INMA: New report points to native advertising opportunities, hurdles for newspaper media
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42% use editorial teams for native advertising... Yet 38% say the lack of separation of the editorial and commercial sides of the business is a threat

The Art of Science Communication: William Zinsser on How to Write Well About Science
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This principle of science writing... teaches the writer to lead the reader, step by step, from knowing nothing about a subject to understanding enough to grow enchanted with its broader significance.... Imagine science writing as an upside-down pyramid. Start at the bottom with the one fact a reader must know before he can learn any more. The sec…

Google: Our Assistant Will Trigger the Next Era of AI
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Fernando Pereira, who leads Google’s projects in natural language understanding, is less excited about his company’s shiny new devices than he is about what will happen when people use them... how can a machine truly understand phrases... machine learning; specifically... neural networks... use sophisticated algorithms and tons of data to train t…

Snap Inc. — The New Snapchat and What That Means for UX
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the next greatest advancement in casual technology and User Experience... a set of glasses known as Spectacles pair up with Snapchat via Wi-fi or Bluetooth ... and enable their users to record 10 seconds of video... in a circle with 115 degrees of view... mimic human vision, so users can record what they see and play it back as if it came from the…

Public consultation: have your say on Horizon 2020 - News Alert - Research & Innovation - European Commission

The European Commission has today launched a public stakeholder consultation which will feed into the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020... open until 15 January 2017

How to make a logo, for free, in about 5 minutes.
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After you read this, you should be able to throw together a logo without hiring a designer in about five minutes.

Facebook’s fake news problem won’t fix itself – Poynter
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Facebook seems incapable of rooting out hoaxes even after acknowledging they are clearly fake news... at least five different pages shared a story after Facebook acknowledged it was fake and were still able to reach tens of thousands of people through the social network. None of the posts carry any warning that the content is fake... BuzzFeed anal…

If you dream big, you can redefine the way we tell stories in the digital age – The Washington Post – Medium
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Raising Barriers... took readers to eight countries across three continents and examined the divisions between countries and peoples through interwoven words, video and sound... we used every multimedia tool in our arsenal. Here’s what we learned from the experience

Does it matter if Facebook is a tech company or a media company?
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The debate on whether Facebook is a media company or not is not new... My take: it matters how users perceive Facebook, not how others — Facebook insiders or not — define it.

How Fucked Up is Your Management?
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Score 1 “My management culture is fucked up” point for each of the following:... You know what costs a lot of time? When good people quit.... Defined levels and career paths take work to develop. But they’re a straightforward way to give people mastery goals and direction. Ever look at some company getting it right and think, “How did they hire …

Action Items in Google Docs

Google Docs now supports Action Items, a specialized sort of comment that is indicated by an @mention and leads to various new use cases.

Explainer, Elucidator, Enchanter: A Gradation of Great Writing – Brain Pickings
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hierarchy of good writing, particularly of good science writing... Explainers make information clear and comprehensible... Elucidators go beyond explanation and into illumination — they transmute information into understanding by ... integrating various bits of knowledge into a larger framework of comprehension... Enchanters do all of the above, b…

German Chatbot Startup Tries to Help Publishers Reach Larger Audiences
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Spectrm is one of the first ventures that allows publishers to create and manage so-called chatbots for delivering content to audiences over messaging platforms including Facebook Messenger, Slack and Telegram... niche articles, only available on certain publications, seem to be more popular than general news that’s widely available elsewhere... …

Trump’s Campaign Is Launching a Nightly News Show on Facebook | WIRED
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will stream Trump’s rallies directly each night and feature pre-and post-event commentary... a way for the campaign to circumvent the mainstream media ... says as much about Trump’s future in media as it does about Facebook’s.

Vlogging events: authenticity ex-Osmo
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I finally vlogged my first event. Some first impressions.

Introducing Journalism 360 : An Immersive News Initiative
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we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of journalists experimenting with immersive storytelling to tell important stories in new ways... Journalism 360, an initiative to build a network of journalists willing to tackle those challenges and share what they’re learning. With this effort, we’re looking to support experiments, provide training wor…

Media should rethink coverage in wake of Brexit vote
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voters feel let down by the BBC’s coverage being hampered by impartiality rules... we are entering, as the Americans seem to have entered, an era of identity politics where the politicians, the campaigners, are seeking by a process of nods and winks to let you know: ‘Hey, this is where you belong. Your people are here.’”

Text vs. World Trumps – Medium
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Decline of text in favour of videos means more Trumps and Berlusconis around the world... the internet which was the last word-centred public space after the decline of print journalism, is capitulating to the television format... public opinion in the age of television is more a set of “emotions rather than opinions, which would account for the …

You don’t have to be stupid to work here, but it helps | Aeon Essays
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How organisations enshrine collective stupidity and employees are rewarded for checking their brains at the office door... Smart young things joining the workforce soon discover that, although they have been selected for their intelligence, they are not expected to use it. ... After a few years of experience, they will find that the people who g…

A New Periscope.tv
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where curated broadcast channels shine and it’s easier than ever to search for live videos

Trends: Facebook Live & News Publishers | Facebook Media
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people comment 10 times more on Facebook Live videos than on regular videos... we wanted to highlight some of the recent trends and themes we’ve seen emerge... Local reporters often have devoted fans who are interested in viewing their authentic Facebook Live content. Certain news content resonates...

Speak, Memory
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When her best friend died, she rebuilt him using artificial intelligence... Memorial bots ... seemed both inevitable and dangerous. ... is it really what’s beneficial for us? Is it letting go, by forcing you to actually feel everything? Or is it just having a dead person in your attic? ... Today’s bots remain imperfect mimics ... Any suggestion …

Vlogging the EU Week of Regions & Cities

One of the vlogs I did at the EU Week of Regions & Cities with the winners of the #EUinmyRegion blogging competition I ran for the EC. All vlogs can be found in this Moment.

How to Stop drowning in your Inbox
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This updates both my earlier Taming the Firehose and Where is social media taking you in 2016? posts, and better aligns my productivity process with my personal content strategy.

FiveThirtyEight’s ‘Whiz Kid’ Harry Enten represents the new generation of political journalist - Columbia Journalism Review
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With its reliance on polling data over source cultivation and number crunching over narrative, FiveThirtyEight... is at the forefront of a shift in the way political journalism is practiced.... being an outsider, maybe you’re able to call B.S. a little easier. That’s a helpful role to have.... the site attracted nearly 10 million unique visitors …

Younger adults prefer to get their news in text, not video, according to new data from Pew Research » Nieman Journalism Lab

“So far, the growth around online video news seems to be largely driven by technology, platforms, and publishers rather than by strong consumer demand,”

The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence
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all of us, even highly intelligent people, are prone to irrationality. Across a wide range of scenarios, the experiments revealed, people tend to make decisions based on intuition rather than reason... those with a high I.Q. were, if anything, more prone to the conjunction fallacy... rationality, unlike intelligence, can be improved through traini…

With “vimages,” The Economist is using Facebook to make low-budget video versions of its stories » Nieman Journalism Lab

using Facebook to repackage some of its magazine stories into video form... takes advantage of a Facebook tool that lets publishers merge a series of photos into videos... kept things simple... roughly 30 seconds and rarely going beyond a few words, a chart, or a photo in each individual slide... take as little as two minutes

Creating A Powerful Content Marketing Framework

A content marketing framework... allows you to develop a process that can be duplicated... repeatable framework for any type of content to be better utilized... incorporate goal setting at the beginning... an understanding from goal setting to how you’re going to put that into a strategy ... Once you publish ... get feedback and optimize the conte…

Learning - Nautilus
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As we discover and build new learning systems, the biggest lessons may be about how we fit into the new landscape around us.

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