EU Converge - Bridging Communities for Inclusive Policy (a ChatGPT proposal)
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Earlier this week I used an excerpt from a chat with Philip Weiss & Jesús Azogue as a starting point for a conversation with ChatGPT about some of the content in my Hub.

JRC M365 strategy

While my focus at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre has been on their Knowledge4Policy platform (K4P), I've recently been pulled in to help design their internal communications, community, collaboration & knowledge management strategy as they grapple with migrating from Jive to M365.

Helping PMO adopt SPO (and the rest of M365)

How can a reasonably conservative corner of the European Commission adopt M365?

Am I on the right Mastodon instance?
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My second post following my personal #twittermigration: "the other users on your instance create its collective intelligence — the nearest thing you have to a content discovery algorithm".Not that I like algorithms, but "Apart from hashtags, ,,, your server’s Local and Federated timelines [are your] primary discovery channels when y…

Proof of concept: AI-supported knowledge management
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A neural network to help web content authors efficiently and completely characterise their content using the site taxonomy. Accuracy improves with use.

Proof of concept: Excel-managed dynamic knowledge browser
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An interactive knowledge visualisation providing a graphical overview of interrelated online concepts, edited dynamically with an Excel file. Featuring an accessible version driven by the same content.

Brussels Bubble triumphalism over #EUelections2019 turnout
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The Brussels Bubble triumphalism over the #EUelections2019 turnout rate is staggeringly self-absorbed.- thread

From #EP2009 to #EP2019: a lost decade?
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It’s taken me over ten years to move from enthusiasm, through frustration into a Zen-like state where I no longer blog about EU comms. But when the Eurobloggers called, I had to answer ;)- my link in the #EU09vs19 blog chain …

Creative, Local, Young: what do Europe's young superheroes need?
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A workshop proposal for EuroPCom 2018 with @albawhitewolf, Mike Galsworthy (@Scientists4EU) and the original Captain Europe, reposted to Facebook by popular demand.

We need a credibility indicator marketplace to fight disinformation
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To counter disinformation and revalue quality journalism we need a competitive ecosystem of credibility indexes to stimulate innovation and avoid a Ministry of Truth, de facto or otherwise.- more on Medium

Three steps to engage Europeans with the EU
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Third of several posts written in reaction to Luc van den Brande’s Reaching out to EU Citizens: A New Opportunity. Sets out the public policy participation model first presented at EWRC 2017, and sets up the fourth.

Learning from #EUSuperGirl & Luc van den Brande (Top3ics, December 2017)
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I’ve recently published five posts on three interrelated ideas, two projects one report and a workshop. That happened because the competition brought a Brussels Bubble Outsider to Brussels. Which happens to be one principle of the participation model I presented at the EWRC workshop. Full circle.

Does the Brussels Bubble care enough?
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Engaging Europeans with the EU requires a new Brussels Bubble culture - fourth of several posts written in reaction to Luc van den Brand’s Reaching out to EU Citizens: A New Opportunity.

Don’t poison the hearts and minds you’re trying to win
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Could hybrid crowdfunding allow public Institutions to support citizen-driven projects without killing them in the cradle?- 2nd post in reaction to Luc van den Brande’s Reaching out to EU Citizens: A New Opportunity

Workshop report: better EUropean communities & public policy participation
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Resources and first thoughts from my recent ‘EU communities & policy participation’ workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC).

Should we put machines we don’t understand in charge of public policy?
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AI is increasingly being used to support public participation in policy. While they offer a lot, they could invisibly skew policy if used carelessly.- 3rd post in preparation for my EWRC 2017 workshop on online communities and public participation in policy 

The limits of public participation in policy
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Did participants in the ‘Future of Europe’ process influence President Juncker’s State of the European Union speech, as promised? Of course not. Rightly.- 2nd post in preparation for my EWRC 2017 workshop on online communities and public participation in policy

What the EU’s Mobile Roaming success taught me about innovation in bureaucracies
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EUrope’s success in eliminating mobile roaming charges may be the first “data4policy” case study where the data was website traffic, and illustrates the rewards of allowing innovation to flourish at the edges of large organisations.

"We’ll pretend to listen to them!"

Quick response to Baekdael’s Are you under estimating prototyping?, over on Medium: "Your excellent post reminds me of a participation project a few years ago for a government organisation. Ostensibly, it was going to ‘open up’ EU decisionmaking to the public ..."

Losing my religion
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Brexit, as experienced by a British-Australian comms guy in Brussels.

Towards a 21st century EU Communications Strategy
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With independent journalism increasingly looking like an endangered species, a EU communication strategy that helped European media build the European Public Sphere would be a smarter longterm move than propaganda and brochureware

Is primetime TV advertising the right way to connect citizens to the EU?
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Is primetime TV advertising the right way to connect citizens to the EU?

25 years later
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Chancellor Helmut Kohl in front of the Brandenburg Gate, 25 years after the launch a process that led to the reunification of much more than Germany

FactCheck EU or Grilling Kippers?

Original linkTonight I'll be toddling along to Grilling Kippers, a UKIP-focused anti-Eurosceptic campaign from deep within the Brussels Bubble.

Ad experts slam 2014 election campaign
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Andy Carling brought in George Parker “one of the original Madison Avenue advertising legends, immortalised in … Mad Men … and some other ad and brand experts from the commercial world” to take a look at the  ‘Act. React. Impact.’ video, and assorted publicity material.The results are it’s pretty damning. Some choice cuts:”this travesty is suppose…

Introducing the Brussels Bubble to some of its denizens (RTFB!, part 2; updated)

A while back I was invited to make a 10minute presentation to "Civil Society Day", held at the EESC. Kwinten Lambrecht asked me to upload the ppt, and others asked for followup links, hence this post.

An alternative overarching EU communication strategy?

At last, an opportunity to blog about gardening and EU comms in the same post.

Simon Anholt on EU propaganda

Last year, in the runup to the first EuropCom conference, I gave it a bit of a hard time. My cynicism was confirmed by many I knew who went, describing it as a conference about Web2 and social media which allowed little or no participation. Oops.

Being Useful beats Being Tuneful

This is the sort of post which could get me into trouble for a number of reasons. Particularly as I'm going to comment on the celebrations to be enjoyed next month at the Festival of Europe, where one can do everything from "seeing the political groups at work inside the European Parliament" to "experiencing a fest…

The Brussels bubble may be growing, but it's still a bubble

A longer version of an article I published recently in NewEurope

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