Why Bitcoin is and isn't like the Internet

"My hunch is that The Blockchain will be to banking, law and accountancy as The Internet was to media, commerce and advertising. It will lower costs, disintermediate many layers of business and reduce friction. As we know, one person’s friction is another person’s revenue." Good tour of similarities and differences between today's early-Bitcoun a…

How Blockchains Could Power an Alternate Internet
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"the blockchain is all about replacing the servers that power today’s online world with computing power and storage that we all share.... Every network requires ... a “single source of truth” — the authority that says, “this is real,”... we have depended on servers run by corporations and governments... The blockchain turns the entire network in…

A Blueprint to Jump-Start Your Content Marketing Strategy
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"In 2014, we published a series of posts to help marketers get back to the basics of content marketing or to improve what they are doing. In case you missed some or all of the series, here is a quick primer." - A Blueprint to Jump-Start Your Content Marketing Strategy

Rethinking photo-based storytelling

"Since Taylor launched an earlier version of the site at The Boston Globe in 2007, In Focus has known for longform photo storytelling, featuring huge, high-quality images.... If you’re pandering to social media, if you’re going for clickbait, it cuts away at any sort of storytelling." - Q&A: How Alan Taylor, online photography pioneer, is rethin…

How Reported.ly covered Charlie Hebdo

"Rather than publishing and aggregating news on a central site, the idea is to take the information to existing communities on the web — distributed journalism... The specific focus is on providing context around breaking stories ... the number of sources and reporters on the story grew quickly over a number of days. That created challenges in se…

How to Test Anything on Social Media
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"Here’s a brief summary of a few questions we like to ask ourselves when testing. - Which one thing will you be testing? - What metric will be my best measurement of success? - Do I have enough data to assume this result will be true and repeatable for everyone?" Provides 10 top tests for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and G+.

How to conduct a Five Whys root cause analysis
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"In a previous post, I outlined the benefits of Five Whys... Today, I want to talk about the mechanics of Five Whys in greater detail." - Lessons Learned: How to conduct a Five Whys root cause analysis

Lessons Learned: Five Whys

"I have come to believe that this technique should be used for all kinds of defects ... we use the defect as an opportunity to find out what's wrong with our process, and make a small adjustment. By continuously adjusting, we eventually build up a robust series of defenses that prevent problems from happening.... breaking down the "time/quality/c…

The Five Whys Formula for Better Problem Solving
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"The Five Whys technique was developed and fine-tuned within the Toyota Motor Corporation as a critical component of its problem-solving training... "by repeating why five times, the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes clear." ... dig into each problem that arose until they found the root cause. "Observe the production floor w…

7 Ways To Get Your Team On The Same Page
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"Making sure everyone know's what's going on isn't just courteous—it's essential to a smoothly functioning business." To be frank this is really Project Management 101, but it's worth repeating as the number of EU comms projects managed without any of these tools never ceases to amaze. - 7 Ways To Finally Get Your Team On The Same Page | Fast Co…

Stop Enabling Gossip on Your Team
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A timely and interesting article... "Gossip is an effective way of achieving these goals in an unhealthy social system. People engage in gossip when they lack trust or efficacy. We become consumers of gossip when we don’t trust formal channels... We become purveyors of it when we feel we can’t raise sensitive issues more directly... The problem w…

Communication strategy, Science for Environment
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Came up with a winning communication strategy to promote worthy-but-heavy pdf reports from the European Commission.

Where wisdom once was, quantification will now be, enabled by the idolatry of data
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Begins with a beautiful rant on technology's tyranny in individual and collective life: "Journalistic institutions slowly transform themselves into silent sweatshops in which words cannot wait for thoughts, and first responses are promoted into best responses, and patience is a professional liability... Digital expectations of alacrity and ters…

Are you suffering from Metric Myopia?
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Before you obsess over your next analytics report, read the recent article by Ev Williams (Twitter and Medium cofounder) on measuring what matters.

Mastering Bitcoin
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"If you're interested in learning more about the technical operation of bitcoin, or if you're building the next great bitcoin killer­app or business, you will find this book essential reading." Based on the ToC, covers blockchains and the rest. Readable online for free.

Lo-Fi Video on neuroscience research
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Not just an interesting video about what neuroscience says about self-interest and compassion (and the lack of it amongst wealthy people!). Also a good example of how to maintain interest in a 'talking head' video interview through animation and video techniques. - We Are Built To Be Kind - YouTube

A bunch of stats about eNewsletters
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"One byproduct of all the recent articles about the growth of email newsletter that aim to “cut through the daily clutter” is an amazing amount of clutter about email newsletters. Here’s what you need to know today." Actually it's really just a bunch of stats, but this can be helpful when setting targets. - Email Newsletter Success Metrics: What…

How Designers Turn Data Into Beautiful Infographics
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"The best infographics are clear, easy to digest, and eye-catching. But the process of distilling data into a neat little chart, bar graph, or venn diagram usually requires pages and pages of messy preparatory sketches, which are rarely seen by the public. Infographic Designers’ Sketchbooks ... take readers behind the scenes of the creative proce…

Block Chain 2.0: The Renaissance of Money
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"So for the uninitiated who have not yet grasped what Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are, you ought to catch up. This is not something that should be ignored and there is a vast array of resources that explain the concept. In this post I’ll try to make sense of the Block Chain Protocol and the emerging ecosystem that is growing on it." - Bloc…

Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence from 2014
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"The most striking research results in AI came from the field of deep learning, which involves using crude simulated neurons to process data... often focuses on images... our instincts about privacy must change now that machines can decipher images." - Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence from 2014 | MIT Technology Review

Top 3 IA Questions about Navigation Menus
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"But in our Information Architecture courses, we invariably get asked about a few persistent questions that many designers from a variety of backgrounds seem to struggle with. Like most design problems, these questions rarely have an absolute, black-and-white answer. But there are specific considerations that can help you answer these questions a…

Why Adaptive Content Matters
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"Our hope with adaptive content is to tailor content to a customer’s experience, behavior, and desires... a culmination of ... experience maps, storyboarding, empathy maps — and what we’ve been saying for so long about creating an experience... ... we all believe that our experiences should be more interactive. Why? Smartphones." - 16 Stats That…

Is offending one audience justified to reach another?
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Here's a conundrum for you. And a probably quite dangerous post for me.

Make your data talk
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"Machine learning can help by finding those hidden patterns you probably didn’t even know existed, so you can tune your marketing campaigns accordingly.... DataPop relies on semantic search and natural-language processing to infer connections between what consumers enter into the search window and what they really want, and then on machine learn…

Create an API for any website in minutes
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"Kimono Labs is a data-scraping tool that offers a simple way to create an API for any website in just minutes." - 9 Startups That Made Life Better In 2014 - ReadWrite

Contextual Intelligence
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Excellent intro to "Contextual intelligence: the ability to understand the limits of our knowledge and to adapt that knowledge to an environment different from the one in which it was developed. ... The most difficult work is often the “soft” work of adjusting mental models, learning to differentiate between universal principles and their specifi…

Why every employee must be engaged
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Fairly typical piece on integrating social media into organisations to improve customer service, employee productivity and sales. These points have been made before, but this article brings them together well and provides plenty of links to the underlying research, which makes it useful if you need to supporting arguments for change management. -…

Best Science Visualizations of the Year
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"In this gallery are our favorite graphics of the year. " The Best Science Visualizations of the Year | WIRED

Why Cards Are the Future of the Web
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"We are currently witnessing a re-architecture of the web, away from pages and destinations, towards completely personalised experiences built on an aggregation of many individual pieces of content ... the result of the rise of mobile technologies... from many pages of content linked together, towards individual pieces of content aggregated togeth…

How to Use Google Analytics Custom Segments, Reports and Dashboards
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"Google Analytics lets you create custom segments, dashboards and reports to find the information that’s most relevant ..." - How to Use Google Analytics Custom Segments, Reports and Dashboards | Social Media Examiner

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