stories—ye…
You can create whatever lists you want, although for GTD, I recommend starting out with something along these lines: New (explained below), Work, Personal, Household, Reference, Someday... The New folder is what GTD would typically call the Inbox... Asana already gives you a different space called Inbox, which shows all activity on tasks assigned …
vertical video outperformed square video within the Facebook News Feed... as much as 68 percent less expensive in cost per view... Facebook outperformed Instagram in overall cost per click (CPC) within the feed... But which format drives more engagement within the Instagram Feed? ... vertical video!... organic DIY videos outperformed polished vide… is a platform for individuals and companies who care about content. You use it to create your Hub: an AI-powered, ad-free centre for your online presence.
The von der Leyen Commission’s much anticipated White Paper ... sustained effort to forge a distinctive EU brand of AI... lack of focus ... on human rights... while there are multiple centres of engineering excellence... the raw investment numbers tell a demanding story...2016... EU investment was 3.2 bn euro. In North America, 12.1 bn... goal wit…
The Four Horsemen of this emerging Textopia are... Roam attempts to implement a near-full conception of hypertext as originally conceived by visionaries... looks like a cross between a slightly weird wiki and ... Evernote. It’s not... block-level addressability, transclusion ... and bidirectional linking ... utterly transform the writing experienc…
House Democrats ... environmental justice bill, a novel collaborative effort between lawmakers and local groups ... used ... PopVox to allow disparate environmental justice groups around the country to comment on the legislation... also met with hundreds of groups and hosted a daylong environmental justice summit on Capitol Hill...environmental ju…
despite all the talk about culture, many business leaders remain confused... organizational culture is “the shared basic assumptions, values, and beliefs... taught to newcomers as the proper way to think and feel...think of culture as a management system... makes the idea much more concrete...staff... make all sorts of decisions every day ... in a…
"Science Storytellers" uses reporters' notebooks as a bridge between childhood curiosity and scientific expertise... give the scientists practice explaining their research without complicated jargon — and challenges them to be interesting.,..Jennifer Cutraro, founder ... felt there was value in the way journalists explore, digest an…
Behind the scenes, your Hub will help you extract the most value from the best content, rather than being drowned in a firehose of meh.
the task of sustaining positive behaviors and quelling negative ones as involving an interplay of decisions and unconscious factors. Our minds... have “multiple separate but interconnected mechanisms ... we are aware only of our decision-making ability... the “introspection illusion”... may be why we overestimate its power...someone learning a tas…
tweets posted by bots created the impression there was a high level of climate change denial... 6.5 million tweets from ... Trump's June 2017 announcement that he was removing the United States from the Paris climate accord... Posts in support of action to protect the environment were far less likely to come from bots... only 5%...the number …
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