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Schumpeter - Who owns the web’s data? | Business | The Economist

Schumpeter - Who owns the web’s data? | Business | The Economist

my notes ( ? )

Overview of efforts to put data back into the hands of people. "platforms’ business models depend on network effects and scale to keep users engaged and to sell more advertising... a culture of virality that... poisons public discourse." Moreover, their data dominance is stifling competition & innovation. " So trustbusters are on the warpath... Any solution must make data more evenly accessible so that potential rivals can grow."

How? Combining collective action, empowered individuals and government - eg

  • subscription-based social media
  • Inrupt: people use datapods to own and share their data
  • Indian financial service “account aggregators” obtain owners’ consent as alternative to Ant Financial
  • collective “unions that bargain on behalf of groups of people for a share of the income generated from the use of their data."
  • EU Data Act 2021 & antitrust

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The above notes were curated from the full post

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