Are you creating the content your audience actually wants to consume, or are you just talking about yourself?
What sort of content will your audience read, out of the endless supply at their fingertips? Formal news articles or blog posts from your staff and readers? An event calendar updated daily, or a longread every month? Static web pages, or a deeply granular database with faceted search?
And have you figured out how to get it to them, develop engagement around it, and translate that success into something concrete, fulfilling your mission? How many of the friends and organisations in your network amplify your message regularly?
Need answers? Get in touch.
More services: start with Communication strategy.
Every business in the world will have a bot. It will allow any customer to talk to them in the simplest way possible, sending a message.
On Tuesday, the American people will see a multi-platform streaming and social broadcast of the State of the Union that reflects the ways people experience live events in 2016. We’ll be reaching people where they are — and making it possible for them to engage, respond, and share the President’s speech themselves in new and different ways... vide…
from a locked-down Brussels to a grieving Paris to a refugee camp in Greece, Henry Porter reports on the European Union’s existential crisis.
2015 MARKED PROPUBLICA’S most ambitious year to date in visual and interactive are some highlights from the year that was.
Consumers have difficulty distinguishing between native advertising and editorial content, according to a new study by researchers at Grady College ... only 17 out of 242 subjects -- under 8% -- were able to identify native advertising as a paid marketing message in this experiment... Just 18.3% identified native ads as paid messages in the secon…
Publishers like the New York Times should be having an existential crisis over Facebook’s instant articles. Instead they’re embracing them.. digital content is being divided between a lucrative high-end entertainment world,... and a low-end publishing world where content is expected to be “free,” ... a model that... might work to BuzzFeed’s adv…
2015 is the Year of the Card. Screen-size cards are everywhere, from websites to native apps and are designed to look like their physical counterparts. It’s an easy way for you to shuffle through a series of digital containers with the flick of a are a style that seems just made for apps.
we want to create use cases for people with limited time available to explore news stories on the mobile ... challenge is to provide the news in a quick, snappy format while also providing the opportunity to deepen their understanding when needed. As well as providing summaries and deeper information we feel this approach could lead to news bec…
full rollout in those markets, and elsewhere in Europe, is slated for “early 2016”.) Upday sounds as if it will be aggregating a variety of editorial content based on contextual signals available via mobile — such as user location and interests. UPDAY will offer Samsung customers access to a range of news content that combines ‘Need to Know’ in…
society had a pretty straightforward system of rewards: you give us something of value, and we’ll heap praise on you. It’s a fair trade ... that most social media gurus ... are unwilling to make ... insist on trying to “hack” the system... sheer laziness... shortcuts to notoriety rather than slowly, painstakingly, lovingly crafting something of va…
Here are 8 tips for using Medium effectively:
Google Spotlight Stories is a new form of storytelling made specifically for mobile and VR. In these 360-degree, interactive stories, your phone becomes a window to a world all around you. The sensors on your phone allow the story to be interactive; when you move your phone to various scenes, you are able to unlock mini-stories within the story.
A FEW trends emerge from the list of The Economist's ten most-read articles of 2015. The theme of inequality remains top of mind for our readers; articles about Asian-Americans, working-class males and inherited privilege all found their way into the top four. Many articles in this list are amongst our longer offerings, suggesting that readers set…
The very best long reads of the yearChosen by Don Van Natta Jr. (@DVNJr) and Jacob Feldman (@JacobFeldman4)
Journalists had raised questions about how comments on the sponsored content were moderated, compared to how comments are moderated on other Atlantic content.Initial comments on the story appeared to be exclusively supportive of Scientology... the “Native Solutions” program, started three years ago and supported by a 15-person creative team, “now…
Native advertising is one of the biggest — and more controversial — obsessions in media. The editorial-mimicking ad format, which is arguably not new at all but a modern spin on the advertorial, is still a small part of budgets for most advertisers. But 63 percent of ANA members said in a survey that they expected to increase their spending on nat…
The EC set up Drop’pin to help young people find training, apprenticeship and intern opportunities across Europe. I did some content marketing (blogging, enewsletter, social media support) and developed a global CRM strategy.
From HBO's 'The Leftovers' and critical darling 'Fargo' to Netflix's breakout hit 'Master of None,' THR's chief TV critic ranks 46 superior shows that made an impression this year.
streaming shows ... the original series that Netflix, Amazon and their ilk release all at once, in full seasons ... are becoming a distinct genre all their own ... Weekly TV thrives by creating a constant state of tension, teasing you to come back next week. Streaming relies on The Suck.
Each year, we ask some of the smartest people in journalism and digital media what they think is coming in the next 12 months. Here’s what they had to say. - Predictions for Journalism 2016 » Collections » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism
Our editors, writers, designers, and producers choose their favorite articles from outside Bloomberg.
The innovation we talk of in journalism isn’t the kind of innovation designed to radically change the way consumers behave, it’s really just short term reactionary attempts to try and deliver content to platforms the majority of consumers already use... Innovation in tech is rarely if ever short term... We’re being taken on this journey and it …
We used to have publications that covered a broad swath; now we have niche. We’ve gone from lists to listicles. Articles are supplanted by particles ... news as fluid and ever-updating. This will be the year where the pioneers succeed in reassembling the parts. It seems unlikely that the power of the press will lie solely in large news institutio…
not much drives traffic as effectively as stories that vindicate and/or inflame the biases of their readers... specifically tries to invent stories that will provoke strong reactions in middle-aged conservatives. They share a lot on Facebook... they’re the ideal audience. institutional distrust and cognitive bias are so strong that the people who…
One cognitive scientist thinks the leading approach to machine learning can be improved by ideas gleaned from studying children.... With its radical approach to machine learning, Geometric Intelligence aims to create algorithms for use in an AI that can learn in new and better ways... deep learning... systems need to be fed many thousands of ex…
Solutions journalism is rigorous and compelling reporting about responses to social problems.It investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, examples of people working toward solutions. It focuses not just on what may be working, but how and why it appears to be working, or alternatively, why it may be stumbling.Using the best avai…
When I first met Cathy, she had been unable to move or speak for 14 years.
We are a growing community of tens of thousands of creators with tens of millions of readers. Among us are world-class publications like The Daily Dot and The California Sunday Magazine, professionals, educators, and people with stories or ideas worth shaping. We believe digital storytelling is a craft. The ability to design and share your idea yo…
digital natives have wised up: They’re less likely to share after they read these articles because of their lack of heft. Newsrooms who employ this tactic immediately lose the trust of users, who don’t return ...Your article can be topped with a cool headline, but you’d better back it up with something substantive In 2015, Some publishers steer…
the big media institutions knew that they really couldn’t leave their business models, they were locked in... there really is an open question to whether digital journalism will replace the profit margins of traditional journalism... one huge issue in journalism today is how a couple places, particularly Facebook, are becoming a major source of…
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