
Overview: Content Creation & Marketing

At the end of the day, you’ll need content.

It’s not enough to have a content strategy – you also need content, and you need to get it out there if you want it read. News articles, interviews, blog posts, in-depth explainers, web pages, press releases... all have their own specific form and goals, and all need to be promoted differently.

But it’s not just a question of text: you’ll need an array of content to explain your message and get it out there. A news article for your website, for example, needs not only an illustration for the article itself, but additional images and even short audiovisual to get traction on social media. And it will need to be accompanied by a variety of texts, which can be tested, refined and boosted in real-time.

Need help? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

Relevant resources

Cosmo, The Washington Post and The Guardian on the platforms that matter to them
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At The Guardian’s Media Summit in London, those publishers and others discussed what’s working for them with their platform strategies, and how sustainable off-site publishing is likely to be for media companies in the long term... Cosmo’s Snapchat Discover editions get 76 percent completion rates... 56 percent ... coming back to us five days …

An interview with the realest social media managers in public transportation
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BART started talking back. The tweets weren't bland or automatically generated. They were super real, and sometimes super dark... a tactical move to both acknowledge the deplorable state of San Francisco's underfunded subway system and prove to residents that their government was aware of the issue and doing everything in its power to fix it.... T…

Building to Independence on Top of Other Platforms
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the fear is that the platform will change without warning, and teams will have ended up wasting precious time and effort before they get a chance to get it right or reap the benefits if they do.

News agencies must evolve or meet extinction

The institutional brand building you create by having your journalists be great on social platforms cannot be underestimated. Part of having your journalists on these platforms is giving them the freedom to be a normal human being, not a robot, a PR machine or a slave to the wire.

ThinkUp - Super powers for your social networks
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ThinkUp analyzes your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook activity to give you fun and surprising insights, then emails them to you (or tweets at you if it's super interesting).

How BuzzFeed curates stories for social platforms
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For some news organisations, packaging and distributing news on social media falls under the remit of the engagement team. For others, the task is assigned to a distributed news team or to a social content studio within the editorial department.This is the third in a series of articles on how news for social is produced... BuzzFeed Distributed i…

The hidden (and not so hidden) costs of platform publishing
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Institutional communications: strategy & tactics

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Distributed news: Inside Fusion's social storytelling team | Media news
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Why Do We Expose Ourselves?
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the first crux of Harcourt’s argument: The expository society exploits, rather than represses, our desires. The second ... government and commercial surveillance infrastructures have wholly merged.... Harcourt’s analysis hinges on desire: We want to participate, we are impelled to do so, and we like it. But it seems to me we are as much compelled …

The 80/20 Rule
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When you put your life online, people think they know 80% of who you are. But internet personas are really only 20% true.... “It seemed like you were using personal experiences to gain approval from ‘the internet’  ... I wondered why the approval of your friends and family wasn’t enough. It felt like a distorted version of you"

Melissa Bell of Vox Media on Snapchat, collaboration and more

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The Wall Street Journal is the first American newspaper to get a spot on Snapchat Discover » Nieman Journalism Lab

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Social media, identity politics & AI (Top3ics, Jan 17)

In which I studiously avoid curating anything about 2016 or David Bowie.

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Social media platforms are built with all the insidious effectiveness of gambling machines, but it is possible to come out in front.

I drew a bunch of dots to explain why social media is broken

What started as 10 things from 5 publishers you trust has turned into 20 things from publishers competing for your attention ... the savviest publishers realize that the cheapest way to produce more is to repackage the work of others. So the quality of the average thing in your feed is getting worse... The social media site ... keeps track of what…

Am I too old or too sick for Snapchat? — Medium
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Meeting People Where They Are
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On Tuesday, the American people will see a multi-platform streaming and social broadcast of the State of the Union that reflects the ways people experience live events in 2016. We’ll be reaching people where they are — and making it possible for them to engage, respond, and share the President’s speech themselves in new and different ways... vide…

Financial Times aims to transform its opinion section
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Can Donald Trump's social media genius take him all the way to the White House? | Technology | The Guardian
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If there’s anything that goes some way to explaining Trump’s popularity in the midst of his quasi-fascistic views that reached a nadir with his call to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, it is his social media prowess. Trump has more than 5.5 million Twitter followers and 4.5 million Facebook fans. He has a presence across YouTube, V…

Blogging & CRM strategy development for Drop’pin
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The EC set up Drop’pin to help young people find training, apprenticeship and intern opportunities across Europe. I did some content marketing (blogging, enewsletter, social media support) and developed a global CRM strategy.

Trump happens
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Trump is what happens when social media becomes the platform for discourse.

Investigating the network: The top 10 articles from the year in digital news and social media research » Nieman Journalism Lab

We sift through the academic journals so you don’t have to. Here are 10 of the most interesting studies about social and digital media published in 2015.

The Internet’s Loop of Action and Reaction Is Worsening
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the Internet now seems to be on constant boil... extremists of all stripes are ascendant, and just about everywhere you look, much of the Internet is terrible...social networks seem to be feeding a cycle of action and reaction. In just about every news event, the Internet’s reaction to the situation becomes a follow-on part of the story, so that …

The rise of “homeless” media
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a new wave of “homeless” media companies that don’t require a home page; their sole purpose is to syndicate content.... With native content consumption on third-party platforms growing, will it still be relevant for media companies to invest significant resources on running and maintaining their websites and mobile apps?

7 Tech Trends Chief Communications Officers Should Track in 2016 | Bob Pearson | LinkedIn

blogs and Twitter drive two-thirds of content flow. Mainstream media has become a catalyst that blogs and Twitter drive. Responsive Experience Tops Responsive Design: ... preparing for 10 types of customers ... you know who they are via their search terms ... content changes to meet their needs. We must know who they are and start building…

Social Media: Beginner's Guide
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We hope you'll find this to be one of the most comprehensive social media resources available, and that no matter what your skill level is, there's plenty in here to help you improve your social presence. - Social Media: The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz

How to tell powerful narratives on Instagram
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the Instagram experience, with its constant flow of images and text boxes, presented an alternative story geometry that demanded from me new things. Shorter stories... a deeper consideration of photographs and the rich, nuanced ways that words and pictures work together. ... a powerful, unexpected, and mostly underutilized storytelling tool...…

Why Instagram Captions Are the New Blogging
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People are increasingly turning toward Instagram not just as a place to post filtered photos, but to spill their lives and thoughts into the captions as well... if you’re already posting pretentious, evocative images, you’re more likely to be in an artsy-musings state of mind... Facebook, at 1.5 billion users, has felt cacophonous and impersona…

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