Improving Startup Accelerators
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"The true purpose of an accelerator is to teach the method of entrepreneurship, so that on graduation day the founders have the knowledge and tools to keep improving. Funding, launching, weekly growth, etc is all a bonus." - Improving Startup Accelerators — Startups & Venture Capital — Medium

How To Grow Your Company: Don’t Use Facebook
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The reasons are simple but powerful: you can’t control the communication. Despite it being a communication channel/social network (emphasis on network)/community (very debatable), it points into the other direction: filtering information, needing to pay for content to be seen, very distracting by other things like games, Ads (which used to be cont…

The Need For Product Management In Media
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"product management in media is the intersection between journalism, user experience, software, data and analytics" Just replace 'media' with government and you've got a manifesto for participative government right there. - The Need For Product Management In Media — Medium

How To Kill An Online Community In 15 Easy Steps

So the question at hand is how to keep your community alive and thriving. Or, on the flip side, here are the top 15 ways to (inadvertently) to kill an online community: - How To Kill An Online Community In 15 Easy Steps | Vanessa DiMauro | LinkedIn

Bosses Use Anonymous Networks to Learn What Workers Really Think
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"... management has become so obsessed with the “engagement” of its staff that it now places more importance on it than sales... [because] the components of engagement—employee happiness and commitment to the business—are exactly what drive sales, and therefore the bottom line... the key to this new breed of internal-communications tools... is …

An executive's guide to machine learning

the competitive significance of business models turbocharged by machine learning is poised to surge... companies must have two types of people to unleash the potential of machine learning. "Quants" are schooled in its language and methods. "Translators" can bridge the disciplines of data, machine learning, and decision making by reframing the …

Eight things we learned from the ‘social media’ election

The real story might have been that data played a more important role than social media... reports that smart campaigns used data intelligently to target the right voters with the right messages... This combination of data and social media, with more traditional campaigning techniques will surely develop still further in the next few years. …

Crafting Your Medium Humble-Brag
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I’ve been extremely impressed with the false humility of a number of recent career transition stories on Medium. - Career Transitions: Crafting Your Medium Humble-Brag — The Coffeelicious — Medium

Can Creativity Be Learned?
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A good tour of theories of creativity, concluding with results from two recent studies: "With these widely accepted theories of creativity in mind, it is rather jarring to see two brand studies, both of which suggest that creativity is closely linked with inherent neurological and personality traits rather than methodology or practice. The impl…

Driverless taxis to become a major form of transport 'in 10 years' | Horizon Magazine
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"Europe is currently a global leader in automated transport research" - Driverless taxis to become a major form of transport 'in 10 years' | Horizon Magazine - European Commission

Raising your Digital Quotient

"By evaluating 18 practices related to digital strategy, capabilities, and culture, we have developed a single, simple metric for the digital maturity of a company... its Digital Quotient. This survey reveals a wide range of digital performance in today’s big corporations... a strong and adaptive culture can help make up for a lack of technica…

How Bots Took Over Twitter
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"the rise of suggested content tools has shifted the balance between conversation and link-sharing, and in so doing has diminished the value of the links that get shared... a tweeted link no longer reflects any curation or judgment on their part; it may well be something that was found for them rather than by them. Nor is it a sign that they’ve…

A Hack for Making Snazzy HTML 5 Templates

This is a code generator, which adheres to latest web programming standards of HTML5 and CSS3. You don’t need to hand code the templates, just design them, and TemplateToaster will automatically generate the HTML 5 and CSS 3 for it. At the end of designing, export your projects and the zip of source code will in your hand. Doesn’t it seem too simp…

Atlas, the new home for charts and data
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Atlas deepens our journalism by offering readers better access to the data and visualizations in so many of our stories. It also extends the reach of our journalism by letting you make use of our charts in new ways ... as we build out the platform, we are hoping to let anyone make charts in Atlas... Atlas gives each of our charts its own home, …

The FT’s first head of audience engagement

We are thinking about how to optimize our content from its very conception... we obviously want to grow traffic... The second prong of the strategy is to change how we produce and distribute our content and optimize it for reach... optimizing some of our content for different distribution platforms, integrating visual and interactive content fr…

A call to proactively support Women in Science

people commit to “taking one action, just one, in their local organisation to counter the local brand of disadvantage that women may be facing.” - 2020 Science A call to proactively support Women in Science - 2020 Science

Why hyper-distributed Reported.ly still decided to make a website

Because everyone needs a Hub to call their own: "its own space to follow stories at a less frenetic pace ... readers can find collections of stories on topics ... incorporate a variety of mediums. Embedded tweets, videos, and Facebook posts are mixed in with text... The website is aggregation-heavy. Some pieces are roundups; other posts allow t…

Please, Corporations, Experiment on Us
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Why does one “experiment” (i.e., introducing a new product) fail to raise ethical concerns, whereas a true scientific experiment (i.e., introducing a variation of the product to determine the comparative safety or efficacy of the original) sets off ethical alarms? - Please, Corporations, Experiment on Us - The New York Times

So Yeah We Tried Slack... and We Deeply Regretted It
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they clearly state that there is "no limit on how many people you can add to your team on Slack." So we assumed we wouldn't need to worry about outgrowing their service. But trusting Slack's marketing would prove to be a huge mistake. - Free Code Camp's Learn to Code Blog: So Yeah We Tried Slack... and We Deeply Regretted It

Twitter Is Killing Twitter to Save Twitter
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Twitter’s editorial team (made of real, live humans) will define the big stories of the day, and will package tweets, images, and video to explain what’s going on. Those packages will be the primary unit of Twitter, and will be embeddable all over the Internet.... With this change, Twitter doesn’t have to look like an endlessly flowing, context…

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook News Feed Changes
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I've broken down all of the major algorithm changes that have occurred over the past 2 years... - The Ultimate Guide to Facebook News Feed Changes... and How They Impact YOU!

3 Ways To Remain Creative In A World Of Big Data
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Distributed intelligence means you need to find a social process, not a data-driven solution... You cannot outsource leadership to your analytics group. - Thinking Small: 3 Ways To Remain Creative In A World Of Big Data | Co.Create | creativity + culture + commerce

Changing online communities
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The Coral Project aims to change how publishers, contributors and readers think about interacting in online communities ... to further opportunities for online engagement, extending beyond comments into conversations and contributor contributions... The goal of the open-source software is to enable publishers to better manage contributions and …

Could driverless cars own themselves?
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"in a world dominated by self-steering taxis, each ride becomes cheaper if the vehicles are autonomous rather than owned and run by major corporations... We can program it to ... make it the most moral, socially minded capitalist possible...it would not be self-aware... But they would be programmed to seek self-improvement in order to avoid bec…

The State of Community Management 2015
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sixth edition of the annual report series provides a snapshot of the progress and changes in community management approaches and highlights emerging standards. This year, TheCR analyzed data from more than 200 communities representing a broad range of community sizes and sectors to measure community maturity and its relationship to member engageme…

The Internet of Tweets
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Twitter enables connections between accounts. What exists today as a social network between people who follow and reply to each other could tomorrow expand to be an information network between devices that could follow and reply to each other. - The Internet of Tweets — The Message — Medium

What Testing Via Email Taught Us About News Apps
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Clever. To build an app, Buzzfeed first built an enewsletter and tested that: "Designing and building an email newsletter takes a lot of work. But compared with launching a native app, a newsletter requires a much smaller investment of time and technology. As a lower-stakes product, we could launch it much more quickly than we could an app and …

How can we make events suck less?
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... shift participants’ perspective from “work” to “play.” ... a “one-day fellowship:” a chance to get away from the newsroom or office, from the usual day-to-day distractions, and to have an opportunity to really explore big, bold new ideas with a room full of equally-unleashed minds... there’s often more experience in the audience than there …

How to create a simple interactive graph
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Visualise your data and embed interactive, annotated graphs in your stories for free... At Journalism.co.uk we've been regularly using Datawrapper, Infogram and Google Sheets to name a few, and we have highlighted many others in our pieces. Plotly is perhaps one of the more complex resources, but it's free to use and enables its users to cre…

A Calculated Response
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"a (presumably female) post-doc wrote in to say that whenever she met with her adviser in his office, she would catch him trying to peer down her shirt. Dr. Huang’s answer ... “I suggest you put up with it, with good humor if you can.”... A dozen media outlets picked up on the outrage and joined in the vilification, because clicks... When “…

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