The rise of “homeless” media
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a new wave of “homeless” media companies that don’t require a home page; their sole purpose is to syndicate content.... With native content consumption on third-party platforms growing, will it still be relevant for media companies to invest significant resources on running and maintaining their websites and mobile apps?

7 Tech Trends Chief Communications Officers Should Track in 2016 | Bob Pearson | LinkedIn

blogs and Twitter drive two-thirds of content flow. Mainstream media has become a catalyst that blogs and Twitter drive. Responsive Experience Tops Responsive Design: ... preparing for 10 types of customers ... you know who they are via their search terms ... content changes to meet their needs. We must know who they are and start building…

Social Media: Beginner's Guide
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We hope you'll find this to be one of the most comprehensive social media resources available, and that no matter what your skill level is, there's plenty in here to help you improve your social presence. - Social Media: The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz

How to tell powerful narratives on Instagram
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the Instagram experience, with its constant flow of images and text boxes, presented an alternative story geometry that demanded from me new things. Shorter stories... a deeper consideration of photographs and the rich, nuanced ways that words and pictures work together. ... a powerful, unexpected, and mostly underutilized storytelling tool...…

Why Instagram Captions Are the New Blogging
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People are increasingly turning toward Instagram not just as a place to post filtered photos, but to spill their lives and thoughts into the captions as well... if you’re already posting pretentious, evocative images, you’re more likely to be in an artsy-musings state of mind... Facebook, at 1.5 billion users, has felt cacophonous and impersona…

A Digital Team Is Helping Obama Find His Voice Online
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looking for ways to bring his voice directly to people... a balance of focusing on the president’s priorities and being flexible and opportunistic as conversations are happening online ... to open the White House, to pull the curtains back and show people how government works... data metrics showed how his appearances on social media — like You…

Big bad selfie
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We are fascinated with Essena O’Neill because she reveals things we could live our whole lives hiding from. In the span of a few years, she rocketed into Instagram fame, made hundreds of thousands of dollars and then decided to chase a life of meaning... We have always sold the dream and faked it to our neighbors. We’re just upset that now the …

44 Powerful Marketing Tools for Facebook Ads, Websites, CRM...
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Whether it be for managing Facebook ads, CRM, podcasting, webinars or my website, people are curious about the software behind this business. - 44 Powerful Marketing Tools for Facebook Ads, Websites, CRM and More - Jon Loomer Digital

Social Media isn't Marketing. What is it then?
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Social Media had its place in marketing during the early days, but as platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest) have evolved brands/businesses have lost their ability to stand out... social media is a channel to connect with and provide value to your existing users...should be the responsibility of a cross functional team member who wo…

How to tell the difference between a social media maven, ninja and guru
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how do you tell the difference between a "ninja" and a "guru"? A "maven" and a "marketing expert"? For that, we've created a helpful guide so you can hire the social media bullshit artist that best fits your company's needs: - Pando: How to tell the difference between a social media maven, a ninja, and a guru

A Facebook Page IS NOT a Social Media Strategy
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So, how did this local come by his expertise? Years of work in developing, implementing and managing integrated offline/online marketing strategies... Far-ranging, diverse experience in marketing? Extensive education in social media technologies and how/when/why to use them? Nope. He’s an expert because he has a popular Facebook page, which is …

The Complete Guide to New Twitter Polls
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With the release of its new Polls feature... you can now create super-simple polls directly on Twitter with just the click or a button or a tap on your phone... the ins and outs of Twitter polls, how to set them up, and nine engaging ways you can use polls today. - The Complete Guide to New Twitter Polls: What They Are, How They Work and 9 …

All Social Media Is Showing Off
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showing people what’s going on is much more important than being present in that moment ... What you fail to understand, what you’ve never thought about understanding is why you do it... Every stupid video is a waste of 3 minutes you’ll never get back, and every picture is there to show the 1% of your life where you can smile for the camera…

Buffer Lost HALF Its Social Media Traffic This Year
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Social media marketing software team admits they’re failing at social media marketing...The bottom seems to be falling out across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+... The Buffer team is running some experiments to try to determine the cause of this huge loss in social referral traffic, but I have a few ideas of my own ... - OMG. Buffer…

The Social Network is Yesterday, The Interest Feed is Tomorrow
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the value of curation combined with a second, algorithmic step: personalization. Fill a barrel with the best of the best. Now when I walk in, based on insights about my taste and what I’ve selected in the past, choose *for me* from the barrel. Wow! Thanks! - Why I Unfollowed You on Instagram — Medium

Five ways to calm down and not be overwhelmed by social media change
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you don’t have to be overwhelmed by social media change, espcially if you can get your head around some fundamental truths about how the web works... if you’re spending all your time learning the shiny new thing, are you taking energy and resources away from the stuff that is really impacting your business? - Five ways to calm down and not …

Pablo 2.0: Create Social Media Images, Perfect for Everywhere
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on top of Twitter, you can now create images with the perfect size and format for Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest. You can create the visuals, share them across all platforms and then analyze them with Buffer’s analytics to know how well they’re performing. - Pablo 2.0: Create Social Media Images, Perfect for Everywhere

Facebook Reactions: everything you need to know
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We'll probably never get a true "dislike" button on Facebook, but the social network just started to roll out the closest thing we've seen yet. Reactions, a new feature for Facebook's ubiquitous Like button that allows you to respond to posts with emoji...: "like," followed by "love," "haha," "yay," "wow," "sad" and "anger." - Facebook React…

How to handle personal attacks on social media

There are a number of effective strategies for overcoming the harm caused by a personal attack on social media. And your response can be a democratic one that includes fighting bad speech with more (good) speech. If someone’s attacked you on social media, here are four steps for responding: - How to handle personal attacks on social media | …

5 outstanding Instagram analytics tools

Here we look at five superb Instagram tools featuring functions ranging from time-saving scheduling to in-depth analytics, along with comments from Instagram experts: - 5 outstanding Instagram analytics tools | Articles | Home

The (Free) Crash Course in Social Media You Need to Land Your Next Job | Ryan Holmes | LinkedIn

the skills gap is an education problem .. we’re not preparing our future workforce ... although millennials collectively hold more college degrees than any preceding generation, they face record unemployment rates - The (Free) Crash Course in Social Media You Need to Land Your Next Job | Ryan Holmes | LinkedIn

The Work Nobody Can See
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most people are too busy to keep up with whatever it is you’re doing. They have their own lives and can’t be expected to sit around and click every link you post to Twitter... I don’t think you can rely on social media to do your work for you. You have to put it in front of people directly. - The Work Nobody Can See — Medium

Nuzzel wants to bring social curation to publishers

an app that combs through your Twitter or Facebook feeds, identifying the links being shared the most by your friends... a very efficient way to use the curation you’ve already done of your Twitter followers to curate news... what we’re not doing is semantic analysis, and scanning keywords in articles. Nor are we using human editors ... If …

The Art of Handling a PR Implosion
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Had Turing executives kept mum when the news broke, it is likely that the story’s lifespan would’ve been short lived. Unfortunately for them, Shkreli opened his mouth. - The Art of Handling a PR Implosion

What happened after 7 news sites got rid of reader comments

I spoke to seven news organizations - Recode, The Verge, Reuters, Mic, Popular Science, The Week, and USA Today's FTW - about their decision to suspend comments, the results of that change, and how they manage reader engagement now... Here's how they're all using social media to encourage reader discussion. - What happened after 7 news site…

23 Tools and Resources to Create Images for Social Media
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At Buffer, we create all the images for our blogposts and social media sharing without any outside design help. We rely on a handful of amazing tools and resources to get the job done, and I’ll be happy to share with you the ones we use and the extras that we’ve found helpful or interesting. - 23 Tools and Resources to Create Images for Social …

The Rise of the Engagement Editor
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nothing about Federman’s job responsibilities at Fortune are traditional for a Time Inc. employee. He works closely with colleagues in editorial, public relations and marketing. He mines analytics for data about the best times to post stories and what’s connecting with readers. He identifies trending stories and occasionally writes one ... helps d…

Hilarious: “[US] Corporations on Twitter”.  Worth watching if only for the humour, but it’s interesting that these sort of...

FalseHilarious: “[US] Corporations on Twitter”. Worth watching if only for the humour, but it’s interesting that these sort of mistakes haven’t been made that often by the EU Institutions, as I originally feared in 2009, with the more-amusing-than-revolting exception of The Great Berlusconi TwitterWall Kerfuffle (2010).

There Are Only Two Things People Want from Your Brand’s Social Presence
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If you stop to think about it, you might get appalled at how much time, money, and effort are meaningless for brand social marketing.... Get back to basics... It comes down to two simple mentalities. They want compelling content and they want a connection that makes sense for them, not you. - There Are Only Two Things People Want from Your B…

Convergence of Content Marketing and Social Media Is Here
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I have been under the impression for quite a while that eventually one of the large content marketing platforms...  will develop social media capabilities ... that content marketing would be the parent, and social marketing would fit underneath it. What Sprinklr is trying to do is flip the script on that, where social media becomes the parent a…

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