Put your City on the Startup Map with META Innovation Platform
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An article I ghost-wrote for META's CEO to launch their Innovation Platform (which I and my team there built)

Creative, Local, Young: what do Europe's young superheroes need?
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A workshop proposal for EuroPCom 2018 with @albawhitewolf, Mike Galsworthy (@Scientists4EU) and the original Captain Europe, reposted to Facebook by popular demand.

America’s always-on partisan goggles hurt meaningful evaluation of fact-checking on Facebook | Poynter

The tension between literalism and contextualism is one fact-checkers face every day... Swing too far towards literalism and you’re a bone-headed bean counter. Get too contextual and you’re taking wild leaps of interpretation — something fact-checking was explicitly set up to avoid... This interpretative license can be heavily colored by personal …

How politics became our identity - YANSS 133
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political scientist Lilliana Mason ... new book, Uncivil Agreement ... we actually agree about most things... “our conflicts are over who we think we are, rather than reasoned differences of opinion... Our opinions can be very fluid... if we wanted to come to a compromise we could, if there were not these pesky identities in the way... we disagree…

A tagline sucks. A rallying cry rules
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A rallying cry creates the emotional shorthand that sticks in our heads and builds strong positive associations. Those are powerful elements that help a brand rise above competitors and help turn customers into advocates. Think about doing that for our organizations. That’s important work. Too important for a mere tagline. It’s time for a rallying…

This is what filter bubbles actually look like - MIT Technology Review
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societies have experienced extremism and fragmentation without the assistance of Silicon Valley for centuries... So just how responsible is the internet for today’s divisions? In this Twitter map... of the US political landscape, accounts that follow one another are clustered together, and they are color-coded by the kinds of content they commonly…

Fighting fake news is a losing battle, but there are other ways to win the war.
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the next iteration of technology applied to politics will be a huge leap forward with a greater ability to target people... address each of the 156 million of registered voters on the US with personalized messages.... a falsehood delivered in a personalized way is likely to be more efficient but less visible than a blatant lie put on Twitter; it w…

Generate free LinkedIn business leads (The one coffee method) - Marc Stoiber Brand Strategy
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A fairly simple, free routine that’s enabled me to market myself on LinkedIn with surprisingly good results. It worked for me, it might work for you.

In Praise of Deep Work, Full Disconnectivity and Deliberate Rest
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Newport defines Deep Work as “Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.”... in an average office setting such a state of prolonged “distraction-free concentration” is all but impo…

Understanding Media and Information Quality in an Age of Artificial Intelligence, Automation…
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Technology has altered the foundations of news and media, and as trust in media continues to decline, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithms have come to play a critical role not only as threats to the integrity and quality of media, but also as a source of potential solutions. The core threats to information quality associated …

Complicating the Narratives – The Whole Story
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talk-show hosts like journalists ... know how to grab the brain’s attention and stimulate fear, sadness or anger.... We value the ancient power of storytelling, and we get that good stories require conflict, characters and scene. But in the present era of tribalism, it feels like we’ve reached our collective limitations... I met psychologists, med…

The Future of Facebook
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If Facebook is to thrive ... it’ll need to evolve. Here’s where we think it’s heading… developers and platforms ... will be unable to post content on behalf of personal Facebook profiles... can only post to business profiles and pages on both Facebook and Instagram... Facebook might be hoping that more unique content shared by users, reaching mor…

How can the EU support its superheroes?
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“So I and fellow Australian-in-Brussels Richard Medic decided to ask some friends to help answer a couple of questions: How can the EU support its superheroes, without destroying their credibility in the process? And under what conditions should it even try?”

Chatbots were the next big thing: what happened? – The Startup – Medium
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We look back at our breathless optimism and turn to each other, slightly baffled: “is that it? THAT was the chatbot revolution we were promised?”... chatbots didn’t just take on one difficult problem and fail: they took on several and failed all of them... A great bot can be about as useful as an average app. When it comes to rich, sophisticated,…

Some thoughts on the crisis of liberalism—and how to fix it - Liberalism
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The most powerful engine of elitism is the European Union... Founding Fathers of Europe deliberately removed a great deal of decision-making from the hands of the (nation-bounded and short-sighted) public... Confronted with popular revolts against the rule of experts they have simply dug in their heels... For the EU, technocratic decision-making …

Disinformation Wars – Foreign Policy – Medium
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The EU’s measures are still designed to target the disinformation of yesterday rather than that of tomorrow... should focus on the coming wave of disruptive technologies... four emerging threats in particular: the democratization of artificial intelligence, the evolution of social networks, the rise of decentralized applications, and the “back en…

Initiative Mapping: An Introduction. – HOW TO BE CLEAR – Medium
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One of the most important things when working together is to be clear on who is helping who with what and why... I’m trying to make working together effortless by showing how easy it is to map what’s actually going on when people collaborate. You can normally draw it out on a page. It normally doesn’t take longer than an hour or two.... I call the…

Is it Hot Enough Yet? – Albert Bates – Medium
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Comey had told the nuclear industry’s spokesmen to become credible they must tell the truth... gave the same advice to the anti-nuke stalwarts ... He warned us that we didn’t need to embellish the truth. It was our strongest ally... our ally alone... he was perfectly confident that the nuclear industry would never follow his advice, would never te…

Have your say | Policies, information and services
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Contribute to EU policy and law-making by giving your feedback on Commission initiatives as they take shape. You can also make suggestions on simplifying and improving existing laws. Subscribe to receive notifications on topics or initiatives of interest to you.  

Do We Still Worship The Knowledge Pyramid? | strategic structures
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the Knowledge Pyramid... DIKW pyramid, it features data as the basis and shows how information is built on it, then knowledge, and finally wisdom.... implies that the higher you go the better things get... What’s not to like? Well, just about everything.

Jane.ai raises $8.4 million for an enterprise chatbot that can search through emails, files, and more | VentureBeat
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Jane.ai, an artificially intelligent platform that indexes data from cloud storage providers, teams, and more... allows employees to search through its corpus using conversational language...an intuitive, intelligent AI-powered Teammate who gives employees instant access to the information they need to do their jobs well.

Don’t #DeleteFacebook. Take back control with digital minimalism
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To #DeleteFacebook is to throw the baby out with the bathwater without solving the underlying problem.This is not another post on the benefits or evils of Facebook — you can figure that out for yourself…- my latest post accepted into The Mission

We need a credibility indicator marketplace to fight disinformation
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To counter disinformation and revalue quality journalism we need a competitive ecosystem of credibility indexes to stimulate innovation and avoid a Ministry of Truth, de facto or otherwise.- more on Medium

GDPR & AI: Privacy by Design in Artificial Intelligence — Silo.AI
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One key change that the GDPR will bring is the obligation to integrate privacy into systems and operations when processing personal data,.. The concept of ‘Privacy by Design’ ... embedding privacy into the design of information technology, networked infrastructure, and business practices... this article introduces the concept and explain it by giv…

The Network Effects Map | NFX Case Study: Uber – NFX – Medium
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the actual value of a business largely rests on defensibility... we’ve developed a Network Effects Map to help founders ... build an informed defensibility strategy. ... helping founders dissect the often-hidden yet highly intentional forces behind technology’s most successful companies... a vocabulary for discussing complex and interrelated co…

Knowledge4Policy platform for evidence-based policymaking
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May, 2018: the EU Commission’s cross-EC Knowledge4Policy platform for evidence-based policymaking goes live in Beta mode.

A Minimalist Lifestyle – Jennifer Taylor – Medium
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minimalism ... a shift in mindset. Silencing the noise of an increasingly loud world. Calming the millions of thoughts that flow through my monkey mind. Giving myself permission to slow down and take a breath.

Compass News: How we built an AI editor that makes young people smarter, quicker.
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We’ve spent 18 months training an AI editor... shadow the curation performed by professional journalists on a gigantic range of topics... it now works independently.... your own personal journalist on hand at all times, ready to explain what’s going on in the world... real-time updates on important headlines, explained in the most succinct way po…

Designing Against Misinformation – Facebook Design
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we found that there were four ways the original disputed flags experience could be improved... Disputed flags buried critical information ... could sometimes backfire... Requiring two false ratings slowed down our ability to provide additional context and often meant that we weren’t able to do so at all.... We only applied Disputed flags to “fa…

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