The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence
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In some jobs, being in touch with emotions is essential. In others, it seems to be a detriment. And like any skill, being able to read people can be used for good or evil... In emerging research ... when a leader gave an inspiring speech filled with emotion, the audience was less likely to scrutinize the message and remembered less of the conte…

50 Days of Spin to COP21
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This COP21 soonfeed lets you discover and get alerts to live streams, live blogs, hangouts and other online happenings related to the Paris climate talks. - 50 Days of Spin to COP21 - Happeningo

Mentorship died in the 21st century
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many urban children face a lot of challenges ... they have courage and persistence and quickly get back on their feet after setbacks. Urban kids have grit by the boatload — and with the right tools and encouragement, grit will turn these young people into a wellspring of talent in the future.” we need this talent. We need new ideas, new approac…

Disruptive Power Lies at the Intersections — Medium
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we begin to see the complexity at the intersections, the amplification of disruptive power, and the broad implications for the future.

Facebook Reactions: everything you need to know
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We'll probably never get a true "dislike" button on Facebook, but the social network just started to roll out the closest thing we've seen yet. Reactions, a new feature for Facebook's ubiquitous Like button that allows you to respond to posts with emoji...: "like," followed by "love," "haha," "yay," "wow," "sad" and "anger." - Facebook React…

Brand exchange & the new citizen conversation
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Do people really want to have a conversation with brands, or their government?

Peak Mac
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One reason for peaking turns out to be success. Success means more employees, more meetings and more compromise. Success means more pressure to expand the market base and to broaden the appeal to get there. Success means that stubborn visionaries are pushed aside by profit-maximizing managers. - Seth's Blog: Peak Mac

Synthetron - Crowdsourcing Insightful Action
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Don’t miss out on important insightsWe help engage crowdsto get answers to your important questions

Moments, AMP, Longreads & more (Top3ics, 9 Oct)

In this week’s edition, two new social media products in one week; a few good longreads for the weekend; and more stuff for your online toolbox.

Is Google's AMP project better than Facebook Instant Articles?
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The code behind the effort is all available on Github... the fact that it uses an open repository doesn’t mean that Google isn’t running the project, or deciding what gets included and what doesn’t... publishers have another option ... simply take the best parts of the specification from the publicly available documentation and implement those …

6 top links on AMP
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"Accelerated Mobile Pages speed up mobile page load times through a new open framework called AMP HTML, which Google says "allows websites to build light-weight web pages." Google says it has nearly 30 publishers signed on to participate in the project, including The New York Times, Vox and Gannett." (What was the point posting each of the 6 ar…

Google's version of Instant Articles is better, Nuzzel founder says
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the Google standard gives publishers a streamlined page-loading script they can use that takes advantage of smart caching of content—either on their own servers or on Google’s servers—to make the various elements load faster...an order of magnitude faster than the typical mobile page... a completely open standard that any publisher can implemen…

About Media Cloud

Media Cloud... is an open source, open data platform that allows researchers to answer complex quantitative and qualitative questions about the content of online media... by collecting and analyzing the news stream of tens of thousands of online sources.... academic researchers, journalism critics, policy advocates, media scholars, and others c…

Medium Raises $57 Million
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Medium is supposed to be a new kind of social network, one that makes it easy to find stuff you want to see as well as stuff you didn’t know you wanted to see. But by the company’s own admission, it hasn’t figured that part out yet... for now Medium is closer to Blogger, Williams’ first company, than Twitter, his second effort. Some of that cou…

News Is Different
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It’s hard to feel sorry for the news organizations that have utterly failed to pay enough attention to the top story of a generation. It’s one thing to bury the lede. It’s another to allow it to bury your industry... But ... the demise of reporting outfits ... is a severe blow to society. It represents the potential silencing of the only voice …

Twitter's Moment
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... it’s fantastic... there is a lot to nitpick, but it is fantastic from a strategic perspective.... Twitter just reinvented the newspaper. It’s not just any newspaper though — it has the potential to be the best newspaper in the world... imagine a tweet-based newspaper drawn not only from the best sources in a mobile-friendly format, but one …

How to handle personal attacks on social media

There are a number of effective strategies for overcoming the harm caused by a personal attack on social media. And your response can be a democratic one that includes fighting bad speech with more (good) speech. If someone’s attacked you on social media, here are four steps for responding: - How to handle personal attacks on social media | …

How to Tell Stories With Facebook and Instagram Carousel Ads
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While many businesses use Carousel Ads solely to promote products, the ads also provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand’s unique narrative. In this article, I’ll share how to use storytelling in carousel ads - How to Tell Stories With Facebook and Instagram Carousel Ads Social Media Examiner

Two Paths Toward Our Robot Future
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an ongoing conflict between artificial intelligence and the linked but divergent project of intelligence augmentation... the difference between a future in which human capabilities are enhanced by technology and one in which humans are made effectively obsolete, versioned out by the consequences of our own ingenuity... we might be “in for an in…

Twitter unveils its own news digests, and some news orgs are participating

“moments” are mini news digests of tweets across a range of topics... with splashy full-screen photos and videos. Each individual moment is made up of about 10 tweets... allows users to follow stories they’re interested in for a limited period of time... clearly targeted at curious or casual users... a “catch-me-up” type of news digest, using t…

Twitter Moments: Content Guidelines
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Moments surface the best of what’s happening on Twitter... What you see on Twitter is what’s happening in the world. What follows are the standards and guidelines for creating Moments that we as a Twitter curation team follow. - Twitter Moments: Content Guidelines | About

Moments, the best of Twitter in an instant
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Moments helps you find the best of Twitter as easily as tapping an icon – regardless of who you follow. Just visit the new tab called Moments, where you will discover stories unfolding on Twitter. - Moments, the best of Twitter in an instant | Twitter Blogs

The problem with our data-driven world

In many fields of research right now, scientists collect data until they see a pattern that appears statistically significant, and then they use that tightly selected data to publish a paper ... this p-hacking ... uses a quiver of little methodological tricks that can inflate the statistical significance of a finding ... a significant problem …

First, Let’s Get Rid of All the Bosses
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Huge longform exposé - don't know whether to be impressed, amused or horrified: "... what did it mean for an online retailer with annual sales of more than $1 billion, that fills 280,000 orders per week, to be “self-organized”?... Holacracy is ... just one example of a growing movement... that seeks to apply insights derived from evolutionar…

Porous government: build it yourself, social or dedicated platforms?
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"Why don't we just build our community on Facebook?" Some thoughts after a month playing with Knowledge Hub

We're Replacing Comments with Something Better
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We at Motherboard have decided to turn off our comments section, a decision we've debated for a year or more. What finally turned the tide was our belief that killing comments and focusing on other avenues of communication will foster smarter, more valuable discussion and criticism of our work... Sending an email knowing that a human will actua…

Why You Need to Eliminate All of Your Company’s Managers
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People don’t leave companies. They leave managers — it’s their number one reason to leave... Modern business structures are built on a fundamental system of mistrust, division, and antagonism I call LCD management — managing to the lowest common denominator... companies of all sizes, in every industry, have operated without managers for decades…

5 outstanding Instagram analytics tools

Here we look at five superb Instagram tools featuring functions ranging from time-saving scheduling to in-depth analytics, along with comments from Instagram experts: - 5 outstanding Instagram analytics tools | Articles | Home

32 Fast and Cheap Marketing Tests Y
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Below are some basic marketing test ideas across all nineteen traction channels. These tests are designed for businesses trying to get to product/market fit, either preparing for a successful launch or post-launch, but may be useful for any business... middle ring tests and should cost less than a thousand dollars and take less than one month o…

The Future of the Internet Is Flow
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Lifestream unified our digital life: Each new document, email, bookmark or video became a bead threaded onto a single wire in the Cloud, in order of arrival...Whenever you add a bead to the lifestream, you specify who may see it... Your future home page is a bouquet of your favorite streams ... News streams blended with shopping streams, blogs,…

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