my notes ( ? )
Oh my, how patronising. Nothing here about the genuine benefits that curation brings. Everything is painted with the same sneering brush in a world where everything is wrong is driven by narcissm and neoliberal capitalism.
Still, definitely worth a read:
"how did curating, a highly specialized line of museum work involving the care, accessioning, and exhibition of artworks, come to mean ... “just picking stuff”? ...
One simple explanation is prestige appropriation. ... Curating an Instagram feed or Christmas list sounds more legitimate, somehow, than simply having a social media profile or scribbling on a piece of paper...
curation in its contemporary, ecumenical sense reinforces many of the personal values promoted by neoliberalism: atomized individualism, the thrall of personalization, aestheticized control, and, of course, consumption-as-authenticity."
- The Politics of the Curation Craze | The New Republic
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