Information patterns and narrative structures in content
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10 patterns to structure your content for understanding, engagement, and effectiveness - and a matrix to help you choose the right one.

The Laws of Simplicity

Law 1 / Reduce - The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.Law 2 / Organize - Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.Law 3 / Time - Savings in time feel like simplicity.Law 4 / Learn - Knowledge makes everything simpler.Law 5 / Differences - Simplicity and complexity need each other.Law 6 / Context - What lie…

The need for web design standards - why the corporate design makes sense
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Good evidence why coming up with ever new, more "beautiful", "attractive" and trendy designs that "pop" is not always a good thing.

Hick's law and user experience - the more choice, the longer to make a decision
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Choice seems appealing. But choice overload means we need longer to make decisions. Too long and people will abandon the task and look elsewhere.

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