EU citizenship ‘in crisis’ due to remote officials - EU Ombudsman
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How nice to see the Brussels Bubble meme continue to spread ... ;) "In a damning indictment of efforts in Brussels to promote stronger public attachment to the EU through the European Year of Citizens 2013, Emily O’Reilly said the campaign was “not succeeding”. ... the new office holders needed to be courageous enough to address the union’s demo…

Checking out Tackk this evening
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Yet another tool. Sigh. Apparently: "Tackk allows anyone, to create anything, and share it anywhere. There is no software to download, no login required, nothing to join + no special design or development skills needed. In fact, those who have used Tackk, literally call it "ridiculously simple." And we agree. Simply visit the Tackk home page and…

When does government communications get its own "Demand Horizon"-style book?
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The forward of this book, by Brian Solis, made me want to substitute 'citizen' for 'consumer' and 'customer', and 'government' for 'business': "The future of customer engagement requires a more thoughtful and localized approach. Connected customers aren’t complacent, fickle or unfaithful, they’re focused on what’s important to them. As they’re al…

5 Reasons Millennials Are Quitting Facebook
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Reason 1: "To many, it just seems like noise. " They discover this only now?

Twitter + Storify = storytelling, by Billy Baker, Mathewi

Neat use of Twitter and Storify storytelling, used by 2 different people to tell the same underlying (and inspiring) story in different ways.

From task management to template process building: an idea for #bigdata application | Benchmarking e-government in web 2.0
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"I think companies such as Asana (which I love) will be the future of business consultancy. They will substitute the big consultancies leveraging big data, just like Coursera will displace traditional course providers by leveraging information on how people use training and using this information to design more effective training. Business consult…

2013: The Year 'the Stream' Crested - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic
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"The idea of the stream has become so dominant that it is easy to think it is the natural state of things in a networked media environment. "Of course we have the stream: this is the Internet after all." That's why it's so important to look back at 2009 (just 2009!) and remember that the stream is a creation of particular companies and thinkers. Y…

Flow | Solutions

"Flow provides a powerful and flexible technology that addresses a range of real-time information challenges"

Proof: why longform content rocks

One of the reasons I created this Tumblr was to use it as a 'first draft’ of a Content Hub (see post), an idea which crystallised after reading Sloan’s original content strategy piece on Stock and Flow.The Hub is basically my way of saying that there’s more to life than the Stream. Unsurprisingly, Alexis Madrigal’s piece in the Atlantic caugh…

If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating
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Today's online news environment is ideal for spreading bullshit. As someone like HuffPo's Washington bureau chief puts it: “If you throw something up without fact-checking it, and you’re the first one to put it up, and you get millions and millions of views, and later it’s proved false, you still got those views. That’s a problem. The incentive…

OECD Better Life Index
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Nice data visualisation: " This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life."

Ampp3d knows why you click on charts, images & memes

Data-driven storytelling, sharable journalism in a British skunkworks. What's not to like? From NiemanLab: "Data-driven storytelling and web-native, sharable journalism are two of the biggest trends in media at the moment. If you locked the two together in a room, Ampp3d might walk out the door ... As a news site, Ampp3d keeps its output fairly …

Branding Strategy Insider | Color Psychology In Marketing
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"What colors have you chosen for your marketing materials? What were your reasons for making that particular choice? Was it because you liked those particular colors, or did you have a particular marketing message in mind? While visual appeal is an important consideration, your color choices could be sending a specific message to the people who vi…

INFOGRAPHIC: Psychology of Color in Logo Design
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When designing a logo for your business, it's important to take into account the way people interpret color. It's the right time to ask, what kind of emotion do I want my brand to convey?

My Work | Bryan Braun
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Nice example of a hub, this site

Drupal is not a CMS
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"The disconnect is that Drupal is not a Content Management System (CMS), nor has it been one for some time. Drupal is a Content Management Framework (CMF), from which you can build a CMS tailored specifically for your needs." A good intro to where Drupal is now, a thoughtful exploration of the issues surrounding its development, and a necessary c…

Simulating EU negotiations with a live wargame
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"watch leading European politicians and experts carry out actual, real-time negotiations over the UK's relationship with the EU in a so-called war-game." Clever idea from Open Europe.

Content Marketing vs Content Strategy
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Most stuff on my TumblrHub tagged 'content strategy' are also tagged 'content marketing', so I've been pondering the distinction for a while. Quite like this take: "Content strategy is a field of practice useful for content as marketing and content as a product or service. In other words, the practice is distinct from the purpose."

Waltzing Matilda discovers themes & communities (at last)

Exactly 11 years (give or take a month) after we figured out how thematic architectures on EUROPA could support online conversations with what we called the 'interested general public', the EC rediscovers it all over again: "This would give us the opportunity to reach interested audiences, and create a space for real engagement. It also means shi…

Rise and Fall of Content Farm(ing)
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"Changes in Google’s search algorithms have twice hammered the young company in recent years, leaving its brands ... hemorrhaging traffic." Variety writes like this is a bad thing? Thank Google for rewarding quality.

"Having a convenient way of getting 3D models of everyday objects, users will now be able to copy real-world objects by scanning...

“Having a convenient way of getting 3D models of everyday objects, users will now be able to copy real-world objects by scanning a full 360 degree model of an object. The resulting 3D model can be used for visualization or augmented reality applications, or even be used for 3D printing, potentially at a remote location, effectively enabling …

Hashtag Europe: the Developers' Cut (Updated)

This video is aimed at developers interested in combining machine translation, automatic semantic analysis, human curation, faceted and federated search, and social media to create a machine-assisted multilingual longform content curation engine.

A brief history - and future - of the tag in Europe (updated)

Gratifyingly, the preview of the Hashtag Europe wireframes seemed to do the job, and allow people to understand just what this tool could do...

Five Free Infographic Templates
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"we’ve created five fully customizable infographic templates that will give you the inspiration and foundation you need to build your own infographics right in PowerPoint. "

Video: Creating a SEO strategy (with Webmaster Tools!)
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"Wondering how to begin creating an organic search strategy at your company? What’s a good way to integrate your company’s various online components, such as the website, blog, or YouTube channel? Perhaps we can help! In under fifteen minutes, I outline a strategic approach to SEO for a mock company, Webmaster Central, where I pretend to be the SE…

euro|topics - Concept
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" The euro|topics press review shows you which topics are moving Europeans and reflects the great variety of opinions, ideas and emotions on those issues. Whether the topic is politics, the economy, society or culture, euro|topics takes a daily look at the European press and cites the most important voices. Because the question that interests us i…

Turn your attention inward to produce the best social media results | Business | Blog | Holtz Communications + Technology
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" Engaging employees internally has a direct impact on how the company is perceived externally. While the term employee engagement (or any of its variations) don't appear in the report, it's clear that combining social media with good management practices produces more engaged employees who have a direct impact on how the outside world views the o…

Sharing fast and slow: The psychological connection between how we think and how we spread news on social media » Nieman Journalism Lab

"What drives sharing? It’s a mix of attention, emotion, and reaction. Here’s hard data on which news stories took off and which didn’t on social." - Nieman Journalism Lab

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