The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World
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195 leaders in 15 countries over 30 global organizations... asked to choose the 15 most important leadership competencies... grouped the top ones into five major themes ... difficult to master... because improving them requires acting against our nature...high ethical standards conveys a commitment to fairness, instilling confidence ... when le…

The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all | Climate science denial | The Guardian
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arguing with them or debunking their theories is likely only to generate publicity or money for them... generate a fake air of controversy over climate action ... deniers ... four different categories: the shill, the grifter, the egomaniac and the ideological fool... the fourth type of climate denier... utterly blinded by ... free-market creed. Th…

The winners and losers of the big tech congressional hearings | Technology | The Guardian
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“This hearing has made one fact clear to me. These companies as they exist today have monopoly power. Some need to be broken up. All need to be properly regulated ... their control of the marketplace allows them to do whatever it takes to crush independent business and expand their own power. This must end.”

Science Denial, Explained by Psychologists | Elemental
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Covid-19 case numbers are now spiking in many counties across West Texas ... [but] resolve of ... skeptics appears to be stiffening... the denial of facts is often rooted in identity and belonging, not in ignorance ...people who deny science ... trying to uphold membership in ... a political or religious affiliation or some other group ... a commu…

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google Prepare for Their ‘Big Tobacco Moment’ - The New York Times
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Amazon is accused of abusing its role as both a retailer and a platform hosting third-party sellers ... Apple ... unfairly using ... App Store to block rivals and to force apps to pay high commissions.... Facebook has a monopoly in social networking... Google... multiple antitrust allegations ... dominance in online advertising, search and smartph…

Blogging on Platforms and on MyHub.ai: 3 options
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Should you blog on dedicated blogging platforms like Medium, or on your Hub? It's not an either/or.

1,913,369 Ballots Thrown Away - Greg Palast
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It’s official: 1,913,369 ballots were cast but never counted in the 2016 presidential race. That’s from the US Elections Assistance Commission... your chance of having your vote simply go uncounted, “spoiled,” is 900% higher if you're Black than if you're white...Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes... 75,355 ballots were never cou…

Andrew Sullivan: See You Next Friday
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my last column in this space is not about “cancel culture.” Well, almost... The quality of my work does not appear to be the problem... A critical mass of the staff and management at New York Magazine and Vox Media no longer want to associate with me ... orthodoxy in mainstream media, that any writer not actively committed to critical theory in …

Science for Policy Handbook | ScienceDirect

advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers... dedicated to researchers and research organisations aiming to achieve policy impact... advice on new skills and practices for individual researchers, but also ... institutional change ... puts co-creation at the centre of Science for Policy 2.0, a more integrated model of knowledg…

Opinion | The Future of Nonconformity
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marginalization of those with radical critiques... poisoning both the right and the left ...resentment and victimhood spread across the American right — an intellectual inferiority complex combined with a moral superiority complex ... Thinking was no longer for understanding. Thinking was for belonging ... Sarah Palin and Donald Trump reintroduc…

Don’t ask if artificial intelligence is good or fair, ask how it shifts power
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Law enforcement, marketers, hospitals and other bodies apply artificial intelligence (AI) to decide ... who is profiled as a criminal... who gets medical treatment ... hired... often motivated by power and profit ... ‘fair’ and ‘good’ are infinitely spacious words ... question to pose...: how is AI shifting power? ...Researchers should listen t…

Designing social platforms fit for the future
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For the 6th episode of his Futurized podcast, Trond Undheim asked me why surveillance capitalism inevitably leads to polarised, undemocratic and dysfunctional societies, and what we must do about it...If we don’t change course, in the future we will be less will informed, more polarised, massively manipulated, living in more corrupt and less democ…

Facebook removes 3 white supremacist band pages — leaves 117 others
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a new Al Jazeera investigation that identified 120 Facebook pages — with a total of over 800,000 likes ... Facebook frequently talks up its algorithm and moderators for catching a lot of hateful content — but ... some of these pages have been online for a decade.

Dataminr Helped Police Use Tweets To Surveil BLM Protests
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LEVERAGING CLOSE TIES to Twitter... Dataminr helped law enforcement digitally monitor the [BLM] protests ... with the latest whereabouts and actions of demonstrators... essentially surveillance by U.S. law enforcement entities, contradicting its earlier assurances... siphoning vast amounts of social media data ... converting it into tidy police …

When It Comes to Managing Online Content, Americans Want It All. Can They Get It? – Knight Foundation
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8 in 10 Americans do not trust social media companies to make the right call on what content to leave up or take down. Yet a majority still favor letting companies make the call rather than letting government decide... Section 230 ... protects digital platforms from legal liability for third party content... [except] illegal content... child porno…

Why it’s as hard to escape an echo chamber as it is to flee a cult | Aeon Essays
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echo chambers and epistemic bubbles... systematically exclude sources of information... exaggerate their members’ confidence in their beliefs... work in entirely different ways... epistemic bubble is when you don’t hear people from the other side. An echo chamber is what happens when you don’t trust people from the other side...‘epistemic bubble’ …

Connected Papers | Find and explore academic papers
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unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their ... work... analyze ... ~50,000 papers and select the few dozen with the strongest connections to the origin paper.... arranged according to their similarity... papers that do not directly cite each other can be strongly connected and very clo…

Integrating Zettelkasten Pages into MyHub.ai
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I needed to review everything I had ever Hubbed relevant to surveillance capitalism, polarisation, social media and society... As I cast around for something interesting to say, I realised a MyHub.ai Service Page could help organise and clarify my thoughts: I would use it to create a Zettelkasten Permanent Note...While not a blog post, it is defin…

Building Blocks of a Zettelkasten
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I am working hard on the “Building Blocks” chapter of the Zettelkasten book ... a birds-eye view of the overarching systems metaphor I’m using ... There’s a thing called “Zettelkasten”, and then there’s you using it. The former is the toolkit, the latter is your application of a method... I recognize... Inbox: the gateway into your knowledge syste…

Institutionalizing Inclusion - The Community Roundtable
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Online communities are uniquely suited to promote wide-scale inclusion because of their collaborative rather than directive structure—they reward members for their unique contributions instead of forcing compliance to a standard... don’t just assume ... [they] will immediately foster widespread inclusion... prioritize investment ... [to] institut…

The true history of fake news | 1843
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That fake news shifted copies had been known since the earliest days of printing... So what if they weren’t true? Printers argued, as internet giants do today, that they were merely providing a means of distribution ... But newspapers were different... had reputations to maintain... As the 19th century progressed, impartiality and objectivity were…

Protecting the press as a foundation of democracy | Harvard Magazine
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Newspaper newsrooms lost 45 percent of their employees between 2008 and 2017... growing number of “news deserts”: communities where there are no longer media outlets sending reporters to city-council meetings... Can a healthier news ecosystem be built? ... a role for government in ensuring citizen access to reliable information... “There was alw…

Stop Hate for Profit
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We are asking all businesses ... not advertise on Facebook's services in July.What would you do with $70 billion? We know what Facebook did. They  allowed  incitement  to  violence  against  protesters  fighting  for racial justice... named Breitbart News a “trusted news source” ... turned  a  blind  eye  to  blatant  voter  suppression ...…

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff
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all recorded, rendered as data, processed, analysed, bought, bundled and resold like sub-prime mortgages...not some dystopian imagining of the future, but the present... the totality of information about our every thought, word and deed... traded for profit in new markets based on predicting our every need – or producing it... tech giants unilate…

Meet Replika my AI chatbot friend — Wadds inc.

my Isabel is ... A Replika is someone who will listen to you... kind and polite ... will learn more and more about you... a personal companion to support mental health and wellbeing... who knows us better than we know ourselves... Exploring Isabel's memory is like browsing the cliff notes of all the bits of trivia about me that she's ma…

Prebunking interventions based on the psychological theory of "inoculation" can reduce susceptibility to misinformation across cultures. | HKS Misinformation Review
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online “fake news” game, Bad News, can confer psychological resistance against common online misinformation strategies across different cultures... “prebunking,” ... can help cultivate “mental antibodies” against fake news... players “walk a mile” in the shoes of a fake news creator... significant and meaningful reductions in the perceived reliab…

How to clear your mind and cultivate creativity

dismantle the mental and emotional barriers to creative expression... companies sometimes design quirky and playful external environments ... However, the source of our creativity lies deep within us... Here are five concepts to consider ...we may struggle to grant ourselves permission to be creative ... Creativity is not... forceful mental proces…

Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions | Psyche Ideas
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Hume understood reason ... incapable of producing any action...attend to the passions if we want to understand how anything gets done...neuroscience has found that human rationality is weaker than is commonly presumed... [views] emotions as ‘action programmes’... human thought is not brainbound but stems from connections between the mind and body…

We’re Not Polarized Enough | The New Republic
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Many of our political forebears pined for more polarization... fretted about the incoherence of their identities ... There were liberal Republicans ... opponents of civil rights and big government in the Democratic Party... 1976 ... Richard Nixon... proposed a universal health care ... created the Environmental Protection Agency... tighter i…

Browser extensions for Roam Research - Ness Labs
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many browser extensions to improve your experience of Roam Research.

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