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Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us?

Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us?

my notes ( ? )

we’ve grown wary of the so-called attention econom... But we also benefit from social media and hesitate to disengage from it completely... a loose collective of developers and techno-utopians ... the IndieWeb ... developing their own social-media platforms... preserve what’s good about social media while jettisoning what’s bad...
Facebook and Instagram encourage conformism because it makes your data easier to process and monetize... you’re a worker in a data factory ... the solution promoted by the IndieWeb...: own your own servers. ... a tricky technical problem: decentralization... POSSE... “publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere” encourages competition and innovation while allowing users to vote with their feet...
When social-media servers aren’t controlled by a small number of massive public companies, the incentive to exploit users diminishes... homegrown, community-oriented feel [vs] anxious narcissism ... helps solve the problem of content moderation....
IndieWeb lacks the carefully engineered addictiveness ... remove the addiction, and you might lose the users.

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