Curated Resource ( ? )

Am I on the right Mastodon instance?

Am I on the right Mastodon instance?

my notes ( ? )

My second post following my personal #twittermigration: "the other users on your instance create its collective intelligence — the nearest thing you have to a content discovery algorithm".

Not that I like algorithms, but "Apart from hashtags, ,,, your server’s Local and Federated timelines [are your] primary discovery channels when you’re getting started."

So can instances become echo chambers, and how can ew avoid simply projecting the Brussels Bubble into the Fediverse? Read on...

Read the Full Post

The above notes were curated from the full post

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More Stuff I Think

More Stuff tagged algorithm , social media , eu , twitter , mastodon , brussels bubble , fediverse , twitter migration

See also: Fediverse , Social Media Strategy , Content Creation & Marketing , Social Web , Politics

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