Is offending one audience justified to reach another?
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Here's a conundrum for you. And a probably quite dangerous post for me.

Is 'digital native' government possible?

An interview with Jim Bankoff, who just raised another raised $46.5 million in funding for Vox Media ("the fastest growing Web brand of 2014"), caught my eye.

Is primetime TV advertising the right way to connect citizens to the EU?
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Is primetime TV advertising the right way to connect citizens to the EU?

25 years later
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Chancellor Helmut Kohl in front of the Brandenburg Gate, 25 years after the launch a process that led to the reunification of much more than Germany

All stream, no memory, zero innovation
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Tackling corporate memory loss and innovation failure requires a different paradigm than that offered by social media.

Plus ça change ...
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An organisation which cannot remember cannot learn; an organisation which cannot learn cannot improve.

Participation Success Factors: a quick followup
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What happened when 60 odd people had a go at the Participation mindmap?

Venture-backed US media: over-funded & over here?

If you care about EU democracy you need to care about European media, particularly as the upcoming US media invasion gets underway. They'll be pushing on an open door when they get to Brussels.

Trading activity for meaning

Last year I decided to get Information Overload under control, setting up a GTD system with a DoIt-driven morning routine and Pocket, Diigo and IFTTT to queue, store and share useful stuff. I was all set. For what, I wasn't sure. But I was sure as hell organised. And then, a couple of days ago, an article on Aeon - What good is information? -…

From longform renaissance to Big Internet disenchantment (#B2B4ME part 2)

As I mentioned in my previous post, the past couple of years have seen a lot of innovation in online content strategy, coupled with growing disenchantment with "Big Internet".

#B2B4ME: Back to Blogging

B2B once meant 'Business to Business'. After the first online bubble popped, it became 'Back to Banking' (alongside its close cousin 'Back to Consulting'), as legions beat a retreat to the safety of corporate life. And now, perhaps, it means Back to Blogging, and apparently not just for me.

LinkedIn: Amateurish tools for professional blogging

LinkedIn lost my last post, so I expect that this will be my last post there. Apart from announcing that, the post also sets out some of the other problems I’ve discovered with LinkedIn’s attempt to become a blogging platform.I’m not predicting their failure - as my first post pointed out, the concept has huge inbuilt advantages. But any system wh…

Weekly Review 2: Innovation

Two Weekly Review posts on the subject of innovation.

Innovation: CMS, news media & personal productivity (TumblrHub last week, part 2)

Part 2 of my second weekly roundup, where the overriding theme is innovation.

Innovation: management and culture (TumblrHub last week, part 1)

'Innovation' threaded its way through a lot of the resources added to my TumblrHub last week: from innovation-friendly management through to innovative Content Management Systems for tomorrow's newsmedia business models and personal productivity tools.

Seriously considering integrating Overtask into my GTD system

At first glance, Overtask uses Chrome’s new tab page into a project or task management tool, depending on how granular you want to go. But in reality its approach makes it an excellent productivity enhancement:each task is managed via a tab, which stores all sites and pages associated  with that taskopening a task opens all the related sites for t…

Weekly review

“The top theme last week on my TumblrHub was content in its varied forms: content strategy, curation, audiovisual, storytelling, data journalism, user comments and more.” - first weekly review of this TumblrHub, posted on LinkedIn.

Blogging on LinkedIn, or Paying on Facebook? (Updated)

Since trying and half-rejecting Google+ and Tumblr, I've been accepted as a LinkedIn blogger. At least I never bothered with Facebook.

Get a process: Read before you Share!
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Latest post on my shiny new LinkedIn blog. Read it, and resolve to stand out of the herd ;)

Dialogue of the deaf: interpreting the election results (updated)

Over 70% of EU voters did not vote for the EU. Where now?

BloggingPortal, meet conTEXT

Recent conversations on how Apache Stanbol, an EC research project, could both support the BloggingPortal reboot and use it to expand its language coverage led me to conTEXT, which"... allows to semantically analyze text corpora (such as blogs, RSS/Atom feeds, Facebook, G+, Twitter or SlideWiki.org decks) and provides novel ways for browsing …

Getting started with LinkedIn blogging

My second post as an accredited LinkedIn blogger covers how to apply to the Platform, and provides a look at the blogging interface

So @LinkedIn blogs are public after all. Shame about the analytics

LinkedIn posts are open to the public, even those not in your LinkedIn network, so you end up with a public blog page, over which you have no control.

The social media manager is dead. Long live social media

The bandwagon effect about the plague of social media experts seems to be coming to a close, at least in corporate USA

our end goal isn’t telling you what just happened … it’s making sure you understand what just happened

Surprised that after a week this only has about 500 views. Vox.com should be one of the top tech-first news innovators to watch this year

Video: 8 things that don't work in my new Dell venue 11

When the keyboard loses its connection every few minutes, the screen flips upside down and you can’t enter anything into online form. Eventually they refunded me... after seeing this video.

BloggingPortal, meet Apache Stanbol

Well, plus ca change - absolutely none of the things some BloggingPortal editors said we'd do after our meeting in January have been done, apart from our own posts and what Stefan did, which is ironic given that he told us he had no time to do anything.

On 'blogging, content discovery and the EU public sphere'

This post started out as a comment to Blogging, content discovery and the European public sphere, Kosmopolito's post marking Bloggingportal's 5th birthday (all posts and more). However Kosmo, one of the old guard of EU bloggers (and currently jobhunting, btw) raised more than a couple of good questions, so my comment needed a larger home…

FactCheck EU or Grilling Kippers?

Original linkTonight I'll be toddling along to Grilling Kippers, a UKIP-focused anti-Eurosceptic campaign from deep within the Brussels Bubble.

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