How 5 news outlets are finding success with podcasts
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the key to making it work is thinking how it can improve your journalism and what kind of stories can shine through it. Here are some recent examples from the Financial Times, Quartz, BBC, The Guardian and BuzzFeed: - How 5 news outlets are finding success with podcasts | Media news

LinkedIn Starts Building a Syndicated Content Network
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"LinkedIn is emailing the 500 people it calls its “Influencers” and asking them for permission to automatically hand their stuff to other sites that want to republish it in full.... Influencers get more distribution for their names and ideas... LinkedIn gets to advertise LinkedIn... letter to Influencers asks for permission to translate their p…

My Medium adventure (Top3ics, 4 August)

Last week’s edition included 13 links across 3 topics. This week I go the ‘Special Edition’ route and focus on one topic: Medium. 

Forget Platishers: It’s All About The Platform-Publisher Spectrum — Medium
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I think the distinction between platforms and publishers is misunderstood.

A thriving Medium would be fabulous

IN RESPONSE TO: Thanks for sharing this.  “While this makes sense it would make more sense if Medium existed in a vacuum… most authors are prepared to put up with a second-class authoring tool in return for a shot at a first-class audience. ”

A European Union needs European media
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"The EU Commission and Parliament probably spend hundreds of millions of euros on comms projects every year, but almost nothing on stimulating the emergence of the European Online Public Sphere..." - Posted to Story-Europe's Medium publication to give Catalyst project some content to kick DebateHub’s tyres with.

5 ways newsrooms used Vine in its first year | Media news
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Examples include using the app to cover breaking news, the annual Budget, share data snippets, new perspectives and take viewers behind-the-scenes

nytlabs' Editor: real-time semantic tagging too

Editor is an experimental text editing interface that explores how collaboration between machine learning systems and journalists could afford fine-grained annotation and tagging of news articles. Our approach applies machine learning techniques interactively, as part of the writing process, rather than retroactively.

The Medium Viable Product
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So I put together a landing page, sent a few newsletters to myself, then wrote a post on Medium. It featured 75 outstanding pieces of journalism ... my Minimum Viable Product. Naturally, nobody showed up to read the post. Then, somehow, Rand Fishkin (the CEO of Moz.com) found it and spread the word " - The Medium Viable Product — Thoughts on…

Building a Publication
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Absurdist is a relatively young publication that I’d launched on Medium on December 31st, 2014. At the 6 month mark it had already grown past 10k followers, pulling in anywhere between 50–200k reads a month. It takes a lot of work and collaboration to build and grow a publication. - Building a Publication — Yung Rama — Medium

Ev Let's Make This Happen

What separates Medium from everyone else is that responses create this amazing platform for discussion and stories breed their own little ecosystems. So why don't we treat responses and their result with as much respect as we currently do recommendations?... a story that inspires twenty responses is more "successful" in my opinion than one that…

Medium has a small author problem

"there’s something missing in terms, I think, of the user experience of linking content to a particular author. - Medium has a small author problem — Medium

Why every blog post should be crossposted to LinkedIn and Medium
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While most the activity on LinkedIn occurred within the first 24 hours after posting, Medium was more of a slow burn... led to shares from outside networks. Of the 1,500 views of my article, 500 came from Facebook, 400 from email, and nearly 300 from Twitter... For years, we’ve been warned away from such tactics... in a world in which Facebook …

everybody has to lighten up a bit
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IN RESPONSE TO: The numbers game can get so depressing. "In order for Medium to be a good place for writers to get feedback, everybody has to lighten up a bit. The platform isn’t helping. The comment feature adds to the social constipation... following the conversation feels like digital spelunking." - In order for Medium to be a good place …

I’ve become a bit disenchanted

IN RESPONSE TO: Why Fiction Writers Should Find a Home on Medium "I turned to Medium with the hope of cultivating an audience, but I’ve become a bit disenchanted... if you don’t already have a bit of a following OR better yet the power of numbers that joining a publication provides, your work has a slim shot of getting viewed." - I turned t…

The tricky business of social platform development
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IN RESPONSE TO Medium Would be a Much Better Network with Direct Messaging... I’ve seen far too many new social platforms I’ve used collapse under the weight of the “navel-gazing debate” of users. - The tricky business of social platform development — Medium

Why Fiction Writers Should Find a Home on Medium
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If you’re a fiction writer, Medium may feel like a place you can go to for practical tips and encouragement about writing and networking among many other practical ideas on a variety of topics, but it may not feel like a place for publishing your latest short story. But Medium is a rapidly growing network that’s perfect for fiction and nonfiction …

The Web of Relationships We Have to Save
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IN RESPONSE TO The Web We Have to Save... Unlike a blogger, it’s very hard to isolate and ban Facebook or Twitter. A blogger can be placed in jail, a network of people on a platform with millions of users is much harder... [BUT] these platforms have their own censorship mechanisms... Facebook is doing better now but ... many things were bloc…

Medium Would be a Much Better Network with Direct Messaging
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in some ways, it feels like there’s a wall between users on Medium. Currently, the only two ways to communicate ... are through Notes and Responses... communication can quickly get lost. It’s hard to keep track of all the conversations you’re having without one central location ... And why are Responses treated as posts? ... Responses taki…

I’m Doing It Wrong: Why Medium Sucks
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"I can accept that. Here are my theories on why Medium sucks and I would like for people to tell me why I am wrong.... Why are comments so deprecated here? ... The recent I Racist post ... garnered 33 “notes” on one paragraph... it is painful to read as a bizarre little sidebar on the side of the page... nobody is here. Everyone is cross po…

Curation vs. Algorithms: Curation Wins...
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"The pendulum has swung, and all of a sudden “human curation” is back in vogue vs. machine algorithm ... But there is a third category of discovery that is strangely absent from the conversation...: social curation.... My mom is a better curator than Dr. Dre. There, I said it." - Curation vs. Algorithms: Curation Wins, But Not In The Way …

Dear Medium, Can we please have Forums?
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The conversation continued through various responses and notes in different responses, blooming outward, but at that point to actually follow it you needed to perform a very impressive feat of what Gutbloom so aptly calls “digital spelunking”. Which then led everyone to discuss what could make the social part of Medium better... the thing I’d m…

How to Win on Medium (or Anywhere)
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I don’t post on my website anymore, at least not with the goal of getting any traction. Instead, I post almost entirely on Medium... the success I’ve see on Medium is in direct correlation to my commitment to sharing my voice .. create and share, not for the sake of getting anything in return, but do so because you are choosing to be generous…

The Web We Have to Save
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The rich, diverse, free web that I loved - and spent years in an Iranian jail for - is dying.Why is nobody stopping it?... The hyperlink was my currency six years ago... represented the open, interconnected spirit of the world wide web ... a way to abandon centralization ... and replace them with something more distributed, a system of nodes an…

Is Medium Balkanized?
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How do you get recommendations? Well, you need to get your writing into a publication. Doing that is not easy - Is Medium Balkanized? — The Coffeelicious — Medium

Let’s do this together
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I’ve created an email newsletter that features one fantastic piece of journalism each day....So far 3,000+ awesome people are subscribed to the newsletter and the daily emails average open rates around 50% (that’s double the industry average)... What I really want to build is a community for people to find, share, and discuss great, in-depth jo…

Medium is a Network. Let’s Network Then!
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There’s been a very interesting meta-conversation on Medium going on recently. Roughly it falls into one of these two categories:... responses seem to receive more attention (recs & follows) than my “regular” posts... It feels like contribution, not just a comment. - Medium is a Network. Let’s Network Then! — The Unlisted — Medium

The Ultimate Guide To Medium
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Medium is the hottest writing platform right now, and you need to tap into it. Whether you're a marketer, entrepreneur, or startup founder, this book will show you how to maximize the reach and results of your stories. - The Ultimate Guide To Medium - Tell Stories That Millions May Read

News outlets vie for global audiences with translated stories

While European media ask for EC handouts for translating their articles, US media just do it themselves: "As news organizations realize the potential of reaching international audiences with their journalism, more and more are translating their work into different tongues. BuzzFeed, Vice and The Washington Post have all made forays into the rea…

Breaking Smart launches
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Breaking Smart is a technology analysis site... binge-worthy collection of essays approximately once every 2 years. Season 1, comprising 20 essays...written by Venkatesh Rao and illustrated by Grace Witherell...an in-depth exploration of Marc Andreessen’s observation that “software is eating the world... subscribe to our email list, featuring a…

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