Facebook Rides a Wave of Web 1.0 Nostalgia
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"It's also possible to see Rooms, Ello, and Tilde.club as a rebuke of the new internet _ a place dominated by designed-by-committee apps that raise millions before the first users even sign up, where interactions are either real and largely mundane (Facebook, Instagram, most of Twitter), or shadowy and toxic (Yik Yak, Reddit, 4chan). These new exp…

Charge Of The Tech Brigade
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""There's no right structure for an engineering team," says Thrall. "It really depends on where you are in product development. We have things that are pods, that are product-focused or feature-focused. That's your first family." The second family engineers belong to are working groups—say, of developers familiar with Apple's iOS or Google's Andr…

Working with Subject-Matter Experts
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"The time had come for The Big Departmental Website Redesign, and my content strategist heart was all aflutter." - The Specialized Web: Working with Subject-Matter Experts · An A List Apart Article

How a small experiment revolutionized WaPo's CMS

"The Post’s suite of Web apps presents a more specialized alternative to traditional do-it-all content management systems like Drupal... Currently in development at The Post is an application tentatively titled “Storybuilder,” ... including a feature ... to create an index of facts associated with each story. Using this index, Storybuilder could…

How Facebook and Google Dominate Media Distribution
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"The news media sector has become heavily dependent on traffic from Facebook and Google. A reliance now dangerously close to addiction. Maybe it’s time to refocus on direct access... Which company in the world wouldn’t be seen as fragile when depending so much on a small set of uncontrollable distributors? for a news, value-added type media, the…

Kill the weekly meeting!
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"Employees responded that only 54% of the time spent in meetings was time well spent. They cited unclear meeting purpose, unnecessary standing meetings, overly long meetings and unnecessary attendees as reasons for unproductive meetings." - Kill the weekly meeting – Quartz

How Facebook is wrecking political news
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After the standard survey of Facebook's impact on news & democracy, an interesting analysis of the way Facebook's: "trending topics has had a deeply pernicious effect on the way news is produced... encourages publications to look for what's trending and pump out something on that subject as quickly as possible... lots of quickly aggregated p…

Facebook Pages, Groups and Profiles
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"With several overlapping features, Facebook's Pages, groups and profiles leave many users confused... each has its own purpose and works for different types of content." - What's Really the Difference Between Facebook Pages, Groups and Profiles?

Participation Success Factors: a quick followup
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What happened when 60 odd people had a go at the Participation mindmap?

Eight best practices for reply to online comments
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“Go in and add some information, thank them for finding mistakes, thank them for adding information on their own ... You want to have a dialogue with them.” Well, duh. - Eight best practices for journalists who reply to online comments | Current.org

3 simple cardinal rules of being an ethical aggregator
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"There are three simple cardinal rules of being an ethical aggregator:" ... and because I'm following them, please click on the link below to discover what they are. - We're all aggregators now : Columbia Journalism Review

Facebook isn’t your enemy, but it’s not your friend either
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"trying to game the algorithm doesn’t work, and that the only real secret to getting lots of interaction from Facebook for your content is to create and post great content (this was always Google’s argument as well). But what is great content? ... is it clickbait that drives people to share, or is it in-depth analysis of important topics?... by g…

Guardian forms new editorial teams
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Th@e new Guardian Visuals team will bring together ... the graphics desk, picture desk, interactive team and parts of the digital design and multimedia teams... it's hard to assemble teams that are cross-disciplinary ... and have the right combination of designers, developers, graphic artists, photographers." - Guardian forms new editorial teams…

New York Times's "Watching" homepage feature

Interesting bet on curation: "“Watching” ... aggregates breaking news updates from the Times and across the web 24 hours a day... a cross between a constantly updating wire feed and an in-house Twitter stream of stories Times staffers are keeping an eye on... a carefully filtered window into rest of the world of news, all with the NYT stamp of ap…

Let’s move from silos to pods
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"A newsroom typically contains reporters, editors, data journalists, developers, designers … But traditionally they work in separate departments, unable to seamlessly collaborate together. That’s why silos don’t work. Instead, there should be a horizontal of these newsroom archetypes to truly integrate the journalism with the tech." - J-teams, le…

Monetizing Content with Semantic Technologies

"Semantic technology solves a concrete problem: sorting through large collections of unstructured data. With unstructured data expected to account for over 80 percent of all data within the next five years, the ability to target this data using semantic technology opens doors to better understand context and intent in search, and ultimately achiev…

Civic technology is changing government. The question is: For whom?
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Transformative civic technology needs to be built “with, not for” a community.... [but] constrained deadlines for development make co-designing with communities a mere exercise at best, an abstract afterthought at worst. If your work is with communities, you better be able to LITERALLY define that community... Once you’ve identified that “who”, L…

Good overview of nextgen CMSs emerging from newsrooms
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"Collaboration on the web has always been a challenge. Beyond the typically one-dimensional CMS, other familiar tools such as Google Docs and Dropbox also fall short because they either lack multimedia support (Docs) or don’t offer a true version control system (Dropbox). Over the past year-and-a-half, however, a host of potential collaboration s…

Politico to add new policy shop

"We already have The Upshot, Vox.com, Wonkblog, FiveThirtyEight and other policy-heavy news sites. This news space will get a touch more crowded early next year, when Politico launches “The Agenda.”... Given all the bureaucratic hives at Politico — “core” Politico, the magazine, “The Agenda” and Politico Pro — it’ll need as many executive editors…

Vine as a social storytelling resource
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"journalists should see Vine as a resource for more social storytelling,... A key step for producing a good Vine is to think "video first", and build the story around the element that you want to visualise... "A good Vine is one that you want to keep watching ... It's not a story, it's not a tweet, it's a little tiny loop that should look good." …

What Google tells people who want to be forgotten
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"Forget.me has so far requested the removal of 15,000 links from people in 30 countries ... a respectable sample size. Here are trends that have emerged from Forget.me’s requests" - What Google is telling people who want to be forgotten – Quartz

Good intro on social logins and the end of the anonymous web
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"The notion that the world outside its homepage remains anonymous is increasingly untrue. Millions of internet users voluntarily give Facebook, Google, and others access to their movements across the web and on mobile when they use “social log in,” or the ability to sign in to a website using credentials from the big identity providers.... as mob…

Five data scraping tools
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"So if you too are just starting out with scraping, here are five of the most useful tools I’ve encountered while learning and working on my project." - Five data scraping tools for would-be data journalists | Knight Lab | Northwestern University

Picking the right Semantic APIs
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"These APIs will usually take text in the form of a file or URL, and ... identifies the topic of the text you submit, and/or finds “named entities” in the text.... include people, places, organizations, nations... Given that there are several APIs that offer similar services, how can we (and you) choose between them?" - Semantic APIs, what to co…

Transmedia in 5 (French) points
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"L'explosion du numérique et du transmédia a permis aux créateurs de développer leur univers et leur storytelling sur un grand nombre de supports. " - Comprendre le transmédia en 5 points | InaGlobal

Washington Post prints 'native' ads
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"When is a print advertorial a native ad? The Washington Post published an ad for Shell in Thursday’s print edition that it’s touting as its first native ad in print. Shell used the ad, which ran on A13, to tell readers about the work it’s doing to improve energy efficiency. A nearly identical version ran online." - The Washington Post takes its …

News startup's online community
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"Staff also emphasizes building relationships between readers and journalists... strengthen reader engagement by making writers, experts in their field, more visible to build a closer relationship between them and readers, and by encouraging readers to contribute with insights. (At De Correspondent, subscribers are “members” while comments are ref…

Say Ello, wave goodbye | neurope.eu

"With a joyous lack of irony, people complained that the Elio funding meant they would have ads and sell users data, meaning they shouldn’t be trusted. They complained on Facebook. The speed of which Ello gained traction, even when it was still in alpha showed that Facebook may be weaker than assumed... The main reason people use Facebook and Twi…

The Independent gets its BuzzFeed on
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" The Independent... on the hunt for digital growth ... taking a page out of the book of digital native publishers with high-metabolism, social media-optimized content with the newly launched i100, a site heavy on visuals that offers social media-oriented twists on the news, explainers and viral Web commentary. The result: stories like “Has the Ry…

British Newspapers Embrace Native Advertising
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"Following on the heels of the Guardian and Metro UK, News UK has developed a Creative Content Unit to focus on native advertising... We've entered a new world where lines are fuzzier. The ethics shouldn't be fuzzy... If you're straight up and disclose who you are and where you're coming from, readers are mature enough to determine whether it's s…

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