Corbyn, Trump and the New Politics of Spite
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what many of these movements’ followers share is the desire not just to disagree with their opponents, but to delegitimize, dehumanize, and ostracize those with whom they disagree... It is not their policies that these new populists share, but their emphasis on a new kind of identity politics... What would previously have been isolated cases o…

Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web
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...with iOS 9 and content blockers, what you're seeing is Apple's attempt to fully drive the knife into Google's revenue platform.... So it's Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook, all with their own revenue platforms. Google has the web, Facebook has its app, and Apple has the iPhone. This is the newest and biggest war in tech going today. And the …

All-Powerful Algorithms
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The web's information filters are making assumptions about you based on details that you might not even notice yourself... the algorithms that rule the web. ... aren’t just inscrutable to the people clicking and scrolling around the Internet. Even the engineers who develop algorithms can’t tell you exactly how they work... as algorithms beco…

The ad blocking controversy, explained
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"It's a discussion that's been running for a long time, but has kicked into overdrive because of Apple's release of a new operating system for iPhones and the launch of new services like Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. And it's something you'll be hearing more and more about if you read things online..." Good observation: "if content …

Platforms, distribution and audience

Blogging has never been easier but getting read has never been harder... The problem isn't freedom or openness but distribution... you might post it on Facebook or Google Plus. Your friends might see it ... (though this is largely random) and they might share it ... You might post it on LinkedIn and your network might see it ... and LinkedIn migh…

Ditch Your Leadership Program and Do Holacracy
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A great manager is someone that pushes you to fulfill your own potential. What you if you could do that for yourself? ... ... develop a strong understanding of your areas for growth and regularly invite ... feedback on your work? Would your team mates be willing to hold you accountable ... What if you invited coworkers to surface tensions direc…

Join me for a Hangout on Air with three online community experts
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Apart from the Online Hangout(24 September, 16h30 CET), a new online community just opened for public sector communicators across Europe.

The Real Unicorns Are Female Angel Investors | TechCrunch
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Women make up just 4 percent of venture capital partners.

Blogging is Alive and Well for Leaders, Learners & Lead Generators
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In 2009 some folks said Twitter would kill blogging. Six years later, longform is flourishing.... What caused this resurgence of writing?... Getting Smart frames and manages thought leadership campaigns. These transmedia initiatives start as a blog series across three or four platforms... amplified by podcasts, infographics and social media; su…

Come, friendly bots
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You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear, and algorithms... It has never been easier for designers and non-designers to create great websites that even five years ago would have cost a fortune to build... design is dead. There is more to design than the pixel-pushing of visual design... The real designers, problem solvers... able to co…

Seven secrets of podcasting success
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podcast listening is generally done via your earbuds or in the confined space of the car. There’s nothing more intimate than having another human being speak directly to you. - Seven secrets of podcasting success — Medium

Self-Driving Cars Disrupt the Crowd
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The four phases of self-driving car development suggest we’re 5-10 years out. - Self-Driving Cars Disrupt the Crowd | Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Digital Business

What happened after 7 news sites got rid of reader comments

I spoke to seven news organizations - Recode, The Verge, Reuters, Mic, Popular Science, The Week, and USA Today's FTW - about their decision to suspend comments, the results of that change, and how they manage reader engagement now... Here's how they're all using social media to encourage reader discussion. - What happened after 7 news site…

When Greenpeace hires journalists
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to boost donations and promote their brands... organizations to sensationalize their coverage, which can, in turn, distort public perceptions about the nature of social problems... The NGO sector includes organizations with annual budgets that rival those of small countries, yet many operate with minimal oversight. News organizations can help a…

The Big Squeeze

Richard Edelman "... arguing my own case, for a vertical (PR) that grows into related areas in a horizontal manner" No mention (yet) of how communications impacts other internal programmes, like innovation, ideation, training, employee engagement ... - The Big Squeeze - Edelman

Here’s Why You Can’t Attract, Develop and Retain Female Talent
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second-generation gender biases are ‘work cultures and practices that appear neutral and natural on their face,’ yet they reflect masculine values and life situations of men... Does your organization exhibit second-generation bias? The following three factors signal that this may be the case. - Here’s Why You Can’t Attract, Develop and Retai…

How audience engagement editors are guiding online discussions
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“Audience engagement editor” is a job that didn’t exist until a few years ago. But now those with the title wield heavy influence in the industry, shaping both how journalists cover events and how readers consume news... this new breed of editor crafts online tone and relationships with readers... elevate a publication’s online persona by crea…

NPR Visuals
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The visuals team ... the product of merging two groups: the news applications team, who served as NPR’s graphics and data desks, and the multimedia team, who made and edited pictures and video... The multimedia crew wanted to make pictures and video that were truly web-native, which required web makers. And our news apps lacked empathy... Pictu…

Inside the Globe and Mail's New Interactive Team
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we built an Interactive News team from scratch... a tight-knit group of editors and newsroom developers ... creates tools and processes ... to disrupt a print-first workflow. Here’s a look at how we got there and what we learned along the way.... A newsroom developer is only a Slack message away...we have three content editors embedded in diffe…

Apple TV potentially big for news outlets investing in video

An open app platform will let digital news publishers play with the big guys... Siri was also shown answering basic news and information questions while you watch... imagine uses for breaking news and other journalistic purposes. - Apple announces an app platform for Apple TV, potentially big for news outlets investing in video » Nieman Jour…

The new Apple TV is no TV-killer
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Apple TV isn’t the TV-killer ... but it does create a significant opportunity for digital publishers and video companies... a built-in App Store, which for the first time will enable third-party developers to build apps for the platform — an important milestone for Apple and potentially the future of video. - The new Apple TV is great for We…

Readers will finish long stories - especially from a trusted source
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readers finished 94% of the longform pieces they started... with much faster download speeds and the advent of the tablet’s “lean back” reading experience, journalism has seen a rise in “longform” ventures... analytics offer an incomplete picture of reader behavior, and little real insight into how readers engage. Page views, entrances, ti…

Crowd-sourced storytelling
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Storytelling at its finest... should evoke a visceral reaction in its audience. There's something to be said about inviting that audience to participate in a story ...the options for how to do so are infinite... Here, we explore some great examples of interactive and crowd-sourced storytelling at its finest. - Crowd-sourced storytelling: How…

Designing for Communities of Interest
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The nuances of building and maintaining communities can really only be learned through extensive practice, both as a participant of other groups and as an active designer of your own. There is no better way to learn this art than by taking a critical look inside as many communities, both successful and crumbling, as possible. For those getting …

A Cynic’s Guide to Writing the Perfect Medium Post
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it’s been recommended over 6,500 times... the problem is this: the article is… crushingly insubstantial... there are dozens of similar pieces churning around Medium at any time: how to listicles, life-hack guides, autodidactic treatises on ‘personal growth’ etc etc... in the spirit of “if you can’t beat them join them”, here is my hastily co…

Your future self hates you
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My future self is awesome. He doesn’t mind taking up any task I save for him... and never complains about any work I decide he will do for me in the future. My past self is a dickhead. He keeps screwing things up and my current self always has to clean up after him... If he had planned ahead a little better I wouldn’t have to manage all this s…

9 Science-Backed Methods for a Happier, More Productive Meeting
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With just a handful of hacks, meetings can be speedier, more productive, and more enjoyable for everyone involved. - 9 Science-Backed Methods for a Happier, More Productive Meeting

Reinventing Organizations Wiki
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What is this wiki? It aims to be a practical resource, almost a sort of handbook, for leaders wanting to create radically more productive, soulful and purposeful business and nonprofits, government agencies, schools and hospitals. 

The science of organizational transformations

the most effective transformation initiatives draw upon four key actions to change mind-sets and behaviors... role modeling, fostering understanding and conviction, reinforcing changes through formal mechanisms, and developing talent and skills.... successful transformations are nearly eight times more likely to use all four actions than to us…

28 Ideas for Becoming 5 Times More Productive
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"Harness your productivity with these ideas." I took issue with a few of these via sidebar comments, but most are good. - 28 Ideas for Becoming 5 Times More Productive Every Week — Personal Growth — Medium

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