Are you creating the content your audience actually wants to consume, or are you just talking about yourself?
What sort of content will your audience read, out of the endless supply at their fingertips? Formal news articles or blog posts from your staff and readers? An event calendar updated daily, or a longread every month? Static web pages, or a deeply granular database with faceted search?
And have you figured out how to get it to them, develop engagement around it, and translate that success into something concrete, fulfilling your mission? How many of the friends and organisations in your network amplify your message regularly?
Need answers? Get in touch.
More services: start with Communication strategy.
"We’re very excited to announce the launch of a new feature for Publications. We’re calling it Letters. ... It’s a way of connecting with your followers and starting a conversation. It’s delivered to the inboxes of all your followers. It’s also a post, so it can be recommended, highlighted, built upon, and have a life of its own." - Introd…
"Slack is just another stream ... of continuous information that you have to follow. I remembered I found it distractive and stressful because it was so easy to miss out on stuff.... This is what drives Slacks’ success. Because if you don’t follow Slack all the time you do not and cannot take part in the conversation with your team members anym…
Got some time to kill and want to read a meandering essay by an algorithm with a short attention span? Tell us how many minutes you want to spend reading and a starting topic, and we'll whip something up.
"A new interactive documentary, “The Fallen of World War II,” ... 18-minute film is styled like an infographic and that helps viewers fathom the scale of casualties in a way that simple numbers cannot.... The base elements it uses are simple human-shaped icons. Each of those represents one thousand deaths – and at some points in the video they …
"The Influencer Identification Worksheet is a blogger outreach brainstorming tool [to] build a list of bloggers." - A 4-Step Blogger Outreach Tool for Identifying Influencers | Convince and Convert: Social Media Strategy and Content Marketing Strategy
If the market can express more directly which content is in high demand, more of that content will be created. But there is missing a simple and convenient way for the consumer to value the everyday content they consume
"we have slipped into a new era in which volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity have grown dramatically, to the point that companies that are moving fast enough to thrive in our postnormal times must let go of the crutch of top-to-bottom situational analysis... The organization chart is shrinking because we are slowly recognizing wh…
From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.
The Decorah Eagles “nest cam” is the most watched live stream channel of all time, spawning a sliver under 300 million live views (298,652,320 at time of writing), mainstream media coverage and eagle-watching communities worldwide. The limbic system is a part of the brain that drives our emotions. When we’re around other people–especially crowds–…
It's easier than ever to create video—and headaches - 4 Legal Issues Brands Need to Understand Before Livestreaming on Periscope or Meerkat | Adweek
The post titled “Longform Overload” argues that the term longform emerged a few years ago in reaction to the kind of short news stories that are common online but now it’s just a buzzword... Latterly is by no means the first longform project to find success on Kickstarter... Latterly may be best known for its approach to ads – there are none. I…
"Stephanie Losee, who helped build Dell's content-driven marketing and held the title of managing editor, has joined Politico as its executive director of brand content... Politico Focus will not only help advertisers create content butwill not only help advertisers create content but also provide services around data and research" - Politico H…
If your enewsletter is basically an RSS feed from your site's newsroom, you might want to think again. At the very least, we always advocate including an email-only editorial in enewsletters published every week or less frequently. "Publishers are ... already treating email newsletters ... as designed to be read entirely in email without reader…
"A successful happening online is more than just a scheduled live stream, live blog, live chat, launch or other moment on the web. While happenings are typically short (60 seconds to 60 minutes), their stories can start long beforetime, which means they arc in realtime and resonate aftertime. So the lifespan of a happening can unfold over weeks, m…
"People bond. Barriers dissolve. Connections are made. Trust increases. Knowledge is transmitted. Wisdom is shared ... a deep sense of interdependence is felt... If you are part of an organization, no matter what it's shape or size, it's time for some meaning making ... by creating engaging opportunities for everyone, from mail room to board ro…
In Steph’s inaugural episode we explore the experience and perspectives of women in startups and lifestyle businesses. - The Female Perspective on Startups and Lifestyle Businesses (FS111)
I quite enjoyed the experience of reposting to Medium, and really like how Medium is evolving as a platform, particularly how they are… … re-imagining comments with Highlight, Comment & Respond… these three interactive features echo the ‘nibble, bite, meal’ content model, but in the other direction, from you back to the …
Cards are bite-sized, self-contained, interactive units of graphical real estate presented within digital apps... cards are mostly used within apps to present information and provide interactive functions ... Things get a lot more fun, however, once cards can be shared between different apps.... The Guardian provides cards on Google Now ... [wh…
"Now we in journalism get to stand back and see technology titans jump over each other to bring benefits to news. But we’d best not stand back too far. We journalists and publishers must collaborate with the platforms as we demand that they collaborate with us. And as they teach us about technology, we must teach them about journalism." - Playi…
"Publishing partners have built best-in-class agency capabilities in house... brands and their media-buying agencies are going to publishers, emboldened by larger budgets, to create large-scale interactive ads with graphics, video and text.... "ours is a story that requires more than an ad. Content helps them explain the technology behind th…
Finally kicked Medium’s tyres. Result: an unfair comparison between my post originally on BlogActiv with a new version on Medium. Unfair because Medium is all about the content [and] I reduced the historical blah-blah... Medium’s editor is as good as they say, import post function worked like a dream.
A thoughtful addition to the neverending "is blogging dead?" debate: "According to the definition, blogging is "regularly adding or updating a blog". But that definition was created in 1997 and no one has bothered to change it. I propose the following: "Blogging is the act of sharing ones ideas, likes, opinions, and/or experiences, via pro…
LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rates compared to Facebook and Twitter, where leads were almost three times higher to convert than Facebook or Twitter. To perform this analysis, we collected one of the largest datasets of top performing long-form content across the LinkedIn Pulse network. This is what we found.... .…
Good analyses of where data visualisation is heading: "Today, a slew of new software has made it easier than ever to create data visualizations from scratch. The downside? It has led to more prescriptive design. Take D3. It's a JavaScript library that helps turn information into any number of visual frameworks...Beyond D3... Tableau is the crow…
"... infographics are often taken at face value... And it is hard to fact check infographics... Fast Company republished 10 facts from Buffer. Fact checking one of the facts in that list went like this: The fact quoted an infographic -> that quoted a blog post at Huffington Post -> which in turn quoted another infographic -> which quoted a blog…
"Fold is a platform for telling stories. It makes it simple to add multimedia background information or create context... the main story reads as all stories do, straight down vertically. But contextual information is placed to the side of the main story, on a horizontal line. That information can be video, photos, or links to other sites..."…
Because "lo-fi" audiovisual is no longer the preserve of the deep-pocketed, and podcasts really should be on your ThinkAbout list: "For the best recordings on a budget, check out this list of tips and tools for the budding podcaster." - Podcasting On A Budget: How To Record Great Audio For Less - ReadWrite
"Whether you’re selling a product or service, the ubiquitous product video can be the make-or-break moment... At Vimeo, we’ve seen our fair share... Here are some rules for product videos and some examples of people who do it well"
"The story of podcasts suddenly being “back” strongly suggests, and mostly requires, that they had been big at one time and had since gone away. That New York Magazine article even cites a “bottom” time: 2010. But that never really happened." - Why podcasts are suddenly “back” –
An array of sophisticated language technologies could help ideas flow across EU borders, link national conversations together and support the EU Online Public Sphere - the demos the EU needs. But BloggingPortal is unlikely to feature them. [update (17/5/15): I finally decided to kick Medium's tyres by reposting this there, with less history. …
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