The Best User Experience Design Links of 2015
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I went back and looked at all the stats of past UX Design Weekly issues ... and pulled out the most popular user experience design articles, tools, resources and media from the past year based on clicks and shares

Most of the information we spread online is quantifiably “bullshit”
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people today are inundated with more bullshit now than ever before... We presented approximately 800 participants across four studies with statements ranging from the mundane to the meaningful. We included some bullshit too... People who were more religious, more likely to believe in the paranormal, and more accepting of alternative medicine were…

The Great Journalism Innovation Problem
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The innovation we talk of in journalism isn’t the kind of innovation designed to radically change the way consumers behave, it’s really just short term reactionary attempts to try and deliver content to platforms the majority of consumers already use... Innovation in tech is rarely if ever short term... We’re being taken on this journey and it …

16 mobile theses

it’s now perfectly clear that mobile is the future of technology and of the internet. But within that, there's a huge range of different themes and issues, many of which are still pretty unsettled.  I outline what I think are the 16 topics to think about within the current generation, and then link to the things I’ve written about them.

Journalism will find strength in systems

We used to have publications that covered a broad swath; now we have niche. We’ve gone from lists to listicles. Articles are supplanted by particles ... news as fluid and ever-updating. This will be the year where the pioneers succeed in reassembling the parts. It seems unlikely that the power of the press will lie solely in large news institutio…

‘Unfriending’ Trump supporters is just another example of how we isolate ourselves online

in an era where Americans are both more polarized than ever and more able to tailor their environments to their preexisting views, standard disagreements have veered in an ugly, intolerant direction:

What was fake on the Internet this week: Why this is the final column

not much drives traffic as effectively as stories that vindicate and/or inflame the biases of their readers... specifically tries to invent stories that will provoke strong reactions in middle-aged conservatives. They share a lot on Facebook... they’re the ideal audience. institutional distrust and cognitive bias are so strong that the people who…

Gary Marcus, A Deep Learning Dissenter, Thinks He Has a More Powerful AI Approach
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One cognitive scientist thinks the leading approach to machine learning can be improved by ideas gleaned from studying children.... With its radical approach to machine learning, Geometric Intelligence aims to create algorithms for use in an AI that can learn in new and better ways... deep learning... systems need to be fed many thousands of ex…

Coral Project
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We are creating open-source tools and resources for publishers of all sizes to build better communities around their journalism. We also collect, support, and share practices, tools, and studies to improve communities on the web. All of our tools are open source and free... small, flexible tools that plug into each other and also work with exist…

What is Solutions Journalism?
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Solutions journalism is rigorous and compelling reporting about responses to social problems.It investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, examples of people working toward solutions. It focuses not just on what may be working, but how and why it appears to be working, or alternatively, why it may be stumbling.Using the best avai…

Novelty is the new normal

2046: News organizations had great opportunities back in 2016. Management could have chosen to invest into meaningful, long-term R&D.; Instead, distribution became the domain of technology companies alone, who as a result, now control every aspect of how we get the news today.... An alternate 2046: News organizations had great opportunities back i…

Thank god for adblocking

Thank god for ad blocking... the handwringing and number-crunching over its impact on digital revenues...will change the conversation about revenue models for media companies. Newsrooms now regularly produce interactive and data-driven stories, launch podcasts, and experiment with new, structured formats... Longform storytelling is in a seriou…

6 key insights on UX design
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we’ve developed mobile apps and online platforms for over half a decade... After working on over 300 such projects, we’ve learned a ton of lessons. Now we’d like to share 6 important insights to help you take your user experience to the next level.

2016: The Year of AI Made Real

“applied AI” quietly sneaking into our homes and businesses... has reached an inflection point that will move it from niche to mainstream.... the point of applied AI is that it doesn’t have to be a fully realized intelligence — it just needs to do a specific task well.

find & share quality development/tech resources
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...share the best dev/tech resources via list(s). Whether you're an expert in Java or a beginner in game development, our growing community of 8,000+ users caters for all within development & technology... All the best resources for development & technology, split up in categorized lists. That’s what you’ll find on ZEEF. Hand picked by our comm…

Online Collaboration Tools by Robin Good | ZEEF
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Software tools, web apps and services for online collaboration

The Electric Mind — The Atavist Magazine
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When I first met Cathy, she had been unable to move or speak for 14 years.

Atavist: Publishing & Storytelling Platform
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We are a growing community of tens of thousands of creators with tens of millions of readers. Among us are world-class publications like The Daily Dot and The California Sunday Magazine, professionals, educators, and people with stories or ideas worth shaping. We believe digital storytelling is a craft. The ability to design and share your idea yo…

Employee Engagement Isn't Getting Better

growth in engagement has remained flat for most of 2015 – and we’ve seen little more than a two-point increase over the past two and one-half years... Engagement Largely Comes Down To Whether People Have A Manager Who Cares About Them, Grows Them And Appreciates Them - Employee Engagement Isn't Getting Better And Gallup Shares The Surprising Re…

Adele and the death of clickbait

digital natives have wised up: They’re less likely to share after they read these articles because of their lack of heft. Newsrooms who employ this tactic immediately lose the trust of users, who don’t return ...Your article can be topped with a cool headline, but you’d better back it up with something substantive In 2015, Some publishers steer…

Distributed platforms will be your new homepage

My prediction for 2016 is that distributed platforms and native environments will be more valuable than the traditional homepage.... Apple News and Apple TV, Facebook Instant Articles, Google AMP, Twitter Moments, Snapchat Discover, 360º video and VR, over-the-top TV, chat apps — these are all products, platforms, and programs developed (ish — G…

Why the era of clickbait is coming to an end

the big media institutions knew that they really couldn’t leave their business models, they were locked in... there really is an open question to whether digital journalism will replace the profit margins of traditional journalism... one huge issue in journalism today is how a couple places, particularly Facebook, are becoming a major source of…

Using Windows 10, Word 16 and OneDrive, and suddenly can’t open your Word files?
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Using Windows 10, Word 16 and OneDrive, and suddenly can’t open your Word files?If, like me, you like the idea of Word templates in theory but find them The Greatest Source of Pain, Hate and Frustration in your Life, you’re not alone. Word 16 was installed a few days back. Since then, I could not open some files. But most were OK. 

Why I Believe in Text
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Text takes more thought and time. Writing is an inherently vulnerable act... numerous websites... demonstrate that long form writing can and does succeed on the internet... If text is to survive on the internet, sustainable structures need to be implemented to support it ... The next step is to have publishing and blogging platforms introduce “…

Do BuzzFeed’s native political ads cross a line? - Columbia Journalism Review
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BuzzFeed is perhaps the most prominent outlet yet to promise sponsored content for political candidates.... will create and sell native advertising for office seekers in 2016, a potentially lucrative move in an election cycle that is expected to see $1 billion spent on digital ads, up from just $22 million in 2008. The move could herald in a new m…

Article or Ad? When It Comes to Native, No One Knows
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In four of the six groups shown a native advertisement, the majority interpreted the piece as an article.

The challenges of reporting Europe | Reuters Institute for the study of Journalism
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it is close to impossible to report well on the European Union. The bureaucratic monster only makes great news when it fails, and even then either you, your editor, or your audience will misunderstand the reasons why.

Introducing a new homepage for Quartz
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Our first attempt devoted much of the homepage to a continually updated news briefing. We are dispensing with that briefing today to try something else. Homepages, it turns out, aren’t dead so much as reborn.

Virtual Reality Market Seen Topping $70 Billion by 2020

The development of the VR industry is not solely based on wearable devices launched by major hardware vendors... growth drive also comes from independent developers ... making apps does not have a high entry barrier

The rise of “homeless” media
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a new wave of “homeless” media companies that don’t require a home page; their sole purpose is to syndicate content.... With native content consumption on third-party platforms growing, will it still be relevant for media companies to invest significant resources on running and maintaining their websites and mobile apps?

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