Strictly speaking, the Fediverse is a collection of interoperable social networks built on the open Web standard ActivityPub, including Twitter-lookalike Mastodon and YouTube-lookalike PeerTube, as well as Meta's Threads, which "federated" in 2024.
Unlike Twitter and YouTube, however:
This would be like if my Twitter account followed someone's Facebook page, yet we could still interact seamlessly from our platform of preference. That’s impossible as Twitter & Facebook are walled gardens. Fediverse platforms like Mastodon and PeerTube are not – this is the Open Web on social.
While each Fediverse server is a community with its own rules, they're not walled gardens. This helps solve the vicious circle problem facing new platforms (why join a network where there are so few people on it? Hence noone joins it, so numbers stay low. So noone joins it): people don’t need to join the same social network, they just have to join any Fediverse network.
And that, in theory, changes everything. Instead of everyone being trapped in a few platforms owned by billionaires who impose the algorithm which maximises their profits (ie optimising for enragement), "The Fediverse thus promises a landscape of interconnected gardens of all shapes and sizes, each managed according to its inhabitant’s needs. People can roam everywhere, talk to anyone and change “home garden” at will" - Welcome to the Fediverse, starry-eyed noob.
The ActivityPub approach, however, has some flaws - see:
Other approaches to building alternative decentralised ecosystems therefore exist.
By late 2024 I had opted for Bluesky as more promising for building decentralised collective intelligence, because:
Derived from this Bluesky thread by
These both venture into blockchain territory. I'll be investigating these soon.
I was an early convert to ActivityPub as a theoretical idea, and in 2022 found myself writing a Fediverse strategy report for another EC department as the EU's Data Protection Supervisor and the EC's IT department launched, the EU's own Mastodon server. The same year saw the EU Bubble's own server - - launched. As I pointed out at the time, this had real potential: "it should be very easy for to avoid creating a Brussels Bubble within the Fediverse... rather than building bridges outwards, we can pull national conversations into the Bubble, simply by following the right people." (Am I on the right Mastodon instance?).
At about the same time I took the plunge as part of the #TwitterMigration triggered by Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. I was optimistic (my first post was literally Welcome to the Fediverse, starry-eyed noob), but within a few months I'd discovered an unhappy truth: the current infrastructure simply doesn't deliver content properly reliably.
I'd point you to the mid-2023 toot where I pointed this out, but (as if to illustrate my point) it's gone: in November my server simply disappeared, taking all my content and connections with it, without warning. I managed to dig out a screenshot of that toot from my phone and include it in All my toots gone.
Well before then the EU's experiments had become clearly underwhelming, with accounts limited to the institutions, rather than the people working in them. Someone clearly never read Euan Semple's "Organisations don't tweet, people do", missing a huge opportunity that news organisations started embracing in 2022: setting up a Fediverse server for their journalists to prove that they are their journalists, not an imposter. In April 2024 it was closed.
Meanwhile was shrinking, from 720 active accounts soon after launch to 225 by late 2024.
Literally one month after my Mastodon server disappeared, Instagram's "Twitter-killer" Threads arrived in Europe, announcing their intention to join the Fediverse. I dug out my never-used Instagram account, and also launched a Bluesky account to kick both networks' tyres in parallel.
Currently I'm feeling confident about Bluesky, as set out in my November 2024 newsletter.
I develop this Fediverse Overview using the permanent versions pattern described in Two wiki authors and a blogger walk into a bar….
More reading: resources tagged OR(#fediverse, #open web, #bluesky, #mastodon, #threads, #nostr) follow below:
What did I learn from Hubbing 50 resources and writing five editions on disinformation during the US elections?
Fleeting Note (FN): the creation of Fediverse-based alternatives might suddenly become an urgency.
"Fediverse is an autonomous universe where power and data are decentralized and scattered across multiple lands, while mainstream corporate websites each made themselves an emperor of their huge land, surrounded it with high fences, and enforce all the decision-making, data control and censorship"
"Our digital public sphere has been failing ... [but] History offers a proven template for how to build healthier public spaces."Filter Bubble author Pariser hearkens back to Walt Whitman's creation of NY's Green Park, when "New York City had no public parks ...only walled commercial pleasure gardens for those who could af…
ActivityPub separates content from platform. Posts from one platform propagate to other platforms, and users don’t need an account on every platform ... for ex., YouTube clone PeerTube and Mastodon both implement it, so is Mastodon user A follows PeerTube user B, B's new videos will appear in A's Mastodon feed. A can even comment on it f…
In the US, radio began as a free-market free-for-all. More than five hundred radio stations sprang up in less than a decade to explore the possibilities... 40 percent were noncommercial... network of interlinked stations playing local and national content supported by local and national advertising, became dominant players...Soviet Union... ideolo…
we’ve grown wary of the so-called attention econom... But we also benefit from social media and hesitate to disengage from it completely... a loose collective of developers and techno-utopians ... the IndieWeb ... developing their own social-media platforms... preserve what’s good about social media while jettisoning what’s bad... Facebook and I…
The web was designed to bring people together and make knowledge freely available. Everyone has a role to play to ensure the web serves humanity. By committing to the following principles, governments, companies and citizens around the world can help protect the open web as a public good and a basic right for everyone.
platforms like Facebook have ... amassed unprecedented gatekeeping powers ... Can new decentralized systems with no single point of control... be a remedy? A new report ... concludes that “protecting the future of speech online involves not only these ambitious experiments in decentralization, but the cultivation of an ecosystem of competing publi…
Blockchains and tokens provide two crucial puzzle pieces for .. the decentralized internet... Blockchains ... allow many different people to ... agree upon information without having to trust each other... Tokens, meanwhile, enable incentives across national and company lines... to create private economies around open platforms...
The open internet is a powerful tool in the fight against discriminatory mass surveillance... democracy’s antidote to authoritarianism... where the voices of dissidence that have always been watched, can watch and talk back.
Facebook ... can never be, a platform where people have the power to build anything... the company’s main focus ... analyzing your data and showing you ads in exchange for advertiser’s money. A future where Facebook is the global social infrastructure, is a future with no refuge from advertising and number crunching... the future of social media …
if you’re having a conversation with your friend,, and another user from wants to chime in, they will be invisible.... how does one end up on this blacklist? ...’s community policy:... your social graph is not portable between platforms ... first principle of a workable, future-proof social ne…
The internet freedom agenda presumed the benefits of the free flow of information only cut one way: in favor of open societies, values, and ideals. But we’re now seeing that its destabilizing effects cut both ways... The open internet creates an asymmetric threat... rather than the global village ... mid-21st century internet might ... be a feder…
The war for the open internet is the defining issue of our time... By the end of this article, you’ll understand what’s happening, the market forces that are driving this, and how you can help stop it.
we lost what was Good about the early web, and ceded it all to the platforms.
when I saw the potential of the Internet, I thought it would be solved. The web would allow us to come together, not just across the world, but across the park, across racial lines, across our many divides... everything turned upside down. The open communication network we thought we were building turned into a hunting ground for trolls and spamme…
Decline of text in favour of videos means more Trumps and Berlusconis around the world... the internet which was the last word-centred public space after the decline of print journalism, is capitulating to the television format... public opinion in the age of television is more a set of “emotions rather than opinions, which would account for the …
All silos are not equally silo-y.... Twitter is a silo, but I can reliably point to a tweet from outside Twitter... we could come up with a Consumer Reports-like rating for all sites that indicates how much they participate in the open web at a content level.
Enter the new editors of the Internet: giant, centralized tech companies that have created platforms... notably Facebook and Apple — want to be the newsstands of tomorrow: the place we go, inside their own ecosystems, to get our news and information... journalism organizations feel they have no alternative but to be part of those ecosystems. This …
Platforms are eating publishers... The idea that Facebook and its ilk could act as information gatekeepers is also a bleak prospect... Facebook wouldn’t allow The New Republic to create an ad for an innocuous piece on medical marijuana ... If Facebook is squeamish about medical marijuana now, imagine the state of the fourth estate once controversy…
Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton was an extreme skeptic of publishers relying too heavily on Facebook. Now he's ... “all in” on publishing directly to Facebook with its Instant Articles program, a backtracking on Denton’s well-publicized lament that publishers are too reliant on platforms...Facebook, with its deep pool of accurate user data, can help …
By the time Cameron wrote “Orbital Content” in April of 2011, almost all visits to A List Apart and were triggered by tweets and other third-party posts... SO JUST WHY are we afraid of Medium?
Over the next few years, there is no doubt content and attention will continue to shift from tens of millions of web sites to a few centralized networks that people access via apps
Mark Zuckerberg proves not to be a fan of links... On Facebook, he doesn’t encourage you to link. On Instagram, he has simply forbidden them. He is quashing the hyperlink, thereby killing the interconnected, decentralized, outward network of text known as the World Wide Web. Facebook likes you to stay within it. Videos are now embedded in Faceb…
For the purpose of media pluralism, an emerging concern is how to ensure that the activities of these powerful platforms do not lead to a reduction in the quantity and quality of content actually available to consumers, and/or do not undermine democratic communication (e.g. through the suppression or arbitrary selection of information). Their …
the concerns and questions new information intermediaries bring to the table are explored, particularly in regards to the effect they have on media diversity. Additionally, Helberger looks into the regulatory options for safeguarding media pluralism and regulating these new gatekeepers, who are increasingly in control of consumer data. This art…
Get with the community; The death and rebirth of comments: The death of the open web?
...with iOS 9 and content blockers, what you're seeing is Apple's attempt to fully drive the knife into Google's revenue platform.... So it's Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook, all with their own revenue platforms. Google has the web, Facebook has its app, and Apple has the iPhone. This is the newest and biggest war in tech going today. And the …
"It's a discussion that's been running for a long time, but has kicked into overdrive because of Apple's release of a new operating system for iPhones and the launch of new services like Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. And it's something you'll be hearing more and more about if you read things online..." Good observation: "if content … saves very few cookies onto your device: we need some to monitor site traffic using Google Analytics, while another protects you from a cross-site request forgeries. Nevertheless, you can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. By browsing our website without changing the browser settings, you grant us permission to store that information on your device. More details in our Privacy Policy.